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Pokemon Go...

A memory game website by Kiran Satyarthy

View live site here


Pokemon go is a memory game, built by me for my Second Milestone project for Code Institute.

It also has some descriptions about the pokemon. This site is made by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Table of Content


This project is made by using famous Pokemon, also known as Pocket Monsters. They are managed by "The Pokemon Company" founded by "Nintendo". The purpose of this project is to make a fun memory game both for kids and adults. Kids will enjoy the interactive game with beautiful images and funny sound clips, and adults can be nostalgic while playing with pokemon from their childhood times. There is information section about the pokemon with details of strength, weakness, speed, etc., for more enthusiastic players, who want to learn and know more while they play.

Check Wikipedia of Pokemon to know more about them.

User Stories

The suitable users for his site will be 5+ kids and adults.

  • As a kid, I want to play easily and also see my score.
  • As a kid, I want to see pictures of my favorite pokemon and recognize them.
  • As a kid, I want to know how much time I took to finish the game.
  • As a kid, I want to restart the game if I make a mistake.
  • As an adult, I want to catch my favorite pokemon once again.
  • As an adult, sometimes I don't want any background sound and want to mute everything.
  • As an adult, I want to learn about the vital statistics of pokemon.
  • As an adult, I want to contact the maker of the game and give my feedback.
  • As an adult, I want to easily navigate through pages.



The aim of building this memory game is to test my knowledge of Javascript and learn more in the building process. The Pokemon is selected for the memory game because they are very famous game characters and whoever plays online games knows them. I wanted a simple game that has rules which are easy to understand and the site is easy to navigate through.


I wanted to make a memory game that is easy to play and images should be different from each other so that it will test the memory of the user.

There will be one Score Counter, one Restart button, and one Music Off button to control the sound of the game (it can be muted).

There will be a Timer that will show the time taken to complete the game in minutes and seconds.

After finishing the game, one popup message will show the Moves taken and Stars gained during the game and also the Time taken to complete the game.

The site will have information about the Vital Statistics of the pokemon used in the game.

There will be a Contact Form to get feedback from the players and links to Social Networks will also be there.


This website will be a three-page website, linked to each other through Navigation Bar. The website will have a fixed Navigation Bar, that will have the brand name and menu links( Home, Pokemon, Contact). The Header section will have Introduction of the game, How to play instructions, Moves and match counter, one timer to show the game timing in minutes and seconds, one star counter (which will show 3 stars for less than 14 moves, 2 stars for moves between 14 and 22, and 1 star for moves more than 23).

The memory game will be on the Home page because that is the main feature of the site. The second page will have a Pokemon selector dropdown box which will be designed by using JavaScript and it will show different types of Pokemon and their Vital statistics in a Progress bar after selection.

The last page will have one Contact Form to give feedback about the game and the website.

Footer will be fixed at the bottom and will have links to my social account.


Wireframe: The wireframe for this 3-page project was made for three screen sizes(Mobile View, tablet view, and Laptop view). Each page is shown in all three screen sizes on a single page for a better understanding of the responsiveness of the page. The initial design of the wireframe does not have moves, matches, and star counter. The timer was also not planned. During the development of the project, I decided to add all these features to make the game look more interactive. The pokemon page also had a different layout. It was planned to show images of all the pokemon and then show details after clicking on them. But during the development one dropdown selector was added to make a page look cleaner.

The Wireframe for this project can be seen here. Wireframe

Fixed Navigation Bar: Menu heading pointing to each of the 3 pages.

Home, Pokemon, and Contact pages.

Footer with social media links shown by their font awesome icons.



The color theme is selected from original Pokeball colors. The background color is kept Greyish Blue(#ccd4d4), Navigation and footer color are Dark Red (#BD0107) and font color is kept black(#000) and white(#fff) according to the background. image


Google Font Lato with a fallback of sans sarif is selected for the entire project. (This font was chosen because this is the font of the Pokemon go Official site)


Images are of real pokemon.


The background music is cheeky_monkey_fun_app_playful_cheeky from


Navigation Bar

This website features a Responsive navigation bar on the top of the page with the brand name on the left and Menu links on the right. The brand name is linked to the Home page of the site. Menu links are linked to 3 different pages of the site. Home link is linked to the index.html page, Pokemon link is connected to the second-page pokemon.html and the third link is contact, which is connected to the third-page contact.html.


The Home page is having the Game board, which is a 4X4 grid with a total of 16 images. The back-image is of Pokeball and the front image is of 8 different pokemon.

  • Arcanine
  • Charizard
  • Eevee
  • Gengar
  • Jigglypuff
  • Meowth
  • Mewtwo
  • Pikachu

The Heading has name of the game and Instruction about How to play the game.

Moves and matches counter shows how many moves have been made and how many matches have been done.

