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Add filter unit tests (for real this time)
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- Add forgotten unittest file for the filter CLI command.
- Removed some unnecessary unittest version fix already covered by the compat
  module.  (Should have cleaned this up a long time ago)
  • Loading branch information
lowell80 committed Jan 25, 2019
1 parent 26b7edc commit 957af47
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Showing 2 changed files with 295 additions and 19 deletions.
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import os
import sys
import unittest
import re

# Allow interactive execution from CLI, cd tests; ./
if __package__ is None:

from ksconf.consts import *
from tests.cli_helper import *

class CliKsconfFilter(unittest.TestCase):

_sample01 = """\
# Version 7.2.0
[Errors in the last 24 hours]
search = error OR failed OR severe OR ( sourcetype=access_* ( 404 OR 500 OR 503 ) )
dispatch.earliest_time = -1d
disabled = 1
[Errors in the last hour]
search = error OR failed OR severe OR ( sourcetype=access_* ( 404 OR 500 OR 503 ) )
dispatch.earliest_time = -1h
[Messages by minute last 3 hours]
search = index=_internal source="*metrics.log" eps "group=per_source_thruput" NOT filetracker | eval events=eps*kb/kbps | timechart fixedrange=t span=1m limit=5 sum(events) by series
dispatch.earliest_time = -3h
displayview = report_builder_display
[Splunk errors last 24 hours]
search = index=_internal " error " NOT debug source=*splunkd.log*
dispatch.earliest_time = -24h

def setUp(self):
self.twd = TestWorkDir()

def tearDown(self):
# Cleanup test working directory

def sample01(self):
return self.twd.write_file("savedsearches.conf", self._sample01)

def test_filter_stanas(self):
"Test simple stanza filter"
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", self.sample01, "--stanza", "Errors in the last hour")
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)

def test_mode_regex(self):
"Regex stanza filter"
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", self.sample01, "--stanza", "^Errors.*", "--match", "regex")
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last 24 hours", out)
self.assertNotIn("Splunk errors last 24 hours", out)

def test_mode_string(self):
"String stanza filter"
sample01 = self.sample01
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--match", "string",
"--stanza", "Messages by minute last 3 hours")
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
self.assertEqual(len(out), 1, "Expect exactly one output stanza")
self.assertIn("Messages by minute last 3 hours", out)

# Test multiple '--stanza'
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--match", "string",
"--stanza", "Messages by minute last 3 hours",
"--stanza", "Errors in the last hour")
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 2, "Expecting 2 stanzas")
self.assertIn("Messages by minute last 3 hours", out)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)

# Make sure that there are no substring matches
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--match", "string",
"--stanza", "in the last")
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 0, "Expected 0 stanzas for a substring/partial string")

def test_mode_wildcard(self):
"Wildcard stanza filter"
sample01 = self.sample01
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--match", "wildcard",
"--stanza", "Errors in *")
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
self.assertEqual(len(out), 2, "Prefix of 'Errors in *' should return 2 matches")
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last 24 hours", out)

# Test multiple '--stanza'
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--match", "wildcard",
"--stanza", "*by minute last ? hours",
"--stanza", "Errors*")
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 3, "Expecting 3 stanzas")
self.assertIn("Messages by minute last 3 hours", out)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last 24 hours", out)

# Test multiple wildcards in a single pattern
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--match", "wildcard",
"--stanza", "*last*")
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 4, "Expecting all 4 stanzas")

# Make sure that there are no substring matches
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--match", "wildcard",
"--stanza", "in the last")
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 0, "Expected 0 stanzas for a substring/partial string")

def test_mode_regex_ignorecase(self):
"Regex stanza filter case insensitive"
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", self.sample01, "--stanza", r".*\bErrors\b.*",
"--match", "regex", "--ignore-case")
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 3)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last 24 hours", out)
self.assertIn("Splunk errors last 24 hours", out)

def test_mode_string_ignorecase(self):
"String stanza filter case insensitive"
sample01 = self.sample01
with ksconf_cli:
args = ["filter", sample01, "--match", "string",
"--stanza", "MESSAGES by minute last 3 HOURS"]
ko = ksconf_cli(*args)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
self.assertEqual(len(out), 0, "Case mismatch. Shouldn't match")

