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347 lines (300 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

347 lines (300 loc) · 15.3 KB


All notable changes to KoalaBot will be documented in this file. A lot of these commands will only be available to administrators

1.0.0 - 11-11-2023


  • Add backend API


  • Add backend API
  • Fix regional indicators as reactions
  • Fix disable inline not working


  • Added new commands verifyBlacklist, verifyBlacklistRemove & verifyBlacklistList for blacklisting a given user from being verified
  • Updated look of verify emails
  • made email verification case insensitive
  • Added optimisations for verified roles
  • Add backend API
  • Fix an issue where multiple emails can be passed to bypass domain-specific verification


  • Added new commands insights and servers under the insights cog

0.6.0 - 01-01-2023

  • Upgraded to 2.1.0

0.5.10 - 15-09-2022


  • Fix an issue where errors cause all reactions to be deleted

0.5.9 - 13-07-2022


  • Fix an issue where reVerify would fail if run multiple times

0.5.8 - 28-04-2022


  • Fix user sql error

0.5.7 - 28-04-2022


  • Fix issue where users alerts would sometimes delete themselves

0.5.6 - 19-04-2022


  • Fix issue where duplicate team alerts cannot be removed


  • Command Checks now are presented well to the client

0.5.5 - 19-04-2022


  • Fix issue where team twitch alerts would not show
  • Add logging and error handling to team loop

0.5.4 - 12-04-2022


  • Add scheduled activities for bot owners

0.5.3 - 12-04-2022


  • Fix streams delete themselves when live (again)

0.5.2 - 12-04-2022


  • Fix streams delete themselves when live

0.5.1 - 11-04-2022


  • Fix error if someone leaves the server during a vote

0.5.0 - 11-04-2022


  • TwitchAlert completely reworked (part 1)
  • TwitchAlert commands have been altered (e.g. k!twitchAddTeam to k!twitch addTeam) see for new syntax
  • Positioning of the channel argument has been moved. Please always check commands with k!help <command>
  • Previously optional channel arguments are now required
  • Help messages are now more detailed
  • Internal API library changed, may increase delays in twitch API responses


  • ./config is the new default config directory and is set in env
  • /config/logs/ is now used for logs
  • refactor koala file structure
  • Updated the credits and authors.

0.4.5 - 25-08-2021


  • Small improvements

0.4.4 - 19-08-2021


  • Fix bug where reacting with a unicode emoji broke the whole message

Colour Role

  • Colour strings can now be prefixed with a #


  • Added command prefix K!
  • Testing updated to use builders in dpytest 0.5.0
  • Additional option with --config <path to config> to choose where databases are stored
  • Officially removed support for 1.3.4

0.4.3 - 14-05-2021


  • Announce is hidden in help when not enabled


  • Fixed repetitive notification deletion and creation

0.4.2 - 08-04-2021


  • Fix issue of teams having repeated notifications

0.4.1 - 08-04-2021


  • Announce is now enabled successfully


  • KoalaBot can now be started without Twitch or Gmail keys (disabling TwitchAlert and Verify)
  • Owner only commands fall back to bot owner if BOT_OWNER is not provided

0.4.0 - 06-04-2021


  • announce create Start the creation of an announcement
  • announce changeTitle Changes the title of a pending announcement
  • announce changeContent Changes the content of a pending announcement
  • announce addRole Adds one or more roles to the list of receivers for the announcement
  • announce removeRole Remove one or more roles from the list of receivers for the announcement
  • announce preview Preview the pending announcement as an embed
  • announce send Send the announcement to the receivers, no designated receiver means all members of the guild
  • announce cancel Cancel the pending announcement and delete everything related to it


  • No longer allows users with direct messages disabled to be set as a vote chair.
  • If vote chair, vote owner and guild owner have direct messages disabled vote will not be abandoned but will need to be closed manually if a timer is deleted.
  • If vote chair has dms disabled when k!vote is called it outputs results to the channel it is called in.



