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Max edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 5 revisions

Since v0.10.4 there is a DSL for ConstraintLayout in Anko. To use it you should add this dependency to your build script:

implementation "org.jetbrains.anko:anko-constraint-layout:$anko_version"

It is based on constraint-layout:1.1.0-beta4 so make sure you also have this dependency:

implementation ""

Required package is:

import org.jetbrains.anko.constraint.layout.constraintLayout


You can configure constraints in two different ways, by defining ConstraintSet or by defining lparams for views like you do for other Anko layouts. The recommended way is to use ConstraintSet, since it was designed for defining constraints programmatically.

Defining ConstraintSet

There are constraintSet and applyConstraintSet DSL blocks available. constraintSet creates ConstraintSet from the ConstraintLayout which can be applied later. applyConstraintSet creates and applies ConstraintSet to the ConstraintLayout.

constraintLayout {

    val sessionStart = textView {
        id =
        textSize = 18f
        textColor = theme.getColor(R.attr.colorAccent)

    val sessionTitle = textView {
        id =
        textSize = 18f
        textColor = Color.BLACK
    }.lparams(0, wrapContent)

    textView {
        id =
        textSize = 16f
    }.lparams(0, wrapContent)

    applyConstraintSet {
        // Connect without block
        // You may use view id or view itself to define connections
                START of to START of PARENT_ID margin dip(10),
                TOP of sessionStart to TOP of PARENT_ID margin dip(10)

        // constraint configuration on view
        sessionTitle {
                    START to START of PARENT_ID margin dip(SESSION_LIST_HEADER_MARGIN),
                    TOP to TOP of PARENT_ID margin dip(10),
                    END to END of PARENT_ID margin dip(10),
                    BOTTOM to TOP of

            horizontalBias = 0.0f
            defaultWidth = MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP

        // constraint configuration on view Id {
                    START to START of PARENT_ID margin dip(SESSION_LIST_HEADER_MARGIN),
                    TOP to BOTTOM of sessionTitle margin dip(2),
                    END to END of PARENT_ID margin dip(10),
                    BOTTOM to BOTTOM of PARENT_ID margin dip(2)

            horizontalBias = 0.0f
            defaultWidth = MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP

Take a look at more complex layout: codelabs sample reimplemented with anko.

⚠️Note: Each child view of ConstraintLayout must have a unique id otherwise, the layout may not work properly. Since built-in view state save/restore mechanism relies on stable ids, the best option is to define it through ids.xml. However one may prefer to use View.generateViewId()

Defining lparams for views

constraintLayout {

    textView {
        id =
        textSize = 18f
        textColor = theme.getColor(R.attr.colorAccent)
    }.lparams(width = wrapContent, height = wrapContent) {
        margin = dip(10)
        leftToLeft = PARENT_ID
        topToTop = PARENT_ID

    textView {
        id =
        textSize = 18f
        textColor = Color.BLACK
    }.lparams(width = 0, height = wrapContent) {
        leftMargin = dip(SESSION_LIST_HEADER_MARGIN)
        topMargin = dip(10)
        rightMargin = dip(10)
        bottomMargin = dip(2)
        leftToLeft = PARENT_ID
        topToTop = PARENT_ID
        rightToRight = PARENT_ID
        bottomToTop =
        horizontalBias = 0.0f
        matchConstraintDefaultWidth = MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP

    textView {
        id =
        textSize = 16f
    }.lparams(width = 0, height = wrapContent) {
        leftMargin = dip(SESSION_LIST_HEADER_MARGIN)
        rightMargin = dip(10)
        bottomMargin = dip(10)
        leftToLeft = PARENT_ID
        topToBottom =
        bottomToBottom = PARENT_ID
        rightToRight = PARENT_ID
        horizontalBias = 0.0f
        matchConstraintDefaultWidth = MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP
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