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Releases: KorAP/Kustvakt

Kustvakt version 0.66

30 Mar 07:14
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** Warning **

This release includes database change on OAuth2 access and refresh token tables, and Krill changes on index fingerprints, that may break previous installations. Existing cache built by client apps e.g. R-KorAP-Client should be removed and rebuilt.

New features

  • a new admin API to remove invalid (expired and revoked) OAuth2 tokens


  • Re-implemented admin filter
  • Added foreign keys to the DB tables of access and refresh token scopes.

Library updates

  • Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.20 to 9.21 in /full by @dependabot in #338
  • Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 in /full by @dependabot in #339
  • Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 in /lite by @dependabot in #340
  • Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 in /core by @dependabot in #341
  • Bump flyway-core from 8.5.0 to 8.5.3 in /core by @dependabot in #342
  • Bump unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.3 to 6.0.4 in /full by @dependabot in #346
  • Bump flyway-core from 8.5.3 to 8.5.4 in /core by @dependabot in #345
  • Bump mockserver-netty from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0 in /lite by @dependabot in #347
  • Bump hibernate.version from 5.6.5.Final to 5.6.7.Final in /full by @dependabot in #348
  • Bump mockserver-netty from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0 in /full by @dependabot in #349
  • Bump spring.version from 5.3.16 to 5.3.17 in /core by @dependabot in #350
  • Bump hibernate.version from 5.6.5.Final to 5.6.7.Final in /core by @dependabot in #351
  • Bump joda-time from 2.10.13 to 2.10.14 in /core by @dependabot in #352
  • Bump maven-shade-plugin from 3.2.4 to 3.3.0 in /lite by @dependabot in #354
  • Bump maven-shade-plugin from 3.2.4 to 3.3.0 in /full by @dependabot in #355

Full Changelog: v0.65.1-release...v0.66-release

Kustvakt version 0.65.1

04 Mar 09:41
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Introducing a new query parameter: show-tokens in the search API and a new web-service for retrieving field values of a virtual corpus.

New Features

Library Updates

  • Bump hibernate.version from 5.6.1.Final to 5.6.3.Final in /full by @dependabot in #297
  • Bump hibernate.version from 5.6.1.Final to 5.6.3.Final in /core by @dependabot in #298
  • Bump flyway-core from 8.0.5 to 8.3.0 in /core by @dependabot in #301
  • Bump hibernate.version from 5.6.3.Final to 5.6.5.Final in /core by @dependabot in #317
  • Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.33 to 1.7.35 in /core by @dependabot in #318
  • Bump hibernate.version from 5.6.4.Final to 5.6.5.Final in /full by @dependabot in #319
  • Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.16-preview.1 to 9.18 in /full by @dependabot in #321
  • Bump flyway-core from 8.4.2 to 8.4.4 in /core by @dependabot in #323
  • Bump jetty.version from 9.4.44.v20210927 to 9.4.45.v20220203 in /core by @dependabot in #325
  • Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.35 to 1.7.36 in /core by @dependabot in #326
  • Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 in /lite by @dependabot in #327
  • Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 in /core by @dependabot in #328
  • Bump mockserver-netty from 5.11.2 to 5.12.0 in /full by @dependabot in #329
  • Bump mockserver-netty from 5.11.2 to 5.12.0 in /lite by @dependabot in #330
  • Bump json-smart from 2.4.7 to 2.4.8 in /core by @dependabot in #331
  • Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 in /full by @dependabot in #332
  • Bump flyway-core from 8.4.4 to 8.5.0 in /core by @dependabot in #333
  • Bump spring.version from 5.3.15 to 5.3.16 in /core by @dependabot in #334
  • Bump nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.18 to 9.20 in /full by @dependabot in #335

Full Changelog: v0.65-release...v0.65.1-release


17 Dec 16:36
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Kustvakt version 0.65

Please update all Kustvakt libraries, Krill to version 0.60.2 and Koral to version 0.38.1

Introducing a new cache mechanism.

New features:

  • new cache mechanism replacing Ehcache
  • retrieve KoralQuery of a virtual corpus
  • list system virtual corpora

Changes to previous API

  • removal of koralQuery from VC list
  • removal of statistics from VC list

Library updates

Full Changelog: v0.64-release...v0.65-release

Kustvakt version 0.64

30 Jul 09:27
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Introducing a database migration of annotation tables, a more flexible cache configuration for named virtual corpora, OAuth2 client naming restrictions and some parameter changes.


