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This Django-based chatbot uses a neural network model to provide responses based on predefined intents. It tokenizes and stems user input, then predicts the appropriate response using a trained model. The chatbot aims to engage in interactive conversations with users on various topics.

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GMR HEALTH-CARE CHATBOT is an intelligent conversational AI model designed to provide health information, medical assistance, and appointment scheduling through a chat interface.

Technologies Used 🚀

  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript
  • Framework: Django
  • Libraries: nltk, numpy, torch
  • Model Architectures: RNN, BRNN, LSTM, BLSTM, Neural Net, BERT

Chatbot Operation 🤔

The chatbot operation involves natural language processing to understand user queries and provide appropriate responses. It supports various medical queries, health information retrieval, and appointment scheduling.

Chatbot Models 🤖

The project includes the implementation of various models for natural language processing:

  • RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)
  • BRNN (Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network)
  • LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory)
  • BLSTM (Bidirectional LSTM)
  • Neural Net
  • BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

How to Use 🚀

  1. Registration and Login:

    • Users can register for an account by providing their details.
    • After registration, users receive a confirmation email to activate their account.
    • Login using the registered credentials.
  2. Chatbot Interaction:

    • Access the chatbot interface on the home page.
    • Enter text in the chatbox to interact with the chatbot.
    • The chatbot provides responses based on the implemented models.
  3. Make Appointment:

    • Navigate to the "Contact" section to schedule appointments.
    • Fill in the required details, including Gmail ID, subject, and messages.
    • Submit the form to request an appointment.

Project Structure 📁

The project structure includes Django views for user registration, login, chatbot interaction, and appointment scheduling.

  • Contains functions for user registration, login, chatbot interaction, and appointment scheduling.
  • Token generation for user activation.
  • email_confirmation.html: Email template for account activation.
  • sent.html: Confirmation page after submitting an appointment request.

Dependencies 🌟

Ensure that the necessary Python libraries and frameworks are installed before running the project. Use the following command to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Contact Information📬

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact the project creator:

Name: Kiran Email:


Special thanks to the developers and contributors of the libraries, frameworks, and models used in this project. The success of GMR HEALTH-CARE CHATBOT is attributed to the vibrant open-source community.

Feel free to contribute, provide feedback, or report issues to enhance the capabilities of the chatbot.

👨‍💻 Happy Coding!


This Django-based chatbot uses a neural network model to provide responses based on predefined intents. It tokenizes and stems user input, then predicts the appropriate response using a trained model. The chatbot aims to engage in interactive conversations with users on various topics.






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