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I see, my apologies for the confusion. Let's clarify the description for KF_Application in the context of the KeysFortress architecture.


KF_Application serves as the business layer within the KeysFortress architecture, encapsulating the application-specific logic and use cases. This submodule, injected as a part of both KeysFortress Mobile and KeysFortress Desktop repositories, is responsible for orchestrating interactions between the user interface (UI) and the core business logic.


The primary purpose of KF_Application is to house the application-specific use cases and business logic. It acts as an intermediary layer between the user interface (handled by KF_Presentation) and the core business entities and rules (managed by KF_Domain). This structure ensures a clear separation of concerns, making the application more modular, testable, and maintainable.

Key Features

1. Use Case Implementation

KF_Application implements use cases that are specific to the KeysFortress application. These use cases define the unique functionalities and interactions that the application offers to its users.

2. Business Logic

The submodule houses the application-specific business logic that governs how data is processed, validated, and transformed based on user inputs and external events.

3. Interactions with UI

KF_Application facilitates the communication between the user interface components (managed by KF_Presentation) and the underlying business logic, ensuring a smooth flow of information and actions.


Contributions to enhance and extend application-specific use cases and business logic are encouraged. If you identify opportunities for improvement, new features, or optimizations, consider submitting a pull request to strengthen the application layer of KeysFortress.


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