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HebaruSan edited this page Aug 17, 2017 · 29 revisions

The Properties { } node in a configuration file for Kopernicus describes the planet itself. Parameters like description, mass, gravity and biomes are specified here.



description = Here goes the description for the info box of the body that you can access in map view.

useTheInName = True/False. If the body name should be prefixed with "the" in some situations.

radius = The radius (half of the body's diameter) of the body in meters.

mass = The mass of the body in kilograms. You can use scientific notation here, like 1234567+e20 f.e.

gravParameter = G*mass. This is the parameter that is used in the actual simulation. The gravitational acceleration in any point would be calculated as gravParameter/r2 where r is a distance from that point to the body center.

geeASL = The gravitational parameter at sea level in Gs. For Earth/Kerbin this would simply be 1. If the reference body is Kerbin, which has an acceleration of gravity of 9.8m/s2, geeASL= gravParameter/9.8

rotates = A true/false statement that determines if the body rotates or not. In reality no celestial body doesn't rotate, but in KSP the Sun, aka Kerbol, doesn't rotate.

rotationPeriod = The period in seconds that the body needs to rotate around its axis one time.

initialRotation = The rotation in degrees (0-359) that the body starts at (clockwise).

inverseRotThresholdAltitude = ?Altitude where the Game switches the reference frame in meters

albedo = ?How reflective is the body. scale from 0 to 1?

emissivity = ?scale from 0 to 1?

coreTemperatureOffset = ?

tidallyLocked = A true/false statement that determines if the body is tidally locked to its parent. This means that it takes as long to rotate arounds its own axis as it does to make a full orbit around its parent. In real-life and KSP most (large) moons are tidally locked.

isHomeWorld = A true/false statement that determines if this is the body that houses KSC. For stability's sake It's recommended to keep this at false for any bodies you add.

timewarpAltitudeLimits = An array of numbers that determines at which altitude above sealevel certain timewarp altitudes become available. 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000 means that 1x timewarp is available at 0 meters, 5x timewarp at 30000 meters all the way up to the max timewarp starting at 800000 meters.

sphereOfInfluence = In meters. The sphere of influence of the body. This is generally calculated as described here. In case you need it to be unrealistically big or small you can change it here.

hillSphere = ?[2]

solarRotationPeriod = ?[3]

navballSwitchRadiusMult = ?

navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = ?

selectable = ?If the body should be unselectable

RDVisibility = ?If the body should be hidden in RnD

maxZoom = ?Max Zoom limit for TrackingStation and MapView. Set the number of meters that can fit in the full height of the screen

biomeMap = The path to the biome map texture, without the GameData in front of it and with an extension. See the Biome subnode for more information

  • [2] How does this functionally differ from sphere of influence?
  • [3] Shouldn't this be determined by the orbit nodes's semiMajorAxis?


        description = Some nice description
        radius = 600000
        mass = 5.29E+22
        gravParameter = 9.81
        geeASL = 1.0
        rotates = true
        rotationPeriod = 21600
        initialRotation = 0
        tidallyLocked = false
        isHomeWorld =   true
        timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000
        sphereOfInfluence = 84159286

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