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GTK_D is unofficial fork of GtkD with some features


GTK_D is a DLang wrapper for Gtk+ and some other Gtk libs like Adwaita, Shumate. You can use all libraries together or take one you need thanks DUB submodules

Library Submodule name Description
Linker linker A library for dynamic libs loading
GLib glib GLib is a bundle of three low-level system libraries
Graphene graphene Graphene is a lightweight library OS, designed to run a single application with minimal host requirements
Cairo cairo Cairo is an open source graphics library
HarfBuzz harfbuzz HarfBuzz is a software development library for text shaping
Pango pango Pango is a text layout engine library which works with the HarfBuzz shaping engine for displaying multi-language text
GIO gio GIO is a library, designed to present programmers with a modern and usable interface to a virtual file system
GdkPixbuf gdkpixbuf dkPixbuf is a library that loads image data in various formats and stores it as linear buffers in memory
Atk atk Accessibility Toolkit is an open source software library, part of the GNOME project, which provides application programming interfaces for implementing accessibility support in software
GDK gdk GDK is a library that acts as a wrapper around the low-level functions provided by the underlying windowing and graphics systems
librsvg rsvg librsvg is a free software SVG rendering library
GSK gsk GTK Scene Graph Kit (GSK) is the rendering and scene graph API for GTK
GTK gtk GTK is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
libadwaita adw Building blocks for modern GNOME applications.
GtkSourceView sourceview GtkSourceView is a GNOME library that extends GtkTextView, the standard GTK+ widget for multiline text editing
libsoup soup libsoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libshumate shumate libshumate is a C library providing a GtkWidget to display maps

Additional info

To generate code from GIR use this gir-to-d fork :

# Clone and build
git clone
cd gir-to-d
meson builddir
ninja -C builddir

# Generate for dynamic linking
girtod --use-runtime-linker -i source/ -o source/generated

# Generate for static linking
girtod -i source/ -o source/generated

Windows libraries

You can get required dll form MSYS2 project`s repo :)


Documentation may be generated by Scod and ddoc



GTK_D and gtkD use LGPLv3 license