  • Annotation data such as information on annotation layers, keys and values, are included in the database migration.
  • Maximum cache heap and disk sizes can be setup in the kusvakt.conf file.
  • OAuth2client names are restricted from using ambiguous characters.
  • Ambiguous API parameter names e.g pertaining to super client properties, have been updated.
  • Bugs fixes


This update is likely to break the database migration. Database should be backed up prior to the deployment. Some tables such as oauth2_client, oauth2_access_token, oauth2_access_token_scope may need to be dumped and restored to a new database.

Kustvakt version 0.63.1

24 Jun 13:15
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  • Virtual corpus methods are generalized for query reference.
  • "token type" and "client_id" have been added to the OAuth2 token list API response.
  • Parameters referring to super client id and secrets have been updated for clarity.
  • "client_type" has been added to the OAuth2 client list API response.
  • Parameter "client_secret" has been removed from the OAuth2 client list API request.
  • Parameter "redirectURI" has been altered to "redirect_uri" in OAuth2Client JSON definition.
  • OAuth2 API responses and parameters in the error responses have been updated for coherence.
  • Parameters "description" and "url" have been updated to "client_description" and "client_url" in the OAuth2 Client DTO for coherence.
  • Bug fixes.

Kustvakt version 0.63

25 Feb 17:22
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New features since 0.61.3:

  • Introducing index version header
  • Introducing docker
  • Introducing query reference
  • Added a new web-service for refreshing index and VC cache
  • Added a web-service to obtain API info
  • Added public metadata request in the search API
  • Added pipe extension in search API
  • Added support for multiple cq (corpusquery) parameters in search API
  • Added OAuth2 token management via super client
  • Added user setting management


  • Sample index has been updated

  • Various updates in OAuth2 API including

    • removed URL requirement in client registration
    • removed client authentication from the client deregistration and client-secret reset APIs
    • added an admin API for clearing access token cache
    • added a web-service to list clients registered by a user
    • added a web-service to list active refresh tokens of a user
  • Various updates in the user group API including

    • added user-group name pattern
    • replaced groupId with groupName and updated user group service paths
    • removed UserGroupJson
  • Various updates in the virtual corpus API

    • added additional statistic figures to virtual corpus info API response
    • added users to hidden group when searching in a published VC
  • KoralQuery in JSON responses is now unescaped

  • cq is prefered to corpusQuery parameter in the statistic API

For more detailed information on changes, please look up the change log files.

Kustvakt version 0.61.3

14 Nov 18:06
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New features:

  • OAuth2 token revocation
  • OAuth2 client secret reset
  • OAuth2 super client
  • Virtual corpus reference and rewrite
  • REST API versioning
  • Kustvakt server shutdown via HTTP Post request


  • Added field parameter to search controller
  • Added highlight parameter to matchInfo controller

See detailed changes in the change log files.

Kustvakt full version 0.60.5

14 Aug 10:30
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OAuth2 and OpenId authentication supports

New Features

  • OAuth2 client registration
  • OAuth2 authorization request
  • OAuth2 request token with authorization code grant
  • OAuth2 request token with password grant
  • OAuth2 request token with client credentials grant
  • OAuth2 authorization with OpenID Authentication
  • Support for authorization scopes: search and match_info

Changes from previous release

  • alterations of service API endpoints / URLs
  • improved test settings for faster test suite runtime
  • various bug fixes

Kustvakt full version 0.60.1

05 Apr 15:35
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New features

  • virtual corpus and user-group management for system admins
  • user-group member role management


  • added admin-related SQL codes
  • updated AdminDao
  • added optional username query parameter to group list controller
  • added delete group member triggers
  • added list user-group by username and status for system admin
  • added user-group status in user-group DTO
  • added check for hidden groups in user-group tests
  • added database trigger test on deleting members when deleting group
  • renamed VC type PREDEFINED to SYSTEM
  • added VC list controller for system admin
  • added VC controller tests with for system admin
  • added hidden access removal when deleting published VC
  • added check for hidden groups in VC controller tests
  • added search user-group controller
  • removed createdBy from VirtualCorpusJson
  • moved member role setting from the invitation phase to the after-subscription phase
  • added member role removal after deleting members
  • added add and delete member role controllers

Bug fixes

  • fixed non hierarchical URI causing kustvakt.conf is not found.