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Supply Chain Management using Hyperledger Fabric


Frontend is implemented using MERN stack. Frontend is running on port 3000 and connect with Hyperledger Fabric Backend which is running on port 4000


  1. Account Creation
  2. Product Creation
  3. Product Update
  4. Product Order Request
  5. Order Accept
  6. Ship the Product
  7. Deliver Product
  8. Product Information Tracking
  9. Product Transaction History

Getting Started


  • Clone the repository
    $ git clone
    $ cd supply-chain-management

Backend Setup

Go to backend/test-network directory

Before running ./, Give permission to by running this command:

chmod +x

Run this command for create the backend network structure:

./ will destroy the existing network first and then up the required network and create channel with ca for two organizations and deploy the chaincode.

After that, go to the backend/asset-transfer-basic/application-javascript:

Check node verison using this command:

node -v

If node.js version is less that 14., you will have to upgrade the node.js version to over 14. Recommended version is 16.. After upgrading the node.

Run this command to install required dependencies to run the backend fabric api:

npm i

Finally run this command to start the backend server:

npm start

Now your backend server is up and running on port 4000.

Frontend Setup

  • Go to frontend directory:

    $ cd supply-chain-management/frontend
  • Install Additional Depencies using this command.

    $ npm i
  • Start the frontend server

      $ npm start

    Frontend server is now up and running on port 3000.

Final Step

Now you can access the supply chain management web application from port 3000.
