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This is a collection of scripts that should help you to build a topic model and a search index for the experimental search engine epic search.

The main functions are:

  • get metadata from
  • parse pdfs and filter them by language
  • create a topic model
  • build an elasticsearch index

These functions and their purpose are described in detail in the thesis Towards Collaborative Session-based Semantic Search by Sebastian Straub.

Getting started

This application is just a collection of scripts, installation is not required. But to make sure that all dependencies are fulfilled, you should run

python3 install --user

Also, you need a spacy model for the english language, if you want to build the index. To get the model:

python3 -m spacy download en

If you're on Windows, installation of spacy, gensim, numpy, scipy, etc. might fail. Please use the whls from the Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages to get things up and running.

In case you're still missing any dependencies on Linux or Mac OSX, please install libxml2 and libxslt1, e.g. on Debian:

apt install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev


Arxiv Crawler is a script that retrieves metadata about submitted papers over arxiv's OAI interface. It also also allows you to download small sets of papers directly from the public arxiv servers. Please note that by the terms of usage of you are not allowed to download large sets of documents from their webservice. You may retrieve a dump containing all data from Amazon AWS (see instructions below).

To get usage instructions: --help meta --help

To download metadata: meta --output FILE [--set SET] [--dateFrom DATE] [--dateUntil DATE]

the metadata will be written to the file specified after --output in json format. Use .gz or .bz2 as file extension to enable compression.

You may choose to only download metadata for specific documents by using the --set, --dateFrom or --dateUntil arguments. See meta --help for detailed instructions on these.

If you want to download a few PDFs (e.g. for test purposes), you may use the pdfs command. But please don't use this tool to download more than a few files, it would cause significant load for the arxiv servers! If you want to get a large portion of the arxiv dataset, please read the instructions for bulk data access. pdfs -input FILE -output FOLDER

this command takes a metadata file (see meta command) and downloads all PDFs that are referenced in this file. The PDFs will be stored in the --output folder. Use with caution!

Full usage instructions:

usage: meta [-h] -o FILE [-s SET] [-f DATE] [-u DATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        path to the file where the metadata will be stored.
                        Use `.gz` or `.bz2` as file extension to enable
  -s SET, --set SET     restrict downloaded data to documents from this set.
                        List of available options:
  -f DATE, --dateFrom DATE
                        only retrieve documents from this date or later.
                        Specify the date in ISO format, e.g. "2017-01-31"
  -u DATE, --dateUntil DATE
                        only retrieve documents until this date (inclusive).
                        Specify the date in ISO format, e.g. "2017-01-31"

PDF Parser extracts the text contents from PDFs using the pdfminer library and stores the plain text in a JSON file.

Usage: -i FOLDER -o FOLDER [--tar] [-p N] [-t SECONDS] [-w N]

This command will parse all PDFs in the input folder and write the results to the specified output folder. The output folder will contain the plaintext representation of all PDFs in a single JSON file and several log files that contain progress information.

Because parsing of PDFs is rather slow (expect about 25 PDFs per minute per physical CPU core on a modern desktop CPU), this script tracks progress and can therefore be interrupted at any time and later continued without loss of data.

There are a few optional parameters for this task:

  • -p N: limit the number of pages to parse per pdf (default: unlimited)
  • -t s: parse timeout in seconds for a single pdf. This should be reasonably low, because PDFs are a mess and pdfminer won't be able to parse some of them in a reasonable amount of time, which will eventually block all your CPU cores (default: 60 seconds)
  • -w N: the number of parallel worker threads to use for pdf parsing (default: 0, which means use all available cpu cores)

Full usage instructions:

usage: [-h] -i FOLDER -o FOLDER [--tar] [-p N] [-t SECONDS]
                     [-w N]

Parse PDFs and store them as plaintext documents

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FOLDER, --input FOLDER
                        path to the input folder, where the PDFs are stored
  -o FOLDER, --output FOLDER
                        path to the output folder, where the parsed plain text
                        and logfiles will be stored
  --tar                 read PDFs from tar archives in the input folder
  -p N, --pagelimit N   limit the number of pages to parse per pdf (default:
  -t SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS
                        parse timeout in seconds for a single pdf (default: 60
  -w N, --workers N     the number of parallel worker threads to use for pdf
                        parsing (default: 0, which means use all available cpu

Topic Model Generator helps you to build a possibly hierarchical topic model and then to to assign topic labels to the documents in your collection.

Before the topic model can be built, documents are normalized and tokenized with a little help from spacy, a highly efficient NLP library that allows not only to tokenize our documents, but also to lemmatize all of these terms in a reasonable amount of time.

The topic model is built with the help of gensim, another NLP library that implements a variety of topic modeling algorithms. We use LDA topic models (more specifically, the ldamulticore implementation, which allows parallel online learning with constant memory requirements) which we have extended so that we can build hierarchical topic models. For this purpose, we build several topic models that are arranged in a tree structure. For details, please refer to the thesis (section 4.1.2.).

To build a topic model from scratch, you need the metadata file from the arxiv crawler or the plaintext contents from the PDF parser, or both. You can build the model from the document's abstracts or from their entire contents. E.g. to build a topic model from the abstracts of all documents in your metadata file, use:

python --input-meta /path/to/meta.json.bz2 -o /output/folder/ --abstracts-only --layers "5,5" --vocab-size 10000

This will read the metadata file from /path/to/meta.json.bz2 and write the results to /output/folder/. Only the abstracts will be used for topic modeling, the size of the vocabulary is limited to the 10k most frequent terms. We will build a two-layer topic model, with 5 topics per layer (that is 5 topics on the first layer, and 5 topics each on all sub-layers, for a total of 5 + 5*5 = 30 topics).

