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🗳️ Votemate - real-time voting application

Tech Stack Features Getting started Flow App Preview Design Packages Scripts

🔧 Tech Stack

TypeScript React Redux Tailwind CSS React Query React Hook Form

Node.js Fastify Prisma Inversify Zod Vitest

Vite Turborepo Render CircleCI Figma Docker PlanetScale

💡 Features

  • Realtime voting system
  • Passwordless magic link authentication
  • Private pools [ in development ]
  • Voting data visualistation
  • Responsive design
  • Time-limited pools
  • Guests can vote as well, and it is protected to ensure users can vote only once for particular answers
  • User-friendly interface for creating and managing pools
  • Anonymous voting to protect user privacy

🚀 Getting Started

⚠️ Prerequisites

Ensure you have Docker 🐳 installed on your machine, as it is necessary for creating a MySQL server instance.

Additionally, you need to provide valid values for environment variables. Two environment files, .env and .env.test, are required and these are located inside the apps/server directory.

⚙️ Setup

  1. Install dependencies: Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

    pnpm install
  2. Launch Docker container: The following command creates a MySQL server instance:

    pnpm run db:up
  3. Generate and push Prisma schema: The following command is necessary for setting up the database:

    pnpm run prisma:gp
  4. Generate and push test Prisma schema: Execute the following command to setup the testing database:

    pnpm run prisma:gp:test
  5. Start the server: Finally, run the following command to start the server:

    pnpm start

You should now have the Votemate server up and running locally on your machine.

📊 Flow

graph TB;

subgraph Application Layer
    turborepo((Turborepo)) --> apps;

subgraph DevOps
    devops((DevOps)) --> server[Server];
    Docker --> devops;
    circleci[CircleCI] --> devops;
    apps --> devops;

subgraph Database
    db((Database)) --> server;
    mysql[MySQL] --> db;
    prisma[Prisma] --> db;
    planetscale[Planetscale] --> db;

subgraph Backend
    node[Node.js] --> fastify[Fastify];
    architecture((Architecture)) --> fastify;
    fastify --> socket[];
    cqrs[CQRS] --> architecture;
    ddd[DDD / Clean Architecture] --> architecture;
    dependency[Dependency Injection] --> inversify[Inversify];
    inversify --> architecture;
    jwt[JWT] --> authorization((Authorization));
    authorization --> server;
    apps --> node;

subgraph Frontend
    apps --> web[Web];
    vite[Vite] --> react[React];
    react --> web;
    web --> redux[Redux];
    web --> reactquery[React Query];
    web --> tailwind[TailwindCSS];
    socket[] --> web;

subgraph Testing
    unit[Unit Tests] --> Vitest;
    integration[Integration Tests] --> Vitest;
    e2e[E2E Tests] --> Vitest;
    apps --> Vitest;


📺 App demonstration

Votemate GIF

🎨 Design

The user interface and visual design of Votemate have been created using Figma. You can view the design by clicking the link below:

Figma Design

Feel free to explore the design to get an overview of the app's layout, color scheme, and other visual elements.

📦 Custom local packages

@votemate/tsconfig @votemate/eslint-config
shared tsconfig config shared eslint config

📜 Scripts

Command Name Description Type
start Start the server in production mode Server, Global
dev Start the server in development mode Server, Web, Global
lint Lint the code Server, Web, Global
lint:fix Fix linting issues Server, Web, Global
ts:check Check TypeScript code Server, Web, Global
check Run lint and ts:check Server, Web, Global
test:unit Run unit tests Server
test:integration Run integration tests Server
test:e2e Run end-to-end tests Server
test:all Run all tests Server
build Build the project Server, Web, Global
prisma Generate Prisma client Server, Global
prisma:push Push Prisma schema changes Server, Global
prisma:studio Start Prisma Studio Server, Global
prisma:gp Generate and push Prisma schema Server, Global
prisma:gp:test Generate and push test Prisma schema Server, Global
db:up Launch Docker container with MySQL server instance Server, Global
db:down Stop and remove Docker container with MySQL server instance Server, Global
test:coverage Shows test coverage for server Server, Global


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