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cartage-bundler by Kinetic Cafe



continuous integration

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cartage-bundler is a plug-in for cartage that uses Ruby Bundler to install application dependencies into the vendor/bundle path to allow for clean deployments in environments with strict access control rules and without requiring development tools on production servers.

Cartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a server-side application that can be used in deployment with a configuration tool like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, or Salt.

Synopsis & Configuration

cartage-bundler is a :vendor_dependencies plug-in which will fetch the current version of Bundler and perform a bundle install if a Gemfile is found.

gem fetch bundler
bundle install --deployment --clean --jobs=4 --without development test

This can be configured in the plugins.bundler section of the Cartage configuration file.

After bundle install is complete, the post_bundle_install feature will be requested if any other plug-ins offer it.

    disabled: false
    gemfile: Gemfile
    jobs: 4
      - development
      - test
    extra_without_groups: []

As with all Cartage plug-ins, cartage-bundler can be disabled explicitly by setting disabled to true. The other settings are as follows:


Provides an alternate name and/or path to the Bundler gemfile. The gemfile option specifies a path relative to the package work path, ending in the name of the gemfile.

gemfile: jruby.gemfile
gemfile: jruby/Gemfile

Provides the number of parallel execution streams.

jobs: 2
jobs: 8

An array of the gem groups that should be excluded from installation. If not provided, excludes the development and test groups. Provide an empty array to include all groups. A specified array for without_groups replaces the default array, so the default groups must be provided in addition to the new groups when using this configuration option.

without_groups: [] # All groups will be installed.
without_groups: # All groups except development, test, and assets.
  - development
  - test
  - assets

An array of additional gem groups that should be excluded from installation. This adds to the default list of without_groups (groups development and test).

# All groups except development, test, and assets.
  - assets


Add cartage-bundler to your Gemfile:

gem 'cartage-bundler', '~> 1.0'

Or manually install:

% gem install cartage-bundler

cartage-bundler Semantic Versioning

cartage-bundler uses a Semantic Versioning scheme with one change:

  • When PATCH is zero (0), it will be omitted from version references.

cartage-bundler will generally track cartage for major versions to ensure plugin API compatibility.

Community and Contributing

cartage-bundler welcomes your contributions as described in This project, like all Kinetic Cafe open source projects, is under the Kinetic Cafe Open Source Code of Conduct.