# Same test with the "-i" flag added; should now match
ko = ksconf_cli(*args)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
self.assertEqual(len(out), 1, "Expect exactly one output stanza")
self.assertIn("Messages by minute last 3 hours", out)

def test_mode_wildcard_ignorecase(self):
"Wildcard stanza filter case insensitive"
sample01 = self.sample01
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", sample01, "--ignore-case", "--match", "wildcard",
"--stanza", "*Errors*")
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
self.assertEqual(len(out), 3)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)
self.assertIn("Errors in the last 24 hours", out)
self.assertIn("Splunk errors last 24 hours", out)

def test_match_from_flat_file(self):
"Load a list of stanzas to keep from a text file"
flatfile = self.twd.write_file("important_stanzas", """
Splunk errors last 24 hours
Messages by minute last 3 hours
# Test multiple '--stanza'
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", self.sample01, "--match", "string",
"--stanza", "file://{}".format(flatfile))
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 2, "Expecting 2 stanzas")
self.assertIn("Splunk errors last 24 hours", out)
self.assertIn("Messages by minute last 3 hours", out)

def props01(self):
return self.twd.write_file("default/props.conf", r"""
TIME_FORMAT = [%A %B %d %T %Y]

def props02(self):
return self.twd.write_file("local/props/conf", """
TIME_FORMAT = %m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S.%l %z
category = Web
detect_trailing_nulls = auto

def test_multiple_inputs(self):
"Ensure that multiple inputs are handled correctly"
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", "--stanza", "iis", self.props01, self.props02)
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
stanzas = re.findall(r'(?:^|[\r\n]+)\[iis\][\r\n]+', ko.stdout)
self.assertEqual(len(stanzas), 2)

def test_filter_invert_mode(self):
"Test match inversion"
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", "--invert-match", "--stanza", "iis",
self.props01, self.props02)
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(len(out), 2) # Expecting 2 stanzas
self.assertIn("splunkd", out)
self.assertIn("apache", out)

def test_invert_full_circle(self):
"Confirm that match + inverted match = original"
conf = self.sample01
matched = self.twd.get_path("output-match.conf")
rejected = self.twd.get_path("output-rejected.conf")

with ksconf_cli:
# Simple direct stanza match (saved to an output file)
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", conf, "--stanza", "Errors in the last hour",
"--output", matched)
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = self.twd.read_conf("output-match.conf")
self.assertEqual(len(out), 1)

# Inversion of the above (saved to a different file)
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", conf, "--stanza", "Errors in the last hour",
"--invert-match", "--output", rejected)
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = self.twd.read_conf("output-rejected.conf")
self.assertEqual(len(out), 3)

# Combine 2 output files, then compare to original
merged = self.twd.get_path("output-merged.conf")
ko = ksconf_cli("merge", matched, rejected, "--target", merged)
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)

# Compare merged file to the original file
ko = ksconf_cli("diff", conf, merged)
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_DIFF_EQUAL)

def test_conf_via_stdin(self):
"Stream in an input file over stdin"
with FakeStdin(self._sample01):
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", "-", "--stanza", "Errors in the last hour")
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertIn("Errors in the last hour", out)

def test_has_attr(self):
"Keep all stanzas with given attribute"
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", self.props01, "--attr-present", "BREAK_ONLY_*")
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
self.assertEqual(len(out), 1)
self.assertIn("apache", out)
self.assertEqual(out["apache"]["BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE"], r"^\[")

def test_has_attr_inverse(self):
with ksconf_cli:
ko = ksconf_cli("filter", self.props01, "-v", "--attr-present", "BREAK_ONLY_*")
out = ko.get_conf()
self.assertEqual(ko.returncode, EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS)
self.assertEqual(len(out), 1)
self.assertNotIn("apache", out)

if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,24 +117,5 @@ def test_sort_mixed_quiet(self):
self.assertNotRegex(ko.stderr, r"[\r\n]Skipping [^\r\n]+?[/\\]transforms.conf")
self.assertNotRegex(ko.stderr, r"[\r\n]Replaced file [^\r\n]+?\.conf")

if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, "assertNotRegex"):
def assertNotRegex(self, text, unexpected_regex, msg=None):
# Copied from standard library; Missing from Python 3.4. Should probably find a
# better way to support this in general, but for now only this set of test needs it.
"""Fail the test if the text matches the regular expression."""
import re
if isinstance(unexpected_regex, (str, bytes)):
unexpected_regex = re.compile(unexpected_regex)
match =
if match:
standardMsg = 'Regex matched: %r matches %r in %r' % (
text[match.start(): match.end()],
# _formatMessage ensures the longMessage option is respected
msg = self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)
raise self.failureException(msg)

if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover

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