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k-mer based analysis for paralog specific copy number estimation

To compile the software, clone the repository, move the QuicK-mer2 directory and type make.

You may receive some warnings. This will create an executable named quicKmer2.

The QuicK-mer2 directory needs to be in your path so that the correction script can find required utilities. You can add the directory to your path temporarily using

export PATH=$PWD:$PATH

to permanently add it, follow the recommendations for installing software and updating user PATH on your system.

For more information please see our paper.

If you use QuicK-mer2 please cite our paper:

Rapid, Paralog-Sensitive CNV Analysis of 2457 Human Genomes Using QuicK-mer2. Shen F, Kidd JM.
Genes. 2020 Jan 29;11(2). pii: E141. doi:10.3390/genes11020141. PMID: 32013076

If you are interested in generating copy-number estimates based on multi-mapping reads, consider fastCN, accessible at:


The basic functionality of quickMer2 is described by executing the program with no options.

Operation modes: 
	index	Index a bed format kmer list
	count	CNV estimate from library
	search	Search K-kmer in genome
	est	GC normalization into copy number
	sparse	Fractionate indexed kmer for memory reduction or regenerate GC control/Window

Simple operation:
1. Construct a dictionary from fasta using "search"
2. Count depth from sample fasta/fastq "count"
3. Estimate copy number with "est"

The typical flow is to first create a set of unique k-mers from a genome reference fasta sequence using the search command. The search command has several options.

./quicKmer2 search

quicKmer2 search [Options] ref.fa

-h		Show this help information
-k [num]	Size of K-mer. Must be between 3-32. Default 30
-t [num]	Number of threads for edit distance search
-s [num]	Size of hash dictionary. Can use suffix G,M,K
-e [num]	Edit distance search. 0, 1 or 2
-d [num]	Edit distance depth threshold to keep. 1..255, Default 100
-w [num]	Output window definition size. Default 1000
-c [filename]	Input bedfile for GC control regions

The -c option specifies a bedfile of regions that are not expected to be copy-number variable across the analyzed samples. Sex chromosomes, unplaced chromosome sequences, known segmental duplications and known copy-number variants should be excluded. Exclusion files and be converted to inclusion files using appropriate bedtools commands. Note that sufficient memory for tabulating kmers must be available. Threads are used for searching for additional hits within an edit distance of 1 or 2 substituions. Multiple threads greatly speedup this process.

Next, the occurrences of each k-mer are tabulated in a set of sequence reads using the count command.

./quicKmer2 count -h

quicKmer2 count [Options] ref.fa[a/q] Out_prefix

-h		Show this help information
-t [num]	Number of threads

To process from an aligned BAM file, a typical command would be:

samtools view -F 3840 PATH/TO/BAM/FILE | awk '{print ">\n"$10}' | 
QuicK-mer2/quicKmer2 count -t NUMTHREADS GENOME/REF/FASTA.fa /dev/fd/0 OUTPUT/DIR/SAMPLE_NAME

For CRAM files, you made need to include the genome reference file (using samtools -T). CRAM processing speed can be increased using the --input-fmt-option required_fields=0x202 option. Good performance gains are typically found with use of up 6 threads. Sufficient memory to load the k-mer database is required. Input read sequences are processed as a stream.

Finally, the count values are corrected for local GC content, converted to copy-number estimates, and output in windows along the genome.

./quicKmer2 est -h
GC control file missing.
quicKmer2 est ref.fa sample_prefix output.bed
	ref.fa		Prefix to genome reference. Program requires .qgc and .bed definition
	sample_prefix	Prefix to sample.bin
	output.bed	Output bedfile for copy number

No options available

An example command is:



We have written a tutorial that provides instructions for analyzing a sample from the 1000 Genomes Project and also includes sample output results. Please check out the tutorial for step by step instructions. Sample output can be found in tutorial-sample-results/

Updates and Bug fixes

2021-8-03: Update for long reads
Running quicKmer2 on HiFi data involves lines in fastq files that are longer than the buffer used by quicKmer2 for processing data. To fix this the line buffer length has been increased to 100k characters. This should work for most data sets and has a negligible impact on processing speed.

2021-04-28: Fixed off by one error in quicKmer2 est that effects results for small window sizes