Full usage instructions:

usage: [-h] [-p FILE] [-t FILE] [-m FILE] -o PATH [-a]
                      [-T MODEL] [-l LAYERS] [-c LIMITS] [-M N] [-f LANG]
                      [-v N] [-d N]

Build a nested topic model and classify documents

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p FILE, --input-pdfs FILE
                        path to the file containing the parsed PDFs (output of
  -t FILE, --input-tokens FILE
                        path to the file containing the tokens of the parsed
                        pdfs (optional, alternative to --input-pdfs)
  -m FILE, --input-meta FILE
                        path to the metadata file (output of arxiv_crawler.
                        required, if the category layer should be used)
  -o PATH, --output-prefix PATH
                        all output files, including temporary files, will be
                        prefixed with this string. all results will be stored
                        under this prefix aswell.
  -a, --abstracts-only  build topic models based on a paper's abstract only
                        (do not use the entire document text)
  -T MODEL, --topic-model MODEL
                        the topic model to use. Options: "lda" (default),
  -l LAYERS, --layers LAYERS
                        how many nested topic layers are to be used? Example:
  -c LIMITS, --limit-classification LIMITS
                        limits the number of topics that each document can be
                        assigned to at each layer during classification. One
                        number per layer, 0 stands for unlimited. Must have
                        same length as -l. Example: "1,2,0"
  -M N, --min-docs-per-topic N
                        require at least N documents per topic on each layer.
                        Can reduce the allowed topic count at each layer (but
                        never increase). Interrupts the build for a topic, if
                        less than 3*N documents remain (a topic model with
                        just two topics does not seem useful)
  -f LANG, --lang-filter LANG
                        filter by the specified language code. Defaults to
                        "en" (because we can currently only parse english
  -v N, --vocab-size N  limit the size of the vocabulary, if specified
  -d N, --doc-limit N   just process the first N documents (useful for

Elasticsearch Index Builder creates and populates an arxiv index from the crawled metadata, the generated topic model and the parsed full-text from the downloaded PDFs. The mapping is defined in src/res/arxiv-mapping.json. Please edit the index settings in this file, e.g. if you want to increase the default number of shards or replicas.

The script can generate a complete index from scratch or update an existing index with just the specified data. To create a new index, use the --new-index flag. There are three parameters starting with --file-*; by providing a path to a valid file, either the metadata, topic model or the document contents will be updated. For a full run, please provide a path to all three files.


python --host "localhost" --port 9200 --new-index --index-name "my-index" --file-meta /path/to/meta.json.bz2

This will create a new index named "my-index" on a local elasticsearch node and write the metadata from the specified file to this index. Add the other --file-* parameters to add the topic model and the pdf contents to the index.

Full usage instructions:

usage: [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-u USER] [-p PASS] [-i NAME]
                   [-T NAME] [-n] [-o] [-m FILE] [-t FILE] [-c FILE]

Create and populate an Elasticsearch index.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  the network host of the Elasticsearch node (default:
  -P PORT, --port PORT  the tcp port Elasticsearch is listening on (default:
  -u USER, --http-user USER
                        if http authentication is required, please specify the
                        name here
  -p PASS, --http-password PASS
                        if http authentication is required, please specify the
                        password here
  -i NAME, --index-name NAME
                        the name of the Elasticsearch index to use
  -T NAME, --index-type NAME
                        the type name of the Elasticsearch index to use
  -n, --new-index       create a new index (otherwise we assume an index
                        already exists)
  -o, --overwrite-index
                        overwrite an index of the same name, if it already
                        exists (otherwise we abort)
  -m FILE, --file-meta FILE
                        path to the metadata file (see `` to
                        get metadata). Can read bz2 and gzip compressed files.
  -t FILE, --file-topics FILE
                        path to the topic model file (see `` to
                        build a topic model). Can read bz2 and gzip compressed
  -c FILE, --file-content FILE
                        path to the file containing the PDF texts (see
                        `` to extract text from PDFs). Can read
                        bz2 and gzip compressed files.

Other Functions converts the arxiv categories into the 1998 ACM Computing Classification System. This function was used during the early stages of the prototype. It is only applicable to the computer science papers in the arxiv dataset and has now been superseded by the generic topic modeling tools provided by

Getting the arxiv dataset

The complete arxiv dataset is available from Amazon S3 in requester pays buckets. This means that you as a requester have to pay Amazon for the bandwidth, which is currently 0.09 US$ per GB. For the full 737 GB of PDFs (as of 2017-03), this results in 66 US$ plus VAT (in Germany this brings you to a total of 73€).

You can calculate the current price using the AWS Calculator (select Amazon S3 on the left and enter the download size in the field Data Transfer Out)

Usually, I'd access the data using aws-cli, but there's an issue with downloading data from requester pays buckets, which will hopefully be resolved soon. Anyway, here are the instructions for future reference:

# install & configure
pip install awscli
aws configure
  AWS Access Key ID: foo
  AWS Secret Access Key: bar
  Default region name [us-west-2]: eu-central-1
  Default output format [None]: json
aws configure set default.s3.max_concurrent_requests 20

# list directories
aws s3 ls s3://arxiv/pdf/ --request-payer requester

# copy a single file or sync an entire directory (won't work until issue 2557 is resolved!)
aws s3 cp --request-payer requester s3://arxiv/pdf/arXiv_pdf_1612_022.tar .
aws s3 sync s3://arxiv/pdf/ . --dryrun --request-payer requester

If you want a working command line utility, use s3cmd. If you prefer a GUI application, S3 Browser may work for you (note: disable multipart downloads for vastly increased download speed).


Copyright 2016-2017 Sebastian Straub

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


prepare documents for use in an elasticsearch index







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