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NRTK Explorer is a web application for exploring image datasets. It provides insights of a image dataset in COCO format and it evaluate image transformation and perturbation resilience of object recognition DL models. It is built using trame by the kitware team.

nrtk explorer


  • Explore image datasets in COCO format.
  • Apply parametrized image degradation (such as blur) to the images.
  • Benchmark dataset resilience with a differential PCA|UMAP analysis of the embeddings of the images and its transformation.
  • Evaluate object detection DL models in both the source images and its transformations.
  • When possible it will attempt to utilize the user GPU as much as possible to speedup its computations.


Usage example with virtual-env creation

# Setup python environment
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip

# install application
pip install nrtk-explorer

# get some sample data
git clone

# Run the application on given dataset (908 images)
nrtk-explorer --dataset ./nrtk_explorer_datasets/OIRDS_v1_0/oirds.json

nrtk explorer usage


Install it from pypi:

pip install nrtk-explorer

Or, download and install it manually with:

curl -OL

Inside the application source code top directory, install it with:

pip install -e .

Run the application:


CLI flags and options

  • -h|--help show the help for the command line options, it inherit trame command line options and flags.
  • --dataset specify the directory containing a json file describing a COCO image dataset. You can specify multiple directory using a comma , as a separator. Example usage: nrtk_explorer --dataset <dataset dir>. More images datasets available at:

Contribute to NRTK_EXPLORER

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