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mkdir build; cd build;  
qmake ../  


Loading data: When starting the program there is a need to load .json file with data (example data can be found in data.json)
File -> Open.. The user is now asked to select a file.

  • if there is any error in data - there are no rooms, classes, teachers or groups, there is thrown an error. Slots are numbered form 0 to 9.
  • if there is missing attribute in activites (gorup, class or teacher) the program asks user if such activity should be ommited - if no, it is saved as program data anyway.


  • User can edit (add/remove) lists: rooms, groups, classes, teachers (Edit -> (select list))

  • When removing entry there is a warning displayed that is will cause removal of all activities connected to selected data. User can select to proceed or cancel.

  • User can edit activites by double clicking on any entry on the table.

    • There should be displayed an edit form which also contains more details about selected entry.
    • If selected entry already have any data assigned there is a button "unassign" which deletes data form this entry.
  • When edited/added activity conflicts with other activites (selected group/teacher has classes at the same time in different room) the program displays warning - conflicting activites will be removed, and asks user to accept or cancel.

    • To delete all data: File -> New User will be asked to save current changes.
    • To save data to the same file from where data were read: File -> Save If there is no such file, the user will be asked to select new file.
    • To save data in a new file: File -> Save as..


alt text

Main view
alt text

Edit activity view alt text

Edit dictionary view
alt text


School Planner project implemented in Qt.




