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225 lines (141 loc) · 5.75 KB


Thank you for considering to contribute to Kinto-Core!


No contribution is too small; we welcome fixes about typos and grammar bloopers. Don't hesitate to send us a pull request!


Open a pull-request even if your contribution is not ready yet! It can be discussed and improved collaboratively, and avoid having you doing a lot of work without getting feedback.

Setup your development environment

To prepare your system with Python 3.4, PostgreSQL and Redis, please refer to the :ref:`installation` guide.

You might need to install curl, if you don't have it already.

Prepare your project environment by running:

$ make install-dev
$ pip install tox


On OSX especially you might get the following error when running tests:

$ ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8

If this is the case add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Then run:

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Run tests

Currently, running the complete test suite implies to run every type of backend.

That means:

  • Run Redis on localhost:6379
  • Run a PostgreSQL 9.4 testdb database on localhost:5432 with user postgres/postgres. The database encoding should be UTF-8, and the database timezone should be UTC.
make tests

Run a single test

For Test-Driven Development, it is a possible to run a single test case, in order to speed-up the execution:

nosetests -s --with-mocha-reporter kinto.tests.core.test_views_hello:HelloViewTest.test_returns_info_about_url_and_version

Load tests

A load test is provided in order to run end-to-end tests on Kinto-Core through a sample application, or prevent regressions in terms of performance.

The following make command will check briefly the overall sanity of the API, by running a server and running a very few random HTTP requests on it.

make loadtest-check-simulation

It is possible to customise this load test, by focusing on a single action, or customise the number of users and hits.

First, run the test application manually in a terminal:

cd loadtests/
pserve loadtests/testapp.ini

And then, run the test suite against it:

SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8888 make test -e

To run a specific action, specify it with:

LOAD_ACTION=batch_create SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8888 make test -e

Or a specific configuration:

cp test.ini custom.ini
CONFIG=custom.ini SERVER_URL=http://localhost:8888 make test -e

Definition of done

In order to have your changes incorporated, you need to respect these rules:

  • Tests pass; Travis-CI will build the tests for you on the branch when you push it.
  • Code added comes with tests; We try to have a 100% coverage on the codebase to avoid surprises. No code should be untested :) If you fail to see how to test your changes, feel welcome to say so in the pull request, we'll gladly help you to find out.
  • Documentation is up to date;

IRC channel

If you want to discuss with the team behind Kinto-Core, please come and join us on #storage on

  • Because of differing time zones, you may not get an immediate response to your question, but please be patient and stay logged into IRC — someone will almost always respond if you wait long enough (it may take a few hours).
  • If you don’t have an IRC client handy, use the webchat for quick feedback.
  • You can direct your IRC client to the channel using this IRC link or you can manually join the #storage IRC channel on the mozilla IRC network.

How to release

In order to prepare a new release, we are following the following steps.

The prerelease and postrelease commands are coming from zest.releaser.

Install zest.releaser with the recommended dependencies. They contain wheel and twine, which are required to release a new version.

$ pip install "zest.releaser[recommended]"

Step 1

  • Merge remaining pull requests
  • Update CHANGELOG.rst
  • Update version in docs/
  • Known good versions of dependencies in requirements.txt
  • Update CONTRIBUTORS.rst using: git shortlog -sne | awk '{$1=""; sub(" ", ""); print}' | awk -F'<' '!x[$1]++' | awk -F'<' '!x[$2]++' | sort
$ git checkout -b prepare-X.Y.Z
$ prerelease
$ vim docs/
$ make build-requirements
$ git commit -a --amend
$ git push origin prepare-X.Y.Z
  • Open a pull-request with to release the version.

Step 2

Once the pull-request is validated, merge it and do a release. Use the release command to invoke the, which builds and uploads to PyPI

$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff prepare-X.Y.Z
$ release
$ postrelease

Step 3

As a final step:

  • Close the milestone in Github
  • Add entry in Github release page
  • Create next milestone in Github in the case of a major release
  • Configure the version in ReadTheDocs
  • Send mail to ML (If major release)

That's all folks!

Cleaning your environment

There are three levels of cleaning your environment:

  • make clean will remove *.pyc files and __pycache__ directory.
  • make distclean will also remove *.egg-info files and *.egg, build and dist directories.
  • make maintainer-clean will also remove the .tox and the .venv directories.