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Getting started


$ pip install kinto

You can use Kinto-Core by doing import kinto.core in your application.

More details about installation and storage backend is provided in :ref:`a dedicated section <install>`.

Start a Pyramid project

As detailed in Pyramid documentation, create a minimal application, or use its scaffolding tool:

$ pcreate -s starter MyProject

Include Kinto-Core

In the application main file (e.g. :file:`MyProject/myproject/`), just add some extra initialization code:

import pkg_resources

import kinto.core
from pyramid.config import Configurator

# Module version, as defined in PEP-0396.
__version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution(__package__).version

def main(global_config, **settings):
    config = Configurator(settings=settings)

    kinto.core.initialize(config, __version__, 'myproject')
    return config.make_wsgi_app()

By doing that, basic features like authentication, monitoring, error formatting, deprecation indicators are now available, and rely on configuration present in :file:`development.ini`.


With some backends, like PostgreSQL, some tables and indices have to be created. A generic command is provided to accomplish this:

$ kinto migrate --ini development.ini

Like any Pyramid application, it can be served locally with:

$ pserve development.ini --reload

A hello view is now available at http://localhost:6543/v0/ (As well as basic endpoints like the :ref:`utilities <api-utilities>`).

The next steps will consist in building a custom application using :rtd:`Cornice <cornice>` or the Pyramid ecosystem.

But most likely, it will consist in defining REST resources using Kinto-Core's Python API !


Currently, if no :ref:`authentication is set in settings <configuration-authentication>`, Kinto-Core relies on Basic Auth. It will associate a unique :term:`user id` for every user/password combination.

Using HTTPie, it is as easy as:

$ http -v http://localhost:6543/v0/ --auth user:pass


In the case of Basic Auth, there is no need of registering a user/password. Pick any combination, and include them in each request.

Define resources

In order to define a resource, inherit from :class:`kinto.core.resource.UserResource`, in a subclass, in :file:`myproject/` for example:

from kinto.core import resource

class Mushroom(resource.UserResource):
    # No schema yet.

In application initialization, make Pyramid aware of it:

def main(global_config, **settings):
    config = Configurator(settings=settings)

    kinto.core.initialize(config, __version__, 'myproject')
    return config.make_wsgi_app()

In order to bypass the installation and configuration of Redis or PostgreSQL, specify the «in-memory» backends in :file:`development.ini`:

# development.ini
myproject.cache_backend = kinto.core.cache.memory
myproject.storage_backend =
myproject.permission_backend = kinto.core.permission.memory

A Mushroom resource API is now available at the /mushrooms/ URL.

It will accept a bunch of REST operations (GET, POST, ...).

The next step consists in attaching a schema to the resource, to control what fields are accepted and stored.

Schema validation

It is possible to validate records against a predefined schema, associated to the resource.

Currently, only :rtd:`Colander <colander>` is supported, and it looks like this:

import colander
from kinto.core import resource

class MushroomSchema(resource.ResourceSchema):
    name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String())

    class Options:
        preserve_unknown = False  # Fails if field is unknown!

class Mushroom(resource.UserResource):
    schema = MushroomSchema

Enable middleware

In order to enable WSGI middleware, wrap the application in the project main function:

def main(global_config, **settings):
    config = Configurator(settings=settings)

    kinto.core.initialize(config, __version__, 'myproject')
    app = config.make_wsgi_app()
    return kinto.install_middlewares(app, settings)

What's next ?

Resource customization

See :ref:`the resource documentation <resource>` to specify custom URLs, schemaless resources, read-only fields, record pre-processing...

Advanced initialization

.. autofunction:: kinto.core.initialize

Beyond Kinto-Core

Kinto-Core is just a component! The application can still be built and extended using the full Pyramid ecosystem.