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Discogs Marketplace API NodeJS · GitHub license npm version

Another (better ?) NodeJs library to fetch data from Discogs marketplace. 💿

📂 Installation (with npm)

This library works with two different strategies to scrape data: with a classic HTTP fetch request (Axios) or by creating a new instance of a browser (Playwright). Take a look at the "About strategies" chapter to learn more.

Run the following command in your project:

npm install discogs-marketplace-api-nodejs

# Or to avoid installing Playwright
PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD=1 npm install discogs-marketplace-api-nodejs

▶️ Quick Start

Import DiscogsMarketplace into your project:

// With ECMAScript 6 and +
import { DiscogsMarketplace } from 'discogs-marketplace-api-nodejs'

// With CommonJS
const DiscogsMarketplace = require('discogs-marketplace-api-nodejs').DiscogsMarketplace

🤔 Examples

  • Get top 250 items, of the 2nd page, filtered by Rock, listed by newest, for a given artist
const result = await{
    limit: 250,
    page: 2,
    genre: 'Rock',
    sort: 'Listed Newest',
    searchType: 'artist_id',
    searchValue: 244819,
  • Get top 50 items, of the 1st page, listed by price lowest, on a user wantlist
const result = await{
    limit: 50,
    page: 1,
    sort: 'Price Lowest',
    searchType: 'user',
    searchValue: 'Kirian_',
  • Get top 25 items, of the 1st page, listed by seller A-Z, on a release
const result = await{
    sort: 'Seller A-Z',
    page: 1,
    searchType: 'release_id',
    searchValue: '767931',
  • Get top 100 items, of the 1st page, listed by newest, on a string search
const result = await{
    limit: 100,
    page: 1,
    sort: 'Listed Newest',
    searchType: 'q',
    searchValue: 'in flames',
  • Get top 25 items, of the 1st page, listed by newest, on a seller inventory
const result = await{
    sort: 'Listed Newest',
    page: 1,
    searchType: 'q',
    searchValue: '',
    seller: 'Kirian_',
  • Get top 25 items, of the 1st page, listed by newest, on a user wantlist, on a seller inventory
const result = await{
    sort: 'Listed Newest',
    page: 1,
    searchType: 'user',
    searchValue: 'Kirian_',
    seller: 'Kirian_',

🤠 About strategies

Which strategy should I choose?

This project provides two ways to scrape data:

  • fetch (default): Get the result with a classic HTTP fetch request (Axios).
    • For the moment, this is the simplest and fastest solution to choose.
  • browser: Get the result by creating a new instance of a browser (Playwright) to scrape the page.
    • This can help bypass Cloudflare (or other) protection for some cases.
    • Slightly slower than fetch (see benchmarks)

Both strategies will give you the exact same result.

I choose to maintain this two solutions, because over time Discogs is changing: one day they activated a protection that prevented a fetch solution from working, so I implemented to browser solution. But a few days later, they disabled that protection and the original solution became the best again.

With both strategies, you are free to choose the one that suits you!

const result = await{
    // ...
    strategy: 'fetch' // or 'browser'

📃 Data format

You can provide parameters to function according to this interface:

interface InputInterface {
     * Type of elements to search.
     * Default to `q`.
     * | Name       | Description                |
     * |:---------: |:--------------------------:|
     * | q          | Basic query search         |
     * | master_id  | Search in a master release |
     * | release_id | Search in a release        |
     * | label_id   | Search in a label          |
     * | artist_id  | Search in a artist         |
     * | user       | Search in user wantlist    |
    searchType: SearchTypeType
     * Value to search corresponding to searchType
    searchValue?: string | number
     * Currency
    currency?: CurrencyType
     * Genre
    genre?: GenreType
     * Styles
    style?: Array<StyleType>
     * Formats
    format?: Array<FormatType>
     * Format descriptions
    formatDescription?: Array<FormatDescriptionType>
     * Media conditions
    condition?: Array<ConditionType>
     * Year (Do not use it with `years`)
    year?: number
     * Interval of years (Do not use it with `year`)
    years?: {
        /** Min */
        min: number
        /** Max */
        max: number
     * Is audio sample ?
    isAudioSample?: boolean
     * Is make an offer only ?
    isMakeAnOfferOnly?: boolean
     * Expedition country
    from?: FromType
     * Seller name
    seller?: string
     * Sort elements by.
     * Default to `Listed Newest`.
    sort?: SortType
     * Limit of elements to search (25 | 50 | 100 | 250).
     * Default to `25`.
    limit?: LimitType
     * Page (Must be < 401 or discogs will return an error 404).
     * Default to `1`.
    page?: number
     * Lang to use for Discogs.
     * Default to `en`.
    lang?: LangType
     * Strategy to scrape data:
     * - `fetch` (default): Get the result with a classic HTTP fetch request (Axios).
     * - `browser`: Get the result by creating a new instance of a browser (Playwright) to scrape the page. This can help bypass Cloudflare (or other) protection for some cases.
    strategy?: 'fetch' | 'browser'

If success, it will return:

interface OutputSuccessInterface {
    items: Array<{
        id: number
        title: {
            original: string
            artist: string
            item: string
            formats: Array<string>
        url: string
        labels: Array<string>
        catnos: Array<string>
        imageUrl: string
        description: string
        isAcceptingOffer: boolean
        isAvailable: boolean
        condition: {
            media: {
                full: string
                short: string
            sleeve: {
                full: string
                short: string
        seller: {
            name: string
            url: string
            score: string
            notes: number
        price: {
            base: string
            shipping: string
        country: {
            name: string
            code: string
        community: {
            have: number
            want: number
        release: {
            id: number
            url: string
    page: {
        current: number
        total: number
    result: {
        total: number
        perPage: number
    search: {
        value: string | number
        type: SearchTypeType
    urlGenerated: string

If error, it will throw:

interface OutputErrorInterface {
    message: string
    code: number

💡 How to contribute

There is a devcontainer on that project already configured, feel free to use it.

Install dependencies with:

npm install

You can open a pull request with your new additions.

🐛 Known issues/problems


If you are using this library on a Typescript project, you might encounter issues with linkedom.

To fix it, use this in command line: --skipLibCheck or add that in you tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "skipLibCheck": true


Install system dependencies:

sudo npx playwright install-deps chromium

More information here.

👉 If you find another problem, feel free to open an issue.