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docs: add guide on setting up with k8s 1.18 and istio 1.6.7
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Co-authored-by: Travis Raines <>
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mflendrich and rainest committed Aug 17, 2020
1 parent 7a91640 commit 0ee4868
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Showing 2 changed files with 237 additions and 21 deletions.
43 changes: 22 additions & 21 deletions docs/guides/
Expand Up @@ -4,72 +4,73 @@ Follow one of the guides to learn more about how to use
Kong Ingress controller:

- [Getting started]( with Kong Ingress Controller
- [Using KongPlugin resource](
- [Getting started using Istio]( with Kong Ingress Controller and Istio
- [Using KongPlugin resource](
This guide walks through setting up plugins in Kong using a declarative
- [Using KongIngress resource](
- [Using KongIngress resource](
This guide explains how the KongIngress resource can be used to change Kong
specific settings like load-balancing, health-checking and proxy behaviour.
- [Using KongConsumer and KongCredential resources](
- [Using KongConsumer and KongCredential resources](
This guide walks through how Kubernetes native declarative configuration
can be used to dynamically provision credentials for authentication purposes
in the Ingress layer.
- [Using JWT and ACL KongPlugin resources](
- [Using JWT and ACL KongPlugin resources](
This guides walks you through configuring the JWT plugin and ACL plugin for
authentication purposes at the Ingress layer
- [Using cert-manager with Kong](
- [Using cert-manager with Kong](
This guide walks through how to use cert-manager along with Kong Ingress
Controller to automate TLS certificate provisioning and using them
to encrypt your API traffic.
- [Configuring a fallback service](
- [Configuring a fallback service](
This guide walks through how to setup a fallback service using Ingress
resource. The fallback service will receive all requests that don't
match against any of the defined Ingress rules.
- [Using external service](
- [Using external service](
This guide shows how to expose services running outside Kubernetes via Kong,
using [External Name](
Services in Kubernetes.
- [Configuring HTTPS redirects for your services](
- [Configuring HTTPS redirects for your services](
This guide walks through how to configure Kong Ingress Controller to
redirect HTTP request to HTTPS so that all communication
from the external world to your APIs and microservices is encrypted.
- [Using Redis for rate-limiting](
- [Using Redis for rate-limiting](
This guide walks through how to use Redis for storing rate-limit information
in a multi-node Kong deployment.
- [Integrate Kong Ingress Controller with Prometheus/Grafana](
- [Integrate Kong Ingress Controller with Prometheus/Grafana](
This guide walks through the steps of how to deploy Kong Ingress Controller
and Prometheus to obtain metrics for the traffic flowing into your
Kubernetes cluster.
- [Configuring circuit-breaker and health-checking](
- [Configuring circuit-breaker and health-checking](
This guide walks through the usage of Circuit-breaking and health-checking
features of Kong Ingress Controller.
- [Setting up custom plugin](
- [Setting up custom plugin](
This guide walks through
installation of a custom plugin into Kong using
ConfigMaps and Volumes.
- [Using ingress with gRPC](
- [Using ingress with gRPC](
This guide walks through how to use Kong Ingress Controller with gRPC.
- [Setting up upstream mTLS](
- [Setting up upstream mTLS](
This guide gives an overview of how to setup mutual TLS authentication
between Kong and your upstream server.
- [Preserveing Client IP address](
- [Preserveing Client IP address](
This guide gives an overview of different methods to preserve the Client
IP address.
- [Using KongClusterPlugin resource](
- [Using KongClusterPlugin resource](
This guide walks through setting up plugins that can be shared across
Kubernetes namespaces.
- [Using Kong with Knative](
- [Using Kong with Knative](
This guide gives an overview of how to setup Kong as the Ingress point
for Knative workloads.
- [Exposing TCP-based service](
- [Exposing TCP-based service](
This guide gives an overview of how to use TCPIngress resource to expose
non-HTTP based services outside a Kubernetes cluster.
- [Using mtls-auth plugin](
- [Using mtls-auth plugin](
This guide gives an overview of how to use `mtls-auth` plugin and CA
certificates to authenticate requests using client certificates.
- [Configuring custom entities in Kong](
- [Configuring custom entities in Kong](
This guide gives an overview of how to configure custom entities for
deployments of Kong Ingress Controller running without a database.
- [Using OpenID-connect plugin](
- [Using OpenID-connect plugin](
This guide walks through steps necessary to set up OIDC authentication.

215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions docs/guides/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
## Running Kong Ingress Controller with Istio

In this guide, you will:
* Install Istio v1.6.7 and Kong in your cluster.
* Deploy an example Istio-enabled application (_bookinfo_).
* Deploy an `Ingress` customized with a `KongPlugin` for the example application.
* Make several requests to the sample application via Kong and Istio.
* See the performance metrics of the sample application, provided by Istio.

### Prerequisites
For this guide, you will need:

* A Kubernetes v1.15 (or newer) cluster which can pull container images from public registries. For example, you can use:
* A managed Kubernetes cluster (AWS EKS, Google Cloud GKE, Azure AKS).
* Minikube.
* `microk8s` with the `dns` addon enabled.
* `kubectl` with admin access to the cluster.