  • rfr edit thumbnail Edit the displayed thumbnail of an RFR message
  • rfr edit inline Edit the fields of a specific or all RFR messages on the server
  • rfr fixEmbed Try and fix a broken embed automatically without needing to recreate it from scratch ####Changed
  • Fix issue where KoalaBot would sometimes fail to recognize a message sent in response to a prompt
  • Fix KoalaBot incorrectly overriding too many permissions in a channel when it created an RFR message.

0.3.0 - 17-03-2021


  • vote create <title> Start the vote creation process
  • vote addRole <@role>/<role id> Add a role to the list of roles to send the vote to
  • vote removeRole <@role>/<role id> Remove a role from the list of roles to send the vote to
  • vote setChair <@user>/<user id> Sets the "chair" of a vote to send the results to
    • if not set the results will be sent to the channel vote is ended in
  • vote setChannel <#voice_channel>/<channel_id> Sets the voice channel the vote will look for users to send to in
  • vote addOption <title+description> Takes a string separated by a + containing the title and the description of an option that can be selected in the vote
  • vote removeOption <index> Removes the specified option from the pool
  • vote preview Displays a preview of what the vote will look like to users who receive it
  • vote cancel Cancel a vote that is being set up
  • vote send Send the vote with the current configuration to any users in the constraints
    • Constraints being "users who have roles specified or are currently in the specified voice channel"
    • If channel/roles aren't set the vote will be sent to the whole server
  • vote checkResults Check the current results of the vote without ending it
  • vote close End the vote and send the results to the channel it was called in or DM to the set chair



  • support Command gives a link to our support server
  • dev: logging saved to files


  • clear <amount> now clears one extra (to include the command used)
  • Koala's activity is refreshed every connection to discord api servers

Twitch Alert


  • TwitchAlert now requires lower case team names and usernames
  • dev: Minor console fixes (removed excess error notifications)

Text Filter

  • Add regex validation to ensure valid regex only
  • Fix mod channel not saving correctly
  • Fix regex incorrectly being used on some messages

0.2.0 - 15-10-2020

Text Filter

  • filter <text> [type] Filter a word or string of text. Type is defaulted to banned which will delete the message and warn the user. Use type risky to just warn the user.

  • filterRegex <regex> [type] Filter a regex string. Type is defaulted to banned which will delete the message and warn the user. Use type risky to just warn the user.

  • filterList Get a list of filtered words in the server

  • modChannelAdd <channelId> Add a mod channel for receiving filtered message information (User, Timestamp, Message) to be sent to.

  • modChannelRemove <channelId> Remove a mod channel from the server.

  • modChannelList See a list of mod channels in the server.

  • ignoreUser <userMention> Add a new ignored user for the server. This users' messages will be ignored by the Text Filter.

  • ignoreChannel <channelMention> Add a new ignored channel for the server. Messages in this channel will be ignored by the Text Filter.

  • ignoreList See a list of ignored users/channels in the server.

  • unfilter <text> Unfilter a word/string/regex of text that was previously filtered.

  • unignore <mention> Unignore a user/channel that was previously set as ignored

React For Role (RFR)

  • rfr create Create a new, blank rfr message. Default title is React for Role. Default description is Roles below!.

  • rfr delete Delete an existing rfr message.

  • rfr addRequiredRole Add a role required to react to/use rfr functionality. If no role is added, anyone can use rfr functionality.

  • rfr removeRequiredRole Removes a role from the group of roles someone requires to use rfr functionality

  • rfr edit addRoles Add emoji/role combos to an existing rfr message.

  • rfr edit removeRoles Remove emoji/role combos from an existing rfr message.

  • rfr edit description Edit the description of an existing rfr message

  • rfr edit title Edit the title of an existing rfr message.

