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Make that URL short!

How to use

We use make to try and keep things consistent. We try to follow the three-musketeers pattern, too.

To run the project locally to use it, just run make run. If you want to force a rebuild of the docker images used and then run the project, run make run-rebuild, or, you can just use make build to build the Dockerfile.

When running, check the output from the short service. By default, it is setup to be available on port 6380. You should be able to access the Swagger output on http://localhost:6380/swagger/index.html.

Local Development


Short uses Redis, both for local development and when deployed. To run redis for local development, use the command make redis. By default it is configured to be available on port 6379, under localhost.


To run the projects unit tests, run the command make test. You'll have test output in your terminal.


Short currently uses RedisDB to cache the generated url, with the original url as the key.

The current implementation does not guarantee the shortened url is unique. Current temptation is to keep this con, for the sake of ease and comedy.