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Releases: Kopernicus/Kopernicus

Kopernicus 1.0.1

23 Apr 19:27
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  • Fixed an issue with OrbitLoader and orbit colors
  • Fixed an issue with ScaledSpace caching

Kopernicus 1.0

20 Apr 20:36
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  • Fixed an issues with subobjects on PQSMods (like landclasses)
  • Fixed an issue with PQS on template-less worlds
  • Fixed a Material issue in LandControl
  • Added the biome map settings "nonExactThreshold" and "exactSearch" to the Properties node
  • Added a loader for mapMaxHeight in the PQS node
  • Added a loader for lacunarity in VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight
  • Added the ability to reference PQSMods by name and index in the component tree in removePQSMods. (removePQSMods = PQSMod_VertexHeightMap[_Height, 1] would remove the second heightmap named _Height)
  • Updated the code to make use of the updated KSP 1.1 and Unity 5 API
  • Tried to implement async loading of scaled space textures (on demand), but failed because Unity was doing weird things :(
  • Removed PQSMod_FixedOblate and PQSMod_FixedOffset - the fixes are now included in the stock versions
  • Removed oceanFogColorAltMult because it is gone in KSP
  • Fixed an issue with custom orbit modes
  • Actually remove hidden bodies in RnD, not just remove their thumbnail and center the name
  • Updated the shader wrappers to the 1.1 versions and did some updates to the generator
  • Added maxViewDistance override for tracking station to the Kopernicus node
  • Added null checks
  • Added more null checks
  • Fixed OceanFX creation
  • Made some changes to make changing the scaled space material possible (again?)
  • Only build rings if they aren't built
  • Added removeCoronas option in Template that hides the coronas of a star
  • Removed Win64 warning from CompatibilityChecker (it might still appear as I didn't bump the version number of CC and other mods could override Kopernicus checker)
  • Use GL calls to draw the lines for the SOI debugger instead of Vectrosity, makes them nicer and easier to use
  • Made the orbit generation for the asteroids more customizeable (there will be some mods using it out soon, so I won't explain the structure now)
  • Added the ability to patch the config node that gets created by the asteroid loader and that contains the vessel that gets created (Savegame VESSEL syntax)
  • Automated unloading of MapSO's after being unused for 1 minute
  • FINALLY fixed the issue where adding an AFG to a templated planet would cause a black sky and no AFG \o/
  • Fixed the previously added null checks
  • Added a loader for the fade multiplier in scaled space fader

Note - reparenting Kerbin or the Sun causes the sky to be incorrect in the space center view. It is, however, correct in the flight view and the flight map view. Reparenting the sun causes other stars positions to not update in the tracking station for some reason.

Kopernicus 0.6.3

28 Dec 11:02
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  • Added a Null Check to the Scatter Extensions
  • Implemented a Limit for untracked Asteroids

Update your System.cfg or it won't work!

Kopernicus 0.6.2

14 Dec 18:43
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Small bugfix for multiple particles.
Don't worry, single particle configs still work with 0.6.0

Kopernicus 0.6.1

13 Dec 20:01
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Bump-Release to trigger a CKAN update. 0.6 and 0.6.1 use the same code.

Kopernicus 0.6

12 Dec 12:46
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New in this version

  • Fixed the Biome-View in Tracking Station
  • Fixed PQSMaterials
  • Fixed LandControl
  • Added the ability to create multiple Particle Emitters with custom meshes (mesh = .obj) and scales (scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  • Particles are now in a Particles {} node (Body { Particles { Particle { } Particle { } } })
  • Added early support for particle collisions, toggleable using collide = true in the Particle settings (defaults to false)
  • Added the ability to apply a constant force to the particles (force = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  • Added asteroid customization through Asteroid { } nodes in the Kopernicus { } node. See System.cfg for the stock configuration
  • Added support for HSBA() colors (0-255)
  • Fixed AtmosphereFromGround loading
  • Removed Debug Spam and fixed some exceptions in the parser
  • The SOI-Debugging lines are better visible and nicer now
  • The changes to the main menu should persist between scene changes
  • EVE clouds should get copied to the main menu again
  • Added visibility tweaking (icon and mode in Orbit { } and selectable in Properties { })
  • PQSMods are now sorted using the order value when caching the scaled space
  • Various other fixes and things that I forgot