Colour Role

  • Fixed error that occasionally made custom colour roles be created in the wrong position, thus not showing correctly

Twitch Alert

  • Add catch so errors don't stop the alert loop

0.1.8 - 18-10-2020

Twitch Alert

  • Add 'No Category' option
  • Reduced Logging
  • Fix regex allowing underscore at start of name

0.1.7 - 13-10-2020

Twitch Alert

  • Fix InvalidArgument errors from not showing
  • Add logging
  • Add removal of chats that are no longer accessible

0.1.6 - 12-10-2020

Twitch Alert

  • Minor Bug Fixes

0.1.5 - 11-10-2020


  • Fix bot erroring on startup if it had left any guilds with verification enabled

Twitch Alert

  • Fix use of full URLs in twitch alerts
  • Fix oauth not updating

0.1.4 - 10-10-2020

Twitch Alert

  • Fix TwitchAlert loops crashing
  • Fix repeat on_ready
  • Fix timout for requests
  • Fix Twitch API Limits followed
  • Update TwitchAlert to use aiohttp rather than requests

0.1.3 - 30-9-2020


  • Fixed a bug involving verification of an email matching a server you weren't in

0.1.2 - 22-9-2020

Base KoalaBot

  • Fixed bug of k!help not working within a direct message
  • Fixed bug of TwitchAlert crashing
  • Fixed bug of adding a team to a new channel sets message as the Guild ID


  • Edited message sent upon joining a server with verification enabled

0.1.1 - 19-9-2020

Koala Extensions

Twitch Alert by Jack Draper

  • Fix an issue with not deleting old alerts

0.1.0 - 19-9-2020

Base KoalaBot

  • enableExt <koala_extension> Enable available Koala Extensions
  • disableExt <koala_extension> Disable enabled Koala Extensions
  • listExt Lists all enabled and disabled Koala Extensions
  • welcomeUpdateMsg <new_message> Allows admins to change their customisable part of the welcome message of a guild.
  • welcomeSendMsg Allows admins to send out their welcome message manually to all members of a guild.
  • welcomeViewMsg Shows the current welcome message
  • clear [amount=2] Clears a given number of messages from the given channel
  • ping Returns the ping of the bot

Koala Extensions

Verify by Harry Nelson

  • verifyAdd [suffix] [role] Set up a role and email pair for KoalaBot to verify users with
  • verifyRemove [suffix] [role] Disable an existing verification listener
  • reVerify <role> Removes a role from all users who have it and marks them as needing to re-verify before giving it back
  • verifyList List the current verification setup for the server

Twitch Alert by Jack Draper

  • twitchEditMsg <channel_id> [default_live_message...] Edit the default message put in a Twitch Alert Notification
  • twitchViewMsg [channel_id] Shows the current default message for Twitch Alerts
  • twitchList Shows all current users and teams in a Twitch Alert
  • twitchAdd <channel_id> [twitch_username] [custom_live_message...] Add a Twitch user to a Twitch Alert
  • twitchAddTeam <channel_id> [team_name] [custom_live_message...] Add a Twitch team to a Twitch Alert
  • twitchRemove <channel_id> [twitch_username] Removes a user from a Twitch Alert
  • twitchRemoveTeam <channel_id> [team_name] Removes a team from a Twitch Alert

ColourRole by Anan Venkatesh

  • listCustomColourAllowedRoles Lists the roles in a guild which are permitted to have their own custom colours.
  • listProtectedRoleColours Lists the protected roles, whose colours are protected from being imitated by a custom colour, in a guild.
  • addCustomColourAllowedRole <role> Adds a role, via ID, mention or name, to the list of roles allowed to have a custom colour.
  • addProtectedRoleColour <role_str> Adds a role, via ID, mention or name, to the list of protected roles.
  • removeCustomColourAllowedRole <role_str> Removes a role, via ID, mention or name, from the list of roles allowed to have a custom colour.
  • removeProtectedRoleColour <role_str> Removes a role, via ID, mention or name, from the list of protected roles.