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Collection type VSUBSCRIBED (Webcal)

Peter Bieringer edited this page Jun 10, 2024 · 3 revisions


Collection type "VSUBSCRIBED" also known as "Webcal" is a special collection which has no content but only a reference to an external calendar URL.

Can be created using the built-in WebUI using type "Webcal"

Storage layout


[d] /var
└─[d] /lib
  └─[d] /radicale
    └─[d] /collections
      └─[d] /collection-root
        └─[d] USER1
          └─[d] feiertagebayern (Collection)
            └─[f] .Radicale.props (set: VSUBSCRIBED)

Content of .Radicale.props (example)

cat ./feiertagebayern/.Radicale.props | jq
  "C:calendar-description": "Feiertage Bayern",
  "CS:source": "",
  "D:displayname": "Feiertage Bayern",
  "ICAL:calendar-color": "#c84b7bff",
  "tag": "VSUBSCRIBED"

Request/Response example:

curl -s --request PROPFIND -u USER1:USERPASS1 http://localhost:5232/USER1/feiertagebayern | xmllint --format -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<multistatus xmlns="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" xmlns:CS="" xmlns:ICAL="">
        <getlastmodified>Mon, 10 Jun 2024 05:06:34 GMT</getlastmodified>
        <displayname>Feiertage Bayern</displayname>
        <C:calendar-description>Feiertage Bayern</C:calendar-description>
      <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>

Clients supporting "Webcal"

Note: there are no local items stored, client has to honor the URL given in <CS:source><href>...</href></CS:source> and pull from there.

(at least known)

Name support since
DAVx5 ?