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Simple borwser storage API wrapper. With useful tool functions.


npm i @konata9/storage.js

Basic Usage

API familiar to the local/sessionStorage. Easily to use.

import Storage from "@konata9/typecheck.js";
// or
const Storage = require("@konata9/typecheck.js");

// Storage default using sessionStorage
// Set & Get single key-values
Storage.set({ hello: "world" });
const world = Storage.get("hello");
console.log(world); // return world

// Set & Get multiple key-values
Storage.set({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
const values = Storage.get(["a", "b", "c"]);
console.log(values); // return [1, 2, 3]

// Remove single key
Storage.get("hello"); // return null

// Remove mutiple keys
Storage.remove(["a", "b"]);
Storage.get("a"); //return null
Storage.get("b"); //return null

// Clear Storage
Storage.clear(); // clear all key-values in the Storage




The type property decide which Storage (localStorage or sessionStorage) to use. Default storage is sessionStorage.


Return current Storage type 'session' or 'local'. Default value is 'session'.

Storage.getType(); // return 'session' or 'local'

Set the Storage type. The type only accpet 'session' and 'local'. You can use this method to change the Storage type.

This method will change the global type of storage.

Storage.setType("local"); // change localStorage
Storage.getType(); // return 'local'

Although we can set type by Storage.type = 'local'/'session', we don't suggest to do like this. Because Storage.setType() method will check the value to make sure you use the correct storage.



Storage.set(insertItem, [type])
  • insertItem: Object. Key-Value you want to set, support multiple key-values.

  • type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.

    You don't need to use JSON.stringify() to encode the value.

// set single value and use the current storage
Storage.set({ a: 1 });

// set key-value to localStorage
Storage.set({ a: 1 }, "local");

// set multiple key-values to the current storage
Storage.set({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });

// set multiple key-values to the localStorage
Storage.set({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, "local");
Storage.get(key, [type])

Return Array or single value due to the type of key you pass. If the key expired, will return null and will remove the key-value from storage.

  • key: Array | String. You can get single value by passing a string, and get multiple values by passing an array of keys.

  • type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.

    You don't need to use JSON.parse() to decode the value.

// get single value and use the current storage
Storage.get("a"); // return 1

// get single value from localStorage
Storage.get("a", "local"); // return 1

// get multiple values by passing key-array
Storage.get(["a", "b", "c"]); // return [1, 2, 3]

// get multiple values by passing key-array from localStorage
Storage.get(["a", "b", "c"], "local"); // return [1, 2, 3]


Storage.remove(key, [type])
  • key: Array | String. You can remove single value by passing a string, and remove multiple values by passing an array of keys.
  • type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.
// remove single key-value from current storage

// remove key-value from localStorage
Storage.remove("a", "local");

// remove multiple key-values from current storage
Storage.set(["a", "b", "c"]);

// remove multiple key-values from localStorage
Storage.set(["a", "b", "c"], "local");
  • type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.
// clear all key-values in current storage

// clear all key-values in localStorage


Storage.listKeys([type, full])

Return Array of values, order is equal to the key you pass.

  • type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.

  • full: Boolean. Default is false, return the keys array without expire-key. If you set true, it will return all keys array(include expire-key).

    expire-key look like --key--, represent the key has an expire time. You can find detail below.

// get keys from current storage
Storage.listKeys(); // return ['a', 'b', 'c']

// get keys from localStorage
Storage.listKeys("local"); // return ['a', 'b', 'c']

// get all keys from current storage
Storage.listKeys(Storage.getType(), true); // return ['a', 'b', 'c', '--a--', '--b--', '--c--']

// get all keys from localStorage
Storage.listKeys("local", true); // return ['a', 'b', 'c', '--a--', '--b--', '--c--']
Storage.hasKey(key, [type])

Return Booleantrue or false).

  • key: String. You check the key if it is in the storage.
  • type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.
// check the key from current storage
Storage.hasKey("a"); // return true
Storage.hasKey("e"); // return false if the key didn't exist

// check the from localStorage
Storage.hasKey("a", "local"); // return true
Storage.hasKey("e", "local"); // return false if the key didn't exist

Expire Key

As we all know, value in the Storage will not delete ifself especially in localStorage. So we provide expire key, the value will destory ifself when you get it next time if it is expired.

Storage.setExpireKey(insertItem, [options])

Set the key with expires time(seconds). This method will create a key like --key-- to keep the expires seconds. The key: --key-- is the expire key. If the value expired, it will return null and remove both key and expire key when you use Storage.get() method.

  • insertItem: Object. Key-Value you want to set, support multiple key-values.
  • options: Object.
    • options.type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.
    • options.expires: Number. Default value is Storage.ONE_DAY. This param let you set how long(seconds) you want to keep.
// set single value and use the current storage and default expires seconds
Storage.setExpireKey({ a: 1 }); // storage will create a expires key --a-- record expires seconds.

// set single value and use the current storage and custom expires seconds
Storage.setExpireKey({ a: 1 }, { expires: Storage.ONE_DAY * 3 }); // expires is three day

// set single value and use localStorage and default expires seconds
Storage.setExpireKey({ a: 1 }, { type: "local" });

// set single value and use localStorage and custom expires seconds
Storage.setExpireKey({ a: 1 }, { type: "local", expires: Storage.ONE_DAY * 3 });

// set multiple values and use the current storage and custom expires seconds
Storage.setExpireKey({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { expires: Storage.ONE_DAY * 3 }); // expires is three day

// set multiple values and use the current storage and default expires seconds
Storage.setExpireKey({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });

// set multiple values and use localStorage and default expires seconds
Storage.setExpireKey({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { type: "local" });

// set multiple values and use localStorage and custom expires seconds
  { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
  { type: "local", expires: Storage.ONE_DAY * 3 }
Storage.checkExpired(key, [type])

Return Booleantrue or false).

  • key: String. You check the key if it is expired.
  • type: String. Will use current storage type. This param let you set the storage type temporarily.
// check the key from current storage
Storage.checkExpired("a"); // return true if the key is expired
Storage.checkExpired("e"); // return false if the key is not expired

// check the from localStorage
Storage.checkExpired("a", "local"); // return true if the key is expired
Storage.checkExpired("e", "local"); // return false if the key is not expired

Expire Seconds

Storage provide some seconds to set the expires easily. The type of value below is Number.

  • Storage.ONE_MINUTE equals 1000 * 60 seconds
  • Storage.ONE_HOUR equals 1000 * 60 * 60 seconds
  • Storage.ONE_DAY equals 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 seconds
  • Storage.ONE_MONTH equals 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 seconds

You can get any time you want.

let fiveMinutes = 5 * Storage.ONE_MINUTE;
let oneWeek = 7 * Storage.ONE_DAY;


You can find the test case in test folder. All the test were passed. The result is in the test/testrunner.html file or you can run the command npm run test to see the report.

If you want to run the test yourself, you may need to build the storage.test.js file. But don't worry, you can run the command npm run test-build to build the js file easily. The only thing you need to do is refreshing the page test/testrunner.html in the browser.