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Graph distance


BaekJoon 1865 Wormhole

BaekJoon 11404 Floyd

BaekJoon 1753 Shortest Path


Several algorithms for calculating shortest distances on graph were the candidates.

This algorithm is used to find the shortest paths from a single source vertex to all other vertices in a weighted graph. It uses a priority queue to determine which vertex to visit next and updates the shortest distance for each vertex as it is visited.

It is unable to be used in negative-distance graph.

  • Time Complexity: O(E + VlogV)

  • Python code

from heapq import heappush, heappop

def Dijkstra(G, src, Gtype="dict", DMAX=10000001):
    D = [DMAX] * (len(G) + 1)
    D[src] = 0
    H = [(0, src)]

    while H:
        d, src = heappop(H)
        for dist, dst in G[src]:
            if 0 <= D[dst] <= d + dist:

            D[dst] = dist + d
            heappush(H, (d + dist, dst))

    return D

This algorithm is similar to Dijstra's algorithm but it can also handle negative edge weights. It uses a relaxation technique to update the shortest distance for each vertex.

It is unable to used in graph that has negative cycle.

  • Time Complexity: O(VE)

  • Python code

from itertools import chain

def BellmanFord(G, V, src, Gtype="dict", DMAX=10000001):
    D = [DMAX] * (V + 1)
    D[src] = 0
    update = True

    for i in range(V):
        if not update:
        update = False
        for s, dist, d in chain((s, dist, d) for s in G for dist, d in G[s]):
            if D[s] < DMAX and D[s] + dist < D[d]:
                update = True 
                D[d] = D[s] + dist

    return D

This algorithm is an extension of Dijkstra's algorithm and it is used to find the shortest path in a graph with a heuristic function. This heuristic function is used to guide the search towards the goal node, which leads to a faster search.

  • Time Complexity: O(E + VlogV)

  • Python code

This algorithm is used to find the shortest path froma single source vertex to all other vertices in an unweighted graph. It visits all the vertices of the graph by expanding the search in a breadth-first manner.

  • Time Complexity: O(V + E)

  • Python code

from collections import deque

def BFS(G, src, Gtype="dict"):
    D = [-1] * (len(G) + 1)
    D[src] = 0
    Q = deque([(src, 0)])

    while Q:
        src, d = Q.popleft()
        for dst in G[src]:
            if D[dst] < 0:
                D[dst] = d + 1
                Q.append((dst, d+1))

    return D

This algorithm is used to find the shortest path between all pairs of vertices in a weighted graph. It uses dynamic programming to calculate the shortest path between each pair of vertices.

  • Time Complexity: O(V^3)

  • Python code

def Floyd(G, Gtype="matrix", display=False):
    N = len(G)
    for n in range(N):
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(N):
                if i != n and j != n:
                    G[i][j] = min(G[i][j], G[i][n] + G[n][j])

    return G

Since the problem(1865) is weighted, signed graph, we cannot use Dijkstra and BFS algorithm. A* algorithm is also inefficient because it is for single-single distance while we should calculate many-many vertices. Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall algorithm seems appropriate.


Unweighted Graph

V, E = 100000, 6000000
T = GraphGenerator(V, E)
G = GraphConverter(T, V, E, returnType="dict", weighted=False)

Dijkstra(G, V, 1)
BFS(G, V, 1)
Algorithm Time Complexity Time(s)
Dijkstra $O(V+ElogE)$ 17.22
BFS $O(V+E)$ 2.26

Weighted Graph

V, E = 20000, 300000
T = GraphGenerator(V, E)
G = GraphConverter(T, V, E, returnType="dict")

Dijkstra(G, V, 1)
BellmanFord(G, V, 1)
Algorithm Time Compelxity Time(s)
Dijkstra $O(V+ElogE)$ 0.35
Bellman-Ford $O(VE)$ 1.63


V, E = 500, 2500
T = GraphGenerator(V, E)
G = GraphConverter(T, V, E, returnType="dict")
M = GraphConverter(T, V, E, returnType="matrix")

for v in range(1, V+1): 
    Dijkstra(G, V, v)
for v in range(1, V+1):
    BellmanFord(G, V, v)
Floyd(M, V)
Algorithm Time Complexity Time(s)
Dijkstra $O(V^2 + VElogE)$ 0.74
Bellman-Ford $O(V^2E)$ 2.70
Floyd-Warshall $O(V^3)$ 42.17
Bellman-Ford w/o early-stopping $O(V^2E)$ 236.96
  • Early stopping (when there is no more update) in Bellman-Ford algorithm makes it faster than Floyd-Warshall, yet Bellman-Ford algorithm's time complexity for worst case is bigger than Floyd's.

E > V^2

V, E = 100, 100000
T = GraphGenerator(V, E)
G = GraphConverter(T, V, E, returnType="dict")
M = GraphConverter(T, V, E, returnType="matrix")

for v in range(1, V+1): 
    Dijkstra(G, V, v)
for v in range(1, V+1):
    BellmanFord(G, V, v)
Floyd(M, V)
Algorithm Time Complexity Time(s)
Dijkstra $O(V^2 + VElogE)$ 24.18
Bellman-Ford $O(V^2E)$ 15.26
Floyd-Warshall $O(V^3)$ 0.32
Dijkstra w/ matrix $O(V^4)$ 0.97
Bellman-Ford w/ matrix $O(V^4)$ 0.77
  • w/ matrix: limit the number of edges to $V^2$ by only choosing the minimum distance between two nodes.

Algorithm Comparison

Weighted Signed $E&gt;V^2$ Best Algorithm
O X X Dijkstra
O O X Bellman-Ford
O O O Floyd-Warshall


  • 위 실험의 결과에 따라 각 문제들은 다음 알고리즘으로 해결하는 것이 가장 효율적이다.
Problem V E Weighted Signed Best Algorithm
BaekJoon 1753 Shortest Path 20000 300000 O X Dijkstra
BaekJoon 1865 Wormhole 500 5200 O O Bellman-Ford
BaekJoon 11404 Floyd 100 100000 O X Floyd-Warshall
  • 1865번 웜홀 은 정석적인 Bellman-Ford 방식으로 풀면 Python3으로는 통과하지 못함 (94% TOE)

    Pypy3으로는 AC (Code)

    Bellman-Ford의 한계(negative cycle이 있으면 안된다)를 이용하면 $O(VE)$로 해결가능 (Code)

    애초에 이 문제는 shortest distance가 아닌 negative cycle의 유무에 집중하기 때문 (link 참고)

  • Class4에서 가장 어려웠고 배울점이 많았던 문제



Baekjoon-1865 Wormhole






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