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feat: remove deprecated expansion code
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OBrink committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent fd874a3 commit 1ca862f
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 275 deletions.
276 changes: 1 addition & 275 deletions decimer_segmentation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
import cv2
import numpy as np
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.morphology import binary_erosion
from imantics import Polygons
from typing import List, Tuple

from scipy.ndimage import label

Expand All @@ -25,155 +22,6 @@ def plot_it(image_array: np.array) -> None:

def get_bounding_box_center(bounding_box: np.array) -> np.array:
This function returns the center np.array([x,y]) of a given
bounding box np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2],...,[x_n, y_n]])
bounding_box (np.array): [[x1, y1], [x2, y2],...,[x_n, y_n]]
np.array: bounding box center[x_center, y_center]
x_values = np.array([])
y_values = np.array([])
for node in bounding_box:
x_values = np.append(x_values, node[0])
y_values = np.append(y_values, node[1])
return np.array([np.mean(x_values), np.mean(y_values)])

def get_edge_line(
node_1: Tuple[int, int], node_2: Tuple[int, int]
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
This function returns the slope and intercept of a linear
function between two given points in a 2-dimensional space
node_1 (Tuple[int, int]): x, y
node_2 (Tuple[int, int]): x, y
Tuple[float, float]: slope, intercept
slope = (node_2[1] - node_1[1]) / (node_2[0] - node_1[0])
intercept = node_1[1] - slope * node_1[0]
return slope, intercept

def get_euklidian_distance(point_1: Tuple[int, int], point_2: Tuple[int, int]) -> float:
This function returns the euklidian distance between two
given points in a 2-dimensional space.
point_1 (Tuple[int, int]): x, y
point_2 (Tuple[int, int]): x, y
float: Euklidian distance between two
return np.sqrt((point_2[0] - point_1[0]) ** 2 + (point_2[1] - point_1[1]) ** 2)

def set_x_range(
x_distance: float, eukl_distance: float, image_array: np.array
) -> np.array:
For the contour-based expansion, non-white pixels on the contours of the
original polygon bounding box are detected. Checking every single pixel
along the edge between two nodes of the polygon would be time-consuming.
This function takes the distance between two points along the x-axis,
defines the amount of steps to take (depending on the resolution) and
returns the corresponding list of steps in x-direction in random order.
x_distance (float): distance between polygon nodes in x-direction
eukl_distance (float): euklidian distance between the nodes
image_array (np.array): input image
np.array: Shuffled range of steps along x-axis
width = image_array.shape[1]
blur_factor = int(width / 500) if width / 500 >= 1 else 1
if x_distance > 0:
x_range = np.arange(0, x_distance, blur_factor / eukl_distance)
x_range = np.arange(0, x_distance, -blur_factor / eukl_distance)
return x_range

def get_next_pixel_to_check(
bounding_box: np.array,
node_index: int,
x_step: int,
image_shape: Tuple[int, int, int],
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
This function returns the next pixel to check in the image (along the edge
of the bounding box). This is only needed for the contour-based expansion.
In the case that it tries to check a pixel outside of the image, this is
bounding_box (np.array): [(x0,y0), (x1, y1), ...]
node_index (int)
x_step (int): step in x-direction
image_shape (Tuple[int, int])
Tuple[int, int]: _description_
# Define the edges of the bounding box
slope, intercept = get_edge_line(
bounding_box[node_index], bounding_box[node_index - 1]
x = int(bounding_box[node_index - 1][0] + x_step)
y = int((slope * (bounding_box[node_index - 1][0] + x_step)) + intercept)
if y >= image_shape[0]:
y = image_shape[0] - 1
if y < 0:
y = 0
if x >= image_shape[1]:
x = image_shape[1] - 1
if x < 0:
x = 0
return x, y

def adapt_x_values(
bounding_box: np.array, node_index: int, image_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]
) -> np.array:
If two nodes form a vertical edge, the linear function that describes that
edge will in- or decrease infinitely with dx so we need to alter those
This function returns a bounding box where the nodes are altered depending
on their relative position to the center of the bounding box.
If a node is at the border of the image, then it is not changed.
bounding_box (np.array): [(x0,y0), (x1, y1), ...]
node_index (int)
image_shape (Tuple[int, int, int])
np.array: [(x0,y0), (x1, y1), ...]
bounding_box = copy.deepcopy(bounding_box)
if bounding_box[node_index][0] != image_shape[1]:
bounding_box_center = get_bounding_box_center(bounding_box)
if bounding_box[node_index][0] < bounding_box_center[0]:
bounding_box[node_index][0] = bounding_box[node_index][0] - 1
bounding_box[node_index][0] = bounding_box[node_index][0] + 1
return bounding_box

