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Kinetex xSwap

Kinetex xSwap smart contracts for audit


xSwap protocol is an aggregation protocol that allows users to perform cross-chain swaps without a need from them to do actions manually in non-initial chain.

The protocol defines swap structure, that describes a cross-chain swap operation. Swap consists of steps, each of them represents:

  • a contract call on a certain chain with asset input and output validation (usually an aggregated call to a bunch of DEX'es)
  • a bunch of uses of the output assets (most common uses include: gas payment to a relayer, bridge contract call, asset transfer to address)

The swap data is validated and signed by user. The signature allows to call swap operation steps by an arbitrary executor securely. The protocol also allows manual call of a swap step by user with no signature providing needed.

There is a stealth variant of the swap, where user signs a swap structure that contains only an array of step hashes. The actual content of a step is revealed at the execution time.

To achieve mentioned cross-chain automation, bridged funds that require additional manipulations in other chain are received to so-called "delegates". These mini-contracts provide access for xSwap protocol without needing approval for each token/chain from user, while still allowing their owner to withdraw funds manually at any time.

The next sections describe xSwap protocol contract files in more detail. There are two main categories of the contracts: core and protocols.


Core contracts are essential parts of the xSwap protocol.


Main xSwap protocol contract. Inherits Swapper functionality. Allows funds withdraw from its balance by whitelisted accounts. Defines life control logic of the protocol.

The constructor accepts params structure, that contains addresses of auxiliary contracts:

  • swapSignatureValidator - address of SwapSignatureValidator contract
  • permitResolverWhitelist - address of AccountWhitelist contract containing addresses of permit resolver contracts
  • useProtocolWhitelist - address of AccountWhitelist contract containing addresses of xSwap protocol contracts
  • delegateManager - address of DelegateManager contract
  • withdrawWhitelist - address of AccountWhitelist contract containing accounts allowed to withdraw from XSwap
  • lifeControl - address of LifeControl contract


Default permit resolver. Transforms permit params and signature to allowance of caller according to the EIP-2612 standard.

Inherits SignatureDecomposer to use its helper methods. Defines resolvePermit method that accepts permit parameters and resolves permit into msg.sender allowance.


PermitResolver-compatible contract for DAI token implementation of permit.


PermitResolver-compatible contract for permit via Uniswap's Permit2.


Helper contract for work with signature components (r, s, v) in permit resolvers.


Helper contract inheriting which allows the contract to receive network's native coin.


Helper contract which adds returnUnclaimedNative(claimer) modifier to return network's native coin unclaimed by claimer (NativeClaimer) on method exit.


Helpers that unify interaction with assets (tokens/native): transfer, balance check, claim/approve/revoke by contract. The library includes:

  • NATIVE_TOKEN - network's native coin representation of the xSwap protocol
  • isNative(token) - returns true if token represents native coin
  • balanceOf(token, owner, claimer) - returns token balance of owner
  • balanceOfThis(token, claimer) - same as balanceOf with owner being address(this)
  • transferToThis(token, from, amount, claimer) - transfers amount of token from from address to address(this). Native coin can only be claimed from msg.value (the remaining claimable balance is tracked by NativeClaimer)
  • transferFromThis(token, to, amount) - transfers amount of token from address(this) to to
  • approveOfThis(token, spender, amount) - approves amount of address(this)-owned token to spender
  • revokeOfThis(token, spender) - revokes approve of address(this)-owned token from spender


Helper to count how much native funds received via msg.value were consumed. Unconsumed funds are returned with NativeReturnMods's modifier. Members:

  • claimed(claimer) - amount of msg.value that has been claimed
  • unclaimed(claimer) - amount of msg.value that is available to claim
  • claim(claimer, amount) - adds amount to the claimed msg.value counter. Ensures the amount doesn't exceed available unclaimed amount


Helpers to check token limits like min/max amount. Includes:

  • checkMin(check, amount) - validates amount to be greater or equal check.min. Returns check.max-capped amount
  • checkMinMax(check, amount) - validates amount to be greater or equal check.min and less or equal check.max
  • checkMinMaxToken(check, amount, token) - validates amount to be greater or equal check.min and less or equal check.max and and token to be equal check.token


Delegate is a mini-contract that can receive token/native assets and provides access to them for owner and creator (i.e. DelegateManager). Each delegate is individual per user account. Address of a delegate contract is deterministic and can be predicted prior the deployment of it. To reduce size of contract, it's deployed as minimal proxy (EIP-1167) of the original delegate contract.

