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Class: Security

Adam Campbell edited this page Nov 7, 2016 · 4 revisions

Class Definition

The Security has one sole purpose, to manage the authentication and authenticate a requesting User.

Method Overview

Name Description
authenticate_and_authorize Authentications and authorizes the requesting users token and permissions.

Method Detail


Authenticates that a User has a valid token for the Users session, and therefore has access to perform Dashboard tasks. Also authorises that the given User has specific Role based permissions to execute specific Dashboard actions (e.g; adding a new Blog, registering a User).

token - The token for the User being evaluated.
request - The Dashboard action the User is attempting to perform.
token-table - The CMS-specific table name for the Token table.
user-table - The CMS-specific table name for the User table.
role-table - The CMS-specific table name for the Role table.

user_info - A result set of information about the requesting User.

invalidToken - Token provided does not exist in Token table.
invalidTokenNoExpiration - Token provided does not have expiration time set in Token table.
expiredToken - Token provided has expired in Token table.
tokenHasNoUser - Token provided is not associated with any existing User.
invalidUserAssociatedWithToken - Token provided mismatches Users in Token and User table.
userHasNoRole - The User associated with the Token provided does not have a Role assigned.
invalidRoleAssociatedWithUser - The Role assigned to the User does not match a Role within the Role table. roleHasNoPermissions - The Role assigned to the User does not have any permissions assigned.
notAuthorizedForRequest - The Role assigned to the User does not have permission to perform the requested action.

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