def binarize_image(image_array: np.array, threshold="otsu") -> np.array:
This function takes a np.array that represents an RGB image and returns
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,49 +64,6 @@ def get_biggest_polygon(polygon: np.array) -> np.array:
return [polygon[y_variance.index(max(y_variance))]]

def get_contour_seeds(
image_array: np.array, bounding_box: np.array
) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
This function an array that represents an image and a polygon bounding box.
It returns a list of tuples with indices of objects in the image on the
bounding box edges. For clarification: This expansion from the contours of
the original polygon is *not* the default expansion.
image_array (np.array)
bounding_box (np.array): [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...]
seed_pixels (List[Tuple[int, int]]): [(x, y), ...]]
# Check edges for pixels that are not white
seed_pixels = []
for node_index in range(len(bounding_box)):
# Define amount of steps to get from node 1 to node 2 in x-direction
x_diff = bounding_box[node_index][0] - bounding_box[node_index - 1][0]
if x_diff == 0:
bounding_box = adapt_x_values(
eukl_dist = get_euklidian_distance(
bounding_box[node_index], bounding_box[node_index - 1]
x_diff_range = set_x_range(x_diff, eukl_dist, image_array)
# Go down the edge and check if there is something that is not white.
# If something was found, the corresponding coordinates are saved.
for step in x_diff_range:
x, y = get_next_pixel_to_check(
bounding_box, node_index, step, image_array.shape
# If there is something that is not white
if image_array[y, x] < 0.9:
seed_pixels.append((x, y))
return seed_pixels

def get_mask_center(mask_array: np.array) -> Tuple[int, int]:
This function takes a binary np.array (mask) and defines its center.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,31 +145,6 @@ def get_seeds(
return seed_pixels

def get_neighbour_pixels(
seed_pixel: Tuple[int, int], image_shape: Tuple[int, int, int]
) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
This function takes a tuple of x and y coordinates and returns a list of
tuples of the coordinates of the eight neighbour pixels.
seed_pixel (Tuple[int, int]): (x, y)
image_shape (Tuple[int, int, int]): (height, width, depth)
List[Tuple[int, int]]: [(x0,y0), ... (x7, y7)]]
neighbour_pixels = []
x, y = seed_pixel
for new_x in range(x - 1, x + 2):
if new_x in range(image_shape[1]):
for new_y in range(y - 1, y + 2):
if new_y in range(image_shape[0]):
if (x, y) != (new_x, new_y):
neighbour_pixels.append((new_x, new_y))
return neighbour_pixels

def detect_horizontal_and_vertical_lines(
image: np.ndarray, max_depiction_size: Tuple[int, int]
) -> np.ndarray:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,45 +216,6 @@ def expand_masks(
return mask_array

'''def expand_masks(
image_array: np.array,
seed_pixels: List[Tuple[int, int]],
mask_array: np.array,
exclusion_mask: np.array,
) -> np.array:
This function generates a mask array where the given masks have been
expanded to surround the covered object in the image completely.
image_array (np.array): array that represents an image (float values)
seed_pixels (List[Tuple[int, int]]): [(x, y), ...]
mask_array (np.array): MRCNN output; shape: (y, x, mask_index)
exclusion_mask (np.array]: indicates whether or not a pixel is excluded from
contour_expansion (bool, optional): Indicates whether or not to expand
from contours. Defaults to False.
np.array: Expanded masks
if not contour_expansion:
mask_array = np.zeros(mask_array.shape)
for seed_pixel in seed_pixels:
x, y = seed_pixel
if exclusion_mask[y, x]:
neighbour_pixels = get_neighbour_pixels(seed_pixel, image_array.shape)
for neighbour_pixel in neighbour_pixels:
x, y = neighbour_pixel
if not mask_array[y, x]:
if not image_array[y, x]:
mask_array[y, x] = True
seed_pixels.append((x, y))
return mask_array'''

def expansion_coordination(
mask_array: np.array, image_array: np.array, exclusion_mask: np.array
) -> np.array:
Expand All @@ -486,22 +227,7 @@ def expansion_coordination(
seed_pixels = get_seeds(image_array,
if seed_pixels != []:
mask_array = expand_masks(image_array, seed_pixels, mask_array, exclusion_mask)
# If the seed detection inside of the mask has failed for some reason,
# look for seeds on the contours of the mask and expand from there on.
# Turn masks into list of polygon bounding boxes
polygon = Polygons.from_mask(mask_array).points
# Delete unnecessary mask blobs
polygon = get_biggest_polygon(polygon)

seed_pixels = get_contour_seeds(
image_array=image_array, bounding_box=polygon[0]
mask_array = expand_masks(
image_array, seed_pixels, mask_array, exclusion_mask, contour_expansion=True
mask_array = expand_masks(image_array, seed_pixels, mask_array, exclusion_mask)
return mask_array

Expand Down

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