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Releases: KodiCraft/KISS

1.2 Error handling and fixes

21 Feb 17:17
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Change log:

  • Initial window load and list reloads are now a lot faster
  • More information for Server ping

Bug fixes

Fixed #10

1.1 Ping indicators

20 Jul 20:57
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What's Changed

  • Add bulletpoint, fix typo by @WowItsKaylie in #7
  • Fixed #8 (4a2cb12)
  • A ping counter now appears alongside servers, also indicating if they are online (#9) (8afd43a)

Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.1

1.0.1 Hotfix

19 Jul 14:31
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This hotfix prevents crashing when an invalid response comes from the Server Index and fixes an error in parsing the Server Index

Full Changelog: 1.0...1.0.1

1.0 Full Release

19 Jul 13:06
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With this first official release, the program is now in a state where it can be used by any and all. This update fixes a couple of issues and makes the overall experience easier and simpler.

What's Changed

  • Ignore json config when pushing to repository by @WowItsKaylie in #4
  • Added ability to browse the file system to select a world folder 88f308e (#1)
  • .wrl list now automatically removes files that would not be affected by the program b4d1c56 (#2)
  • Configuration files are now saved in a safe platform-dependent directory 31dc99c (#5)
  • You no longer have to restart the program after saving your settings fa9b646 (#6)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.2...1.0

0.2 First Release again!

19 Jul 00:51
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wow that first one sure was bad aye

0.1 First Release

19 Jul 00:43
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0.1 First Release Pre-release

First "release" before it was even properly tested lol