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Service for uploading borrowers via ftp or via the koha upload tool.


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Create the files /etc/koha/sites/<instance name>/borrowerimport.conf and /etc/koha/sites/<instance name>/borrowerimport-instance-map.yaml based on the example files.

It is also possible to watch multiple uploaded files by creating several config files with file name ending with .conf in the directory /etc/koha/sites/<instance name>/borrowerimport.conf.d.


Run the script

If borrowerimport.conf is updated, you will need to restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart watch-borrower-import

Instance map

The instance map is a yaml file that maps the source branch-code to koha instance and koha branchcode. Place this file under /etc/koha/sites/<koha instance>/borrowerimport-instance-map.yaml

In this example, the branchcode in the source data file may contain the values code1 and code2, which will both be mapped to the koha instance kolib and the branccodes branchcode1 and branchcode2.

   instance: kolib
   branchcode: branchcode1
   instance: kolib
   branchcode: branchcode2
    instance: kolib
	branchcode: defaultbranchcode

It is possible to map the imported borrowers to different koha-instances, although the configuration files needs to be placed in the configuration directory of a specific instance.

If there is a _default mapping it will be used when no other mapping is matched.

Category map

The category map is a yaml file that maps source borrower category to koha borrower categorycode. The file is optional. If it does not exist the source branchcode will be used as is. Place this file under /etc/koha/sites/<koha instance>/borrowerimport-category-map.yaml

 category1: categorycode1
 category2: categorycode2
 _default: defaultcategorycode

If there is a _default mapping it is used if no other mapping matches.

If nothing matches, the original category code is used unmodified.

FTP upload mode

In FTP upload mode (with KOHA_UPLOAD=no), just set the FILENAME parameter to the full path of the file that is expected to be uploaded.

Upload tool mode

In the koha administrative view go to administration -> authorized values. Add the category 'UPLOAD' if it does not already exist. Add the value 'BORROWERS' in the category 'UPLOAD'.

The FILENAME parameter must be set to just the filename (no directory).

Scripting upload

When scripting the upload, the authentication have to be made using a session cookie. A separate authentication request have to be made to acquire the cookie. The authentication has to be made to an account that have staff access and file upload permissions.

To upload the file end a request using the POST method and basic authentication to https://<domainnamne of staff interface>/cgi-bin/koha/tools/ with form-data of type multipart/form-data and the following data-fields:

uploadcategory: BORROWERS fileToUpload: borrowers.csv (file upload with filename borrowers.csv)

Example with curl:

  domainname=<domain name of staff interface>

  # Create a temporary file for the session cookie

  trap 'rm -f "$cookiejar"' EXIT INT TERM HUP

  # Authenticate

  curl --silent --cookie-jar "$cookiejar" -F userid="$username" -F password="$password" https://$domainname > /dev/null

  # Upload file

  curl --silent --cookie "$cookiejar" -F uploadcategory=BORROWERS -F fileToUpload=@borrowers.csv https://$domainname/cgi-bin/koha/tools/

Examle with curl for Windows:

  @ECHO off
  SET domainname="site"
  SET username="userid"
  SET password="passwprd"

  set cookiejar=.\cookiejar.tmp
  REM type nul > %cookiejar%
  REM Authenticate
  curl.exe -v -c %cookiejar% -F userid=%username% -F password=%password% http://%domainname% > $NUL 2>&1
  REM echo curl.exe -v -c "%cookiejar%" -F userid=%username% -F password=%password% http://%domainname%

  REM Upload file
  curl.exe -v --cookie "%cookiejar%" -F "fileToUpload=@borrowers.csv" "http://%domainname%/cgi-bin/koha/tools/
  del %cookiejar%


Service for uploading borrowers via ftp or via the koha upload tool.







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