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Install Using Pip

pip install headjack

Start the Headjack Server


Docker Compose

The included docker compose setup launches headjack, a demo implementation of the headjack search service API spec, and a headjack UI that allows trying out the collection of headjack tools. Headjack uses the OpenAI API in the background and requires an OpenAI account and API key.

Clone this repo.

git clone
cd headjack

Create a local secrets.env file in the root containing your API key.


OPENAI_API_KEY=<Your API key here>

Start the docker compose environment.

docker compose up

Headjack UI: http://localhost:4000
Headjack Server Swagger Docs: http://localhost:8679/docs
Example Headjack Search Service Swagger Docs: http://localhost:16410/docs

Lint, Test, and Check Coverage

This project includes a Makefile for use with GNU Make.

Run linters.

make lint

Run tests.

make test

Run tests with coverage.

make coverage