### Download Istio

Download the Istio bundle at version 1.6.7:

$ curl -L | env ISTIO_VERSION=1.6.7 sh -
Istio 1.6.7 Download Complete!
Istio has been successfully downloaded into the istio-1.6.7 folder on your system.

### Install Istio Operator

Invoke `istioctl` to deploy the Istio Operator to the Kubernetes cluster:

$ ./istio-1.6.7/bin/istioctl operator init
Using operator Deployment image:
✔ Istio operator installed
✔ Installation complete

### Deploy Istio using Operator

Deploy Istio using Istio Operator:

$ kubectl create namespace istio-system
namespace/istio-system created
$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: IstioOperator
namespace: istio-system
name: example-istiocontrolplane
profile: demo
EOF created
$ kubectl describe istiooperator -n istio-system

Wait until the `kubectl describe istiooperator` command returns `Status: HEALTHY`.

### Deploy Kong Ingress Controller in an Istio-enabled namespace

$ kubectl create namespace kong-istio
namespace/kong-istio created
$ kubectl label namespace kong-istio istio-injection=enabled
namespace/kong-istio labeled
$ helm install -n kong-istio example-kong kong/kong --set ingressController.installCRDs=false
NAME: example-kong
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Aug 10 15:14:44 2020
NAMESPACE: kong-istio
STATUS: deployed

_Optional:_ Run `kubectl describe pod -n kong-istio -l` to see that the Istio sidecar (`istio-proxy`) is running alongside Kong Ingress Controller.

### Deploy bookinfo in an Istio-enabled namespace

Deploy the sample _bookinfo_ app from the Istio bundle:

$ kubectl create namespace my-istio-app
namespace/my-istio-app created
$ kubectl label namespace my-istio-app istio-injection=enabled
namespace/my-istio-app labeled
kubectl apply -n my-istio-app -f istio-1.6.7/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml
Wait until the application is up:
$ kubectl wait --for=condition=Available deployment productpage -n my-istio-app --timeout=240s
### Deploy ingress

Define a `KongPlugin` rate-limiting access to 100 requests per minute. Define an `Ingress` telling Kong to proxy traffic
to a service belonging to the sample application:

$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: KongPlugin
name: rate-limit
namespace: my-istio-app
plugin: rate-limiting
minute: 30
policy: local

$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: productpage
namespace: my-istio-app
annotations: rate-limit
- http:
- path: /
serviceName: productpage
servicePort: 9080

### Make some requests to the sample application

Connect to the sample application served via Kong and Istio.

Note that `8080:80` means that `kubectl` will open the `tcp/8080` port on the local system and forward all requests to
Kong's port `80`.

$ # Keep the command below running in the background
$ kubectl port-forward service/example-kong-kong-proxy 8080:80 -n kong-istio
Forwarding from -> 8000
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8000

Navigate your web browser to `http://localhost:8080/` You should be able to see a bookstore web application. Click
through any available links several times. As you hit 30 requests per minute (for example, by holding down the "Refresh"
key combination, e.g. `<Ctrl-R>` or `<Command-R>`), you should obtain a `Kong Error - API rate limit exceeded` response.

### See the connection graph in Kiali

Connect to Kiali (the Istio dashboard):

$ # Keep the command below running in the background
$ kubectl port-forward service/kiali 20001:20001 -n istio-system
Forwarding from -> 20001
Forwarding from [::1]:20001 -> 20001

* Navigate your web browser to `http://localhost:20001/`.
* Log in using the default credentials (`admin`/`admin`).
* Choose _Workloads_ from the menu on the left.
* Select `my-istio-app` in the _Namespace_ drop-down menu.
* Click the _productpage-v1_ service name.
* Click the three dots button in the top-right corner of _Graph Overview_ and click _Show full graph_.
* Select `kong-istio` alongside `my-istio-app` in the _Namespace_ diagram.
* Observe a connection graph spanning from `example-kong-kong-proxy` through `productpage-v1` to the other sample
application services such as `ratings-v1` and `details-v1`.

### See the metrics in Grafana

Connect to Grafana (a dashboard frontend for Prometheus which has been deployed with Istio):

$ # Keep the command below running in the background
$ kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000 -n istio-system
Forwarding from -> 3000
Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 3000

* Navigate your web browser to `http://localhost:3000/`.
* Expand the dashboard selection drop-down menu from the top of the screen. Expand the `istio` directory and choose the
_Istio Workload Dashboard_ from the list.
* Choose _Namespace: my-istio-app_ and _Workload: productpage-v1_ from the drop-downs.
* Choose a timespan in the top-right of the page to include the time when you made requests to the sample application (e.g. _Last 1 hour_).
* Observe the incoming and outgoing request graphs reflecting actual requests from Kong to `productpage-v1`, and from `productpage-v1` to its backends.

Note that the requests from the web browser to Kong are not reflected in inbound stats of `example-kong-kong-proxy`
because we've issued these requests by `kubectl port-forward`, thus bypassing the Istio proxy sidecar in Kong.

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