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157 lines (114 loc) · 3.82 KB


File metadata and controls

157 lines (114 loc) · 3.82 KB


Installing tinycss2 with pip should Just Work:

pip install tinycss2

This will also automatically install tinycss2’s only dependency, webencodings. tinycss2 and webencodings both only contain Python code and should work on any Python implementation, although they’re only tested on CPython.


tinycss2 is “low-level” in that it doesn’t parse all of CSS: it doesn’t know about the syntax of any specific properties or at-rules. Instead, it provides a set of functions that can be composed to support exactly the parts of CSS you’re interested in, including new or non-standard rules or properties, without modifying tinycss or having a complex hook/plugin system.

In many cases, parts of the parsed values (such as the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.content` of a :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule`) is given as :term:`component values` that can be parsed further with other functions.

.. module:: tinycss2
.. autofunction:: parse_stylesheet_bytes
.. autofunction:: parse_stylesheet
.. autofunction:: parse_rule_list
.. autofunction:: parse_one_rule
.. autofunction:: parse_declaration_list
.. autofunction:: parse_one_declaration
.. autofunction:: parse_component_value_list
.. autofunction:: parse_one_component_value


In addition to each node’s a :meth:`~tinycss2.ast.Node.serialize` method, some serialization-related functions are available:

.. autofunction:: serialize
.. autofunction:: serialize_identifier

.. module:: tinycss2.color3


.. autofunction:: parse_color
.. autoclass:: RGBA

.. module:: tinycss2.nth


.. autofunction:: parse_nth

.. module:: tinycss2.ast

AST nodes

Various parsing functions return a node or a list of nodes. Some types of nodes contain nested nodes which may in turn contain more nodes, forming together an abstract syntax tree.

Although you typically don’t need to import it, the :mod:`tinycss2.ast` module defines a class for every type of node.

.. autoclass:: Node()

.. autoclass:: QualifiedRule()
.. autoclass:: AtRule()
.. autoclass:: Declaration()

Component values

.. autoclass:: ParseError()
.. autoclass:: Comment()
.. autoclass:: WhitespaceToken()
.. autoclass:: LiteralToken()
.. autoclass:: IdentToken()
.. autoclass:: AtKeywordToken()
.. autoclass:: HashToken()
.. autoclass:: StringToken()
.. autoclass:: URLToken()
.. autoclass:: UnicodeRangeToken()
.. autoclass:: NumberToken()
.. autoclass:: PercentageToken()
.. autoclass:: DimensionToken()
.. autoclass:: ParenthesesBlock()
.. autoclass:: SquareBracketsBlock()
.. autoclass:: CurlyBracketsBlock()
.. autoclass:: FunctionBlock()


.. currentmodule:: tinycss2.ast
.. glossary::

        In this documentation “a string” means an Unicode string:
        :func:`unicode <py2:unicode>` on Python 2.x and
        :class:`py3:str` on Python 3.x.
        On 2.x,
        a byte string (:func:`str <py2:str>`) that only contains ASCII bytes
        is also accepted and implicitly decoded.

    Component value
    Component values
        A :class:`ParseError`,
        or :class:`Comment`

.. currentmodule:: tinycss2