Delegate inherits SimpleInitializable, Ownable (OpenZeppelin), Withdrawable, and NativeReceiver. The contract defines withdraw check to allow be performed by its owner only. Also defines setOwner(newOwner) that can only be called by the initializer.


Delegate contract manager. Responsible for deterministic deployment of the Delegate contracts and providing withdraw access for whitelisted accounts. The whitelist is expected to contain the XSwap main contract only.

The constructor accepts addresses of auxiliary contracts:

  • delegatePrototype - address of Delegate contract to deploy by cloning
  • withdrawWhitelist - address of AccountWhitelist contract containing accounts that are allowed to withdraw from delegates

The following methods are provided by DelegateManager:

  • predictDelegateDeploy(account) - returns predicted address of Delegate contract that will be deployed for given account
  • deployDelegate(account) - deploys Delegate for account by cloning delegatePrototype. Setups account as the delegate owner
  • isDelegateDeployed(account) - returns true if delegate has been already deployed for the account
  • withdraw(account, withdraws) - performs withdraws from the delegate of account if caller is in the withdrawWhitelist. The delegate deployment must be ensured prior the call


Contract that implements logic of controlling contract's life state: pausing, unpausing, and termination. The controlled contract holds the address of the controller and ensures value of the paused() is false before executing an action.

Inherits Ownable (OpenZeppelin), Pausable (OpenZeppelin). Provides:

  • pause() - transits controller to paused state (owner only)
  • unpause() - transits controller to unpaused state (owner only)
  • terminate() - locks controller in paused state forever (owner only)
  • terminated() - returns true if the termination has been applied to controller


In-memory mapping of account (address) to count (uint256). Has pre-defined max size and uses array of that size as backend. Besides get/set methods, provides additional math helpers for adding/subtracting counts. List of methods:

  • create(maxSize) - creates new instance of AccountCounter with max size limited to maxSize. The instance doesn't contain any elements (size is 0)
  • size(counter) - returns number of elements in the counter
  • indexOf(counter, account, insert) - searches (with O(N) complexity) for account element in the counter and returns index of found element (which allows O(1) access to the element later). If insert is true, the element is added if the account record doesn't exist. Otherwise null index is returned. If inserting an element exceeds maxSize - error is raised
  • indexOf(counter, account) - overload of indexOf(counter, account, insert) with insert parameter set to true
  • isNullIndex(index) - returns true if given index is null
  • accountAt(counter, index) - returns account at index in counter
  • get(counter, account) - returns count in counter for account (O(N))
  • getAt(counter, index) - returns count in counter for index (O(1))
  • set(counter, account, count) - sets count in counter to count for account (O(N))
  • setAt(counter, index, count) - sets count in counter to count for index (O(1))
  • add(counter, account, count) - increases count in counter by count for account (O(N)) and returns new count value
  • addAt(counter, index, count) - increases count in counter by count for index (O(1)) and returns new count value
  • sub(counter, account, count) - decreases count in counter by count for account (O(N)) and returns new count value
  • subAt(counter, index, count) - decreases count in counter by count for index (O(1)) and returns new count value


Abstract contract that supports initialization as an extra step. Helpful when contract constructor cannot be invoked (example - minimal proxy). Protected from double-initialization. Remembers initializer account address. Public methods:

  • initializer() - returns address of initializer
  • initialized() - returns true if initialize() has been called
  • initialize() - initializes contract. Can only be called once. Sets msg.sender as initializer. Invokes a virtual method that is a subject to override for inheritor

Value origins:

  • 0x4c943a984a6327bfee4b36cd148236ae13d07c9a3fe7f9857f4809df3e826db1 is bytes32(uint256(keccak256("xSwap.v2.SimpleInitializable._initializer")) - 1)


Owned list of account addresses. Accounts can be added/removed by owner. An arbitrary account can be checked for existence in the list. Provides method for getting list of all whitelisted accounts.

Inherits Ownable (OpenZeppelin), SimpleInitializable. Defines:

  • getWhitelistedAccounts() - returns list of accounts in the whitelist
  • isAccountWhitelisted(account)- returns true if the account is included to the whitelist
  • addAccountToWhitelist(account) - adds account to the whitelist (owner only)
  • removeAccountFromWhitelist(account) - removes account from the whitelist (owner only)


Abstract contract that provides token/native withdraw functionality from its address. The permission logic is defined by contract that inherits it. Methods:

  • withdraw(withdraws) - performs withdraws operations, i.e. for each withdraw sends specified withdraw.amount of withdraw.token to address from address(this)


Abstract contract that provides Withdrawable functionality with a check if msg.sender is in a special account whitelist prior.

