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KlapBot - Discord Chat Backup Bot



KlapBot is a Discord bot designed to enhance your Discord experience by automatically downloading all files, including messages, images, and videos, shared in a chat. With KlapBot, you can ensure that important multimedia content is never lost, and you can effortlessly access and manage these files whenever you need to.


  • Chat History Backup: KlapBot allows you to back up the entire chat history of a Discord channel. It gathers messages, filters out bot messages, and organizes them chronologically.

  • Attachment Management: If a message contains attachments such as images or videos, KlapBot will download and store them. This ensures that multimedia content is also preserved in the backup.

  • Organized Storage: KlapBot creates dedicated folders for each chat, keeping messages and attachments neatly organized. This makes it easy to navigate and locate specific content.

Project Structure

The project consists of several key files:

  • index.js: This is the main file where the bot's functionality is implemented. It uses the Discord.js library to interact with the Discord API.

  • commands/backup.js: This file contains the code for the backup command. It fetches messages, processes attachments, and stores the backup in organized folders.

  • utils/downloadAttachment.js: This utility function handles the download of attachments. It uses the https module to retrieve attachments and save them to the appropriate location.

Design Choices

  • Discord.js: I chose to use the Discord.js library because it provides a robust and user-friendly way to interact with the Discord API. It simplifies tasks like message fetching and attachment handling.

  • Folder Structure: I opted to create a folder structure where each chat has its own dedicated folder. This design choice ensures that the backed-up content remains organized and easy to manage.

  • Attachment Naming: I named attachments using the format "{message_id}_{attachment_name}". This helps prevent naming conflicts and allows for clear identification of attachments.


KlapBot is a simple yet powerful tool that can enhance your Discord experience by ensuring important conversations are backed up and easily accessible. Whether you're a server administrator, community organizer, or student, KlapBot can help you keep your Discord chats organized and worry-free.

Feel free to explore the code, contribute, and make the most of KlapBot to streamline your Discord communication.


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