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Releases: KiameV/rimworld-changedresser

[1.3] Change Dresser

06 Jul 19:34
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Last Update: Dec 30, 2021

ModSync RW Version:

RimWorld Versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

[1.2] Change Dresser

28 Feb 06:02
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Last Update: Oct 5, 2020

ModSync RW Version:

RimWorld Versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

[1.0] Change Dresser

18 Oct 03:56
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Last Update: Jan 5, 2020

ModSync RW Version:

B18 Change Dresser BETA

14 May 05:45
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Last Update: June 24, 2018

This is a BETA version of Change Dresser and is not save game compatible with the previous version. If you want to use this version you will need to start a new game.

B18: Change Dresser

26 May 10:25
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Last Update: June 6, 2018

[A17] Change Dresser Beta

17 Sep 05:42
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This is a Beta version of Change Dresser. I have re-written the storage / drafting part and since it is not compatible with saves using the previous version of Change Dresser, I am making this release.

Consider this the new and future (A18+) Change Dresser.

The main difference is apparel is no longer directly associated with a pawn, instead pawns are assigned 'Outfits'. If a pawn has more than one non-combat outfit assigned, when they are not drafted, they can freely switch between the outfits. When they switch, the apparel that will be used will be pulled from selected ChangeDressers and put on the pawn. All apparel worn previously will go into Change Dresser that can hold them (using the Storage Filters).

Same goes for Drafted pawns and when pawns are toggled from Drafted and not Drafted.

The pawn Mina has outfits Everything, Worker, Light Armor Range, Heavy Armor Melee.
Everything and Worker are civilian outfits (non-combat)
Light Armor Range and Heavy Armor Melee are combat outfits

When Mina is not drafted, she can change from Everything and Worker.
When Mina is drafted, she will change to the last combat outfit she was wearing - we'll say Light Armor Range in this case. She can then switch to Heavy Armor Melee and back to Light Armor Range as needed.
When Mina is done in combat or is incapacitated/killed she will switch back to the last civilian outfit she was wearing.

Other notes:
-For outfit switching, the dressers from which you want the clothing drawn much be selected from the Assign Outfits dialog window (click on the dresser and the button will be at the bottom (see screenshot)).
-When a pawn changes their apparels' colors, the colors will persist when they switch outfits for the pieces dyed.
--Example: Mina dyes her hat blue and her shirt yellow. In the future, her hats will be blue and shirts will be yellow until she changes the color.
-It's first come first serve when it comes to apparel. If multiple pawns are assigned to the same outfit - like Heavy Armor Melee - the first pawn gets the best gear, the next pawn the next best, etc. If a pawn can't find any pieces for, say, their head, they will not be wearing a head-piece. Make sure there's enough armor to go around!
-If a pawn is wearing clothing that no dresser will take - due to filters - the worn clothing will be dropped on the ground
-If a pawn changes outfits and no dresser has clothing that matches the needed apparel - either due to filters, no apparel of the matching type irretrievable, or no dressers selected to be used - the pawn will not receive apparel for that slot. Worst case is they will end up naked
-More to come as i remember/think of them

This is a large change to how Change Dresser works and I would like feedback!

Again, this is NOT compatible with the other version of Change Dresser. Only have one Change Dresser Mod version active at a time and only use in a new game.

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Ludeon Thread:

Thank you translators!
Vaniat - Chinese Simplified and Traditional
Proxyer - Japanese
Ɲơɴɑɱɛ - German
Gidreess - Russian
Boundir - French

[A17] Change Dresser

10 Aug 05:40
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Hats are now hidden while a pawn is using the Change Dresser or Change Mirror.

Added new color picker sliders for RGB+HSL. Since this is not as user friendly it's disabled by default. To turn it on go to Mod Settings->Change Dresser and check "Use RGB + HSL Sliders".

[A17] Change Dresser

08 Aug 22:45
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Male hair that is shared between both genders should now be listed.

Added a new way to select hair using a list of hairs. Mouse over to see the preview. Click to select.
To revert back to the old way with the <- [Selection] -> there's a Mod Setting to change back.

[A16] ChangeDresser

23 May 20:40
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Added Japanese translation.
Thanks Proxyer!

This is for RimWorld A16