The constructor accepts withdrawWhitelist - address of AccountWhitelist contract to restrict list of allowed withdrawers to.


Contract responsible for swapping flow. Includes parameters validation, the on-chain call with output validation, and use protocol calls.

The constructor accepts addresses of auxiliary contracts:

  • swapSignatureValidator - address of SwapSignatureValidator contract
  • permitResolverWhitelist - address of AccountWhitelist contract containing addresses of permit resolver contracts
  • useProtocolWhitelist - address of AccountWhitelist contract containing addresses of xSwap protocol contracts
  • delegateManager - address of DelegateManager contract

The contract exposes swap method in two variants: swap(SwapParams params) and swapStealth(StealthSwapParams params). Both methods work similarly. The difference is in the initial signature validation flow by the swapSignatureValidator contract.

After signature is validated, _performSwapStep is called. It first validates step deadline, chain, swapper contract, nonce. After that it resolves permits with _usePermits proceeding with _performCall and _performUses.

The _performCall firstly transfers assets as defined by the swap structure. There are two main flows (selected based on the sponsor value):

  • claim by approve (or msg.value in case of native coin)
  • claim from delegate contract (deploying it if necessary)

Once assets are claimed, on-chain call to a contract is performed. This contract's goal is to provide output assets as defined by the signed swap structure (consuming the input assets). The output assets come to the Swapper contract, that validates its balance deltas.

Once output assets are received, the _performUses is executed. This method calls the use protocols according to the swap structure. It validates that swap protocols are whitelisted in useProtocolWhitelist contract.


Defines swap-related data structures shared across multiple files:

  • TokenCheck - token check structure that allows to validate token address and min/max amounts
  • TokenUse - specifies one use protocol call. Includes protocol address, chain, account, and args (interpretation depend on protocol), as well as list of expected inputs (inIndices - index references to outs of SwapStep) and outputs outs
  • SwapStep - describes swap sub-operation on a certain chain. Must be performed by swapper contract. Specifies on-chain call inputs & outputs (ins, sponsor, outs) and protocol uses. Also includes user nonce and deadline for security
  • Swap - describes swap operation. Its account plus first step's chain and swapper values are used for the signature validation
  • StealthSwap - describes stealth variant of swap operation. Note that besides step hashes, it exposes chain, swapper, and account of the first step to make the signature validation possible
  • UseParams - parameters structure of IUseProtocol.use method
  • IUseProtocol - interface that each xSwap protocol must implement


Contract responsible for swap signature validation. Performs swap data hashing according to EIP-712 and checks provided signature for validity against computed hash. Provides the following public interface:

  • validateSwapSignature(swap, swapSignature) - validates that swapSignature is a valid signature of swap (Swap structure). Raises otherwise
  • validateStealthSwapStepSignature(swapStep, stealthSwap, stealthSwapSignature) - validates that stealthSwapSignature is a valid signature of stealthSwap (StealthSwap structure) and that swapStep belongs stealthSwap. Returns index of swapStep when valid. Raises otherwise
  • findStealthSwapStepIndex(swapStep, stealthSwap) - returns index of swapStep in stealthSwap. Raises if no match found

Note that SwapSignatureValidator contract uses custom EIP-712 structure hashing implementation rather than EIP712 contract of OpenZeppelin's library. This implementation allows to use arbitrary chainId and verifyingContract in order to provide user an ability to sign swap structure in initial chain and for the contract to validate it in this and other chains without abandoning EIP-712 usage. The chainId and verifyingContract values are validated for each individual step inside Swapper contract (as chain and swapper respectively).