Star ratings will show the numbers of stars based on the moves made by the player, 3 stars for less than 14 moves, 2 stars for moves between 14 and 22, and 1 star for moves more than 23.

A Timer will show the time taken by the player to finish the game in minutes and seconds.

The Restart button will restart the game when clicked.

Music Off button will mute the background music. The background music will be started when the game is started again.

Pop Up modal is added to show when the game is finished. It will show the number of moves taken to complete the game and the number of stars earned during the game. The timer in the modal shows the time taken to complete the game.


The second page of the website is the information page about Pokemon. This has one dropdown box to select a pokemon, and after selection, the page will show the Vital statistics and one big Image of the selected pokemon. Vital statistics are shown by using the Progress bar which will have parameters of Health Points, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and, Speed.


The third page of the website has a Contact form, which is implemented to give feedback about the game. The contact form is connected to my Gmail account through emailJS, and the feedback submit button will become green and its text will turn to Feedback Sent after sending the feedback.


The footer is fixed at the bottom in all 3 pages and it has a link to 4 social networks Facebook, Github, Twitter, and LinkedIn.The links are represented by their font awesome icons. The links open on a separate page when clicked.

Existing Features

  • Navigation Bar- The navigation bar is fixed and can be seen always on top.

  • Moves and matches counter- This counter will show the number of moves made and the number of matches done during the game.

  • Star rating- This feature is added to give feedback to the player about their game.

  • Timer- One timer is added which starts with the first card clicked and it will show the time taken to complete the game.

  • Restart Button- One restart button is added to reset the board and restart the game.

  • Music Off- One music off button is added to mute the background music, which is starting with the first card clicked.

  • Dropdown box- One dropdown box is added with the names of pokemon in it to be selected.

  • Progress Bar- progress bar is added for each pokemon to show their vital statistics.

  • Contact Form- Contact form is added to give feedback about the game.

  • Social Network Links- Links to my social networks Github, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin are provided in the footer.

Features to be implemented in the future

  • A difficulty level selector can be added in the future, to select the levels between Easy, Medium, and Hard.

  • Sound effect when the card is matched, can be added.

  • Sound Effects of different pokemon can be added.

  • Some animation of Pokemon can be added to make the site more interesting.

  • Pop up message can be added when the form is submitted to tell about the success or error in submission.

Technologies Used

1. Languages Used

  • HTML

    HTML is the main language used to write code for this project.

  • CSS

    CSS is used to write code for designing and beautifying the site.

  • JavaScript

    Javascript is used to add functionality and make the site more interactive.

2. Integration

  • BootstrapCDN

    Bootstrap is used to make the site more responsive and to make the navbar collapse in the mobile view. All the pages and footer is made using Bootstrap container, to give them a definite size.

  • jQuery

    jQuery is used in making the site more interactive.

  • Font Awesome

    Font awesome is used to import Github, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin font awesome icons to beautify the page.

  • Google Fonts

    Google Fonts is used to import font for this project. The font used in this project is "Lato".

  • Balsamiq

    Balsamiq is used to make wireframes for this project in the skeleton stage.

3. Workspace, version control, and Repository storage

  • Github

    Github is used to make Repositories and for Version Control.

  • Gitpod

    Gitpod is the main cloud-based editor for this project. Workspaces are made using the green Gitpod button in Github.

4. Other

  • AutoPrefixer

    AutoPrefixer is used to make the site compatible with all browsers.

  • W3C Validator

    W3C validator is used for testing HTML and CSS for the site.

  • JSHint

    JSHint is used for testing javascript code for the site.

  • Am I Responsive

    Am I Responsive site is used to take a mockup screenshot of the project, which is attached at the beginning of this document.

  • Online Spelling Check

    Grammarly is used to check spelling and grammatical errors.



The detailed testing report can be found here Testing


This project is developed using the Github Repository. Coding is done in the workspace provided by Gitpod.

Steps were taken to deploy the project

  1. Log into Github.
  2. Select Kiran6248/MS2-PokemonGo.
  3. Go to settings on the top right and scroll down to Github Pages.
  4. Under source link dropdown change the none to master branch.
  5. The page will be refreshed automatically and we will have a link to the live URL.

To run locally, You can clone this repository directly in the editor of your choice by

git clone and adding the URL of the site.

git clone

and the local clone will be created.



I used google and the following website to get information on Pokemon.


  • The pictures used in the project are taken from
  • The screenshot of the live URL of the project was taken by Snipping Tool.
  • All the images used in the site were minimized by
  • The music used in the game is taken from



My mentor Adegbenga Adeye for guiding and motivating me in every step and giving me great ideas to implement in my site.

Code Institute Slack community for giving solutions for every little doubt.


Milestone 2 project for Code institute






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