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A multi-page studio agency website built using React Library, SCSS, React Router, Framer-motion, React-Leaflet Js.

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Frontend Mentor - Arch Studio multi-page website solution

Design preview for the Arch Studio multi-page website challenge

This is a solution to the Arch Studio multi-page website challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

  • My Users should be able to view the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements throughout the site
  • Receive an error message when the contact form is submitted if:
  • The Name, Email or Message fields are empty should show "Can't be empty"
  • The Email is not formatted correctly should show "Invalid email"
  • View actual locations on the contact page map.
  • Navigate across several pages.



  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Desktop First and Mobile First across different pages
  • React - JS library
  • [Framer-motion] - Animation Library
  • [React-Leaflet] - Map Library
  • [formik] - For Forms
  • [Yup] - For Validation

What I learned

  • I got acquainted some modern css techniques, like having grid-contents in the same column and row.
  • I'm really happy with how my final solution turned out. Looks close to the design as possible.
  • Became a bit more confident with the Mobile first workflow after shying away from it for a long time. I did start with desktop first workflow for the home page but completed the other pages using the Mobile first approach thanks to the power of max-width and css functons like the min(), max(), clamp().
  • Having to reuse certain components gave me joy and just how poerful react can be for such cases.

Continued development

  • In retrospect, I believe I delayed to finish up this project. Moving on, I shall be timing myself effectively. I wish there is a better way to use certain libraries without having them mess up your accessibility.
  • I struggled to set the view for the map, when a user clicks on a specific link. I've a hang on how to implement it, but I just couldn't understand the docs of react-leaflet. I did ask around, no help came forth, so I resorted to only taking the user/viewer to the map's location...Though the marker are placed in the right location. I was able to get the coordinates using A very helpful tool. Thnaks to the creators.
  • I will be looking out for the best way to arrange my files. Not entirely happy... surfing for resources.



Massive credit to Kevin Powell, without him, I wouldn't have known the best way to approach using the Mobile first workflow. Also, to Folarin @folathecoder, being a huge source of inspiration with his amazing projects. Huge thank you to the frontendmentor community and founders for providing such an impactful platform to showcase skills. Respect!!!!


A multi-page studio agency website built using React Library, SCSS, React Router, Framer-motion, React-Leaflet Js.






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