Value origins:

  • 0x8b73c3c69bb8fe3d512ecc4cf759cc79239f7b179b0ffacaa9a75d522b39400f is keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)")
  • 0x759f8d0a6b014b7601ff701e703719d70a717971c25deb97628336c51d9e7d86 is keccak256("xSwap")
  • 0xc89efdaa54c0f20c7adf612882df0950f5a951637e0307cdcb4c672f298b8bc6 is keccak256("1")
  • 0x09b148e744e0e1801943dd449b1fa4d29b7172ff190d22f95b1bb7e5df52e37d is keccak256("Swap(address account,SwapStep[] steps)SwapStep(uint256 chain,address swapper,address sponsor,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline,TokenCheck[] ins,TokenCheck[] outs,TokenUse[] uses)TokenCheck(address token,uint256 minAmount,uint256 maxAmount)TokenUse(address protocol,uint256 chain,address account,uint256[] inIndices,TokenCheck[] outs,bytes args)")
  • 0x5302e49a52f1122ff531999c0f7afcb4d2bfefa7562dfefbdb7ed114d495ea6a is keccak256("SwapStep(uint256 chain,address swapper,address sponsor,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline,TokenCheck[] ins,TokenCheck[] outs,TokenUse[] uses)TokenCheck(address token,uint256 minAmount,uint256 maxAmount)TokenUse(address protocol,uint256 chain,address account,uint256[] inIndices,TokenCheck[] outs,bytes args)")
  • 0x382391664c9ae06333b02668b6d763ab547bd70c71636e236fdafaacf1e55bdd is keccak256("TokenCheck(address token,uint256 minAmount,uint256 maxAmount)")
  • 0x192f17c5e66907915b200bca0d866184770ff7faf25a0b4ccd2ef26ebd21725a is keccak256("TokenUse(address protocol,uint256 chain,address account,uint256[] inIndices,TokenCheck[] outs,bytes args)TokenCheck(address token,uint256 minAmount,uint256 maxAmount)")
  • 0x0f2b1c8dae54aa1b96d626d678ec60a7c6d113b80ccaf635737a6f003d1cbaf5 is keccak256("StealthSwap(uint256 chain,address swapper,address account,bytes32[] stepHashes)")


Contracts built for use by the xSwap protocol in specific use-cases. Each protocol implements IUseProtocol interface defined in contracts/core/swap/Swap.sol.


Simple asset transfer protocol. Transfers specified asset to the account in the current network. Exactly one input & one output with all field content matching. No extra args.


Bridge hop wrapper protocol for cBridge. Exactly one input & one output. The slippage value is calculated from output min/max. The account param serves as receiver in destination network specified by the chain. In v2 an ability to override min/max slippage deduction via args was introduced.

The constructor accepts cBridge contract address and withdrawWhitelist. The withdraw whitelist allows withdraw by certain accounts from the CBridgeV2 contract.


Bridge hop wrapper for Hyphen. Exactly one input & one output. The slippage value is calculated from output min/max. The account serves as receiver in destination network specified by the chain. No extra args.

The constructor accepts hyphen contract address and withdrawWhitelist. The withdraw whitelist allows withdraw by certain accounts from the Hyphen contract.


Defines interface that must be implemented by an automation gas vendor protocol.


IGasVendor implementation that is compatible with XRelay contract. The contract injects the following fee info to message data (encoded with abi.encode):

  • collector address to send native coin to (address type)
  • minimum amount to send to collector (uint256 type)


Vendor-based gas payment protocol. Bound to one IGasVendor-compatible contract. Gets fee details from the vendor, validates amount, and sends it to the fee collector. Accepts one input and one dummy output (see explanation below). The caller must match specified account. Chain ID must match current chain. No extra args.

The v2 was introduced to fix an issue w/ some wallets failing to sign typed data if a value that is being signed contains an empty array of structures. The previous version had zero outputs, now we add one dummy output.


This project uses the following stack:

  • Language: Solidity v0.8.16
  • Framework: Hardhat
  • Node.js: v18
  • Yarn: v1.22

Setup Environment

  1. Ensure you have relevant Node.js version. For NVM: nvm use

  2. Install dependencies: yarn install

  3. Setup environment variables:

    • Clone variables example file: cp .env.example .env
    • Edit .env according to your needs


Below is the list of commands executed via yarn with their descriptions:

Command Alias Description
yarn hardhat yarn h Call hardhat CLI
yarn build yarn b Compile contracts (puts to artifacts folder)


The primary license for Kinetex xSwap is the Business Source License 1.1 (BUSL-1.1), see LICENSE. However, some files are dual licensed under GPL-2.0-or-later:

  • Several files in contracts/ may also be licensed under GPL-2.0-or-later (as indicated in their SPDX headers), see LICENSE_GPL2

Other Exceptions

  • All @openzeppelin library files are licensed under MIT (as indicated in its SPDX header), see LICENSE_MIT


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