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This Todo project in React provides functionality to add, edit, mark tasks as completed and delete them. The user can easily add new tasks, edit their content, mark them as completed and delete them from the list. The app interface is built using Tailwind CSS library for responsive design on different devices, and statistics on completed tasks helps to track progress.

Technologies Used

React: It is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. It allows you to develop components that are reusable and state-driven.

React Icons (FaTrash, TiEdit, IoExit): An icon library for React that provides a convenient way to add icons to an application without having to create custom components for each icon.

Tailwind CSS: This is a CSS framework that provides a set of ready-made classes to quickly style elements. The code uses Tailwind classes to create an adaptive and modern application design.

JavaScript ES6+: It uses modern JavaScript features such as arrow functions, object destructuring, and template strings for more compact and readable code.

How to Use

1.Clone the repository.
2.Open the project in your preferred code editor.
3.Customize the content, images, and styles as per your requirements.
4.Preview the layout by opening the index.html file in your web browser.
5.Deploy the project to a web server or hosting platform of your choice.

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