Kopernicus 0.5.2

18 Nov 21:36
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New in this version

  • Fixed a bug that was introduced through 0.5.1 bugfixing
  • Fixed ScaledSpace OnDemand loading for gas giants
  • Hotfixed a bug with Biome maps

Kopernicus 0.5.1

18 Nov 18:28
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New in this version

  • Fixed a bug where Kopernicus crashes if the body doesn't have a ScaledVersion { } node
  • Made more things public, so that other mods can access them.

Kopernicus 0.5

17 Nov 20:35
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New in this version

  • Implemented working OnDemand-Loading library, for MapSO, CBAttributeMapSO and ScaledSpace Textures
  • Removed .mu support for Scatter Meshes, because it doesn't fit well for this purpose
  • Added support for BUILTIN/ Biome Maps
  • Added operators to convert the internal parsers to their respective values
  • Moved custom components into a seperate library
  • Complete reengineering of the code. Kopernicus code is now much cleaner, easier to extend and to debug
  • ModLoader is now powered by generics, so that the whole namespace is cleaner
  • External ModLoaders don't have to use the Namespace Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader anymore. Use whatever you want :)
  • Removed the custom ring shaders and reverted back to the builtin ones. Fixed the halo-bug differently
  • Created components for Rings and the KSC mover, to make them more modular
  • Added support for SOI-Debbugging (i.e. making the SOI visible). Use Debug { showSOI = true }
  • Removed Debug { exportBin } option, and added exportMesh and update. exportMesh will force Kopernicus to write a mesh (or not), and update will force a ScaledSpace Update, which is neccisary for exportMesh.
  • Cleaned up the runtime utility, everything is now in a single class (no KSPAdddon spam)
  • Removed the old Finalize System
  • Added Body { finalizeOrbit } which will apply the same changes to this single body like the old System did to all bodies
  • Implemented BaseLoader, to fetch the currently edited PSystemBody. That allows us to create everything in the background.
  • Renamed all loading classes to Loader, to have a consistent naming scheme.
  • Added getters and setters to almost all parser targets, to support dynamic generation of Kopernicus configs.
  • Official KSP 1.0.5 support
  • Removed the non-spherical ocean feature, because PartBuoyancy is way to complex now, so I can't replicate it's behaviour.
  • Removed the energy curve for stars in Body {}
  • Renamed ScaledVersion { SolarLightColor { } } to Light { }
  • Added luminosity and insolation settings to Light { }, to patch the light behaviour that is executed by the FlightIntegrator
  • Removed the need for Planetarium.fetch.Sun replacement, SolarPanels are now moddable (thanks NathanKell!)
  • Added Majiir's CompatibilityChecker, to lock Kopernicus on unsupported versions
  • Moved Ocean { HazardousOcean { HeatCurve { } } } to Ocean { HazardousOcean { } }
  • Completely removed the debugging utility, including the exporting tool (Mod+E+P). You are encouraged to use KittopiaTechs exporter.
  • Added density value to the Ocean node, to parse the density of the ocean
  • Added FogParser to parse the Underwater-Fog from an Ocean { Fog { } } node.
  • Many other changes that I forgot, if you find something that has changed, feel free to inform me.

Kopernicus 0.4

14 Sep 19:07
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New in this version

  • finalizeOrbits only recalculates the SOI, if it is not set in Properties { }
  • Optimizations for non spherical oceans
  • Kopernicus now sets the altitude where the "space-music" starts
  • Fixed a bug with SpaceCenter and recovery distances.
  • Fixed a bug with the flightGlobalsIndex patcher, now every body's flightGlobalsIndex is fixed.
  • Other minor improvements