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Jmeter Cloud

Runs a Jmeter load test in the cloud. Achieves 3 objectives:

  1. Creates an AWS instance.
  2. Runs jmeter in that instance
  3. Downloads the result log files to your machine


  1. Make sure you have a Jmeter (.jmx) test plan
  2. Make sure you have a valid key pair .pem file
  3. Make sure you have aws-okta configured
  4. Make sure you run this in aws-okta nordstrom federated bash
  5. If you're using CSV Data Config, make sure your csv is in the same directory as .jmx file and specify relative path in .jmx file.

Quick Link(s):

Getting Started


  • Python 3.6+: Most Macs and Linux distributions come with Python 2.7 installed. To install and use python 3.6+ see this: Installing Python3. Or you can use Homebrew.
  • Boto3: pip install Boto3 Further documentation : Install Boto3
  • Paramiko: pip install paramiko Paramiko homepage: Install Paramiko
  • Pip: If you installed Python3.6+ already you should have associated pip installed. If not then see this: Installing Pip


Simply clone the source project and unzip it.

Local Deployment

  1. Install the prerequisities
  2. Go to the project Source Directory
  3. Open a terminal
  4. Navigate to the folder where you saved this project
  5. Make sure you're in federated aws-cli (Look at the Common Gotchas wiki link above.)
  6. Run (fail safe in case you don't have all prereqs)
  7. There are two ways to run this:
    1. Go up one level (from project directory) and python jmeter_cloud (Assuming project is saved as jmeter_cloud directory and Python3 is installed with python command)
    2. Or python
  8. Add testplan path, key pair path and other arguments as shown in the package usage in the wiki.


  1. Mirrors the ec2 instance terminal in real-time after each command is passed.
  2. Runs the load test using user provided jmeter (.jmx) config, key pair (.pem) and other neccessary files.
  3. Shows the non-GUI Jmeter terminal info.
  4. Dowloads load test result files (.jtl) and jmeter logs (.log) with the prefix: <testplan file name>_<current time in format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S>_
    1. Example Result log (.jtl) file name: "myTestPlan_2020-02-12 13/30/56_log.jtl"
    2. Example Jmeter Log (.log) file name: "myTestPlan_2020-02-12 13/30/56_jmeter.log"

Future Work

  1. Work on a distribution package
  2. Add support for GCP and Azure
  3. Work on Dasboard (grafana etc.) for displaying .jtl log results
  4. Work on Factory Pattern
  5. Add SSM support


  • Kirtiman Sinha - 2/05 - 2/08 (2020)


Running JMeter in the cloud







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