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Kreativsoehne - Cookieconsent

Cookie optin with brainsum/cookieconsent as the overlay and ways to block cookies and external resources.

Note: Version 3 has significant breaking changes and is not compatible with older version. However, if you find bugs or issues within v2 kindly open a issue with us and we'll see about updating v2 if necessary.


Install through contao-manager or with composer require kreativsoehne/cookieconsent.

Run a database update.


Several of the basic settings will be available through the root page. In addition it adds a new Backend module allowing you to edit categories and services/cookies as you require.

Cookieconsent Customization

See cookieconsent documentation for further information into specific settings.

Default categories & services

You can download a database dump here which contains a list of categories and cookies/services which we found to be common enough and GDPR compliant (so far). It contains only english and german translations for the most part, but we'll update them with new languages as we get them (if you'd like to help, kindly open a issue or pull request and we'll update the database dump with your translations). There are also separate dumps for the rootpage configuration, one for each languages: English and German, which contain the basic texts for the cookieconsent layer itself.

You can import these through phpmyadmin and similar. Note: Use at your own discretion. Do not import anything into a Live system without testing first!


Through the template file cookieconsent_language several of the frontend languages settings can be customized or additional ones added as required. The format is a basic javascript object.

Opening the settings layer

If you require a link/button to open the cookie settings (2nd layer), you can use the content element "Cookieconsent Toggle".

It is also possible to manually render its template:

    <?= $this->insert('ce_cookieconsent_toggle', [
        'iconClass' => 'fa fa-cookie-bite',
        'label' => 'Cookie Settings',
    ]) ?>

The options are:

Name Description Default
iconClass Optional list of icon classes (ie. Fontawesome).
Leave empty to not render an icon.
fa fa-cookie-bite
label The label of the button $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MCS']['cookieconsent_togglebutton_label']


Within the Backend module Category you can edit the list of categories within the 2nd layer. By default you should have at least these three categories, depending on the services you use:

  • Necessary cookies (alias: necessary, ie. PHPSESSID, Contao Token)
  • Analytics (alias: analytics, ie. Google Analytics/Tag Manager)
  • External (alias external, ie. Youtube/Vimeo)

Their aliases are used to enable or disable specific features later on.


Within the Backend module Services/Cookies you can edit the list of services or single cookies within each category.


Each service may have a specific type. Based on the type, the cookieconsent tool will try to block the service (or its cookies) if their superordinate category was not allowed by the user.

Name Description
Dynamic script These are javascript which will be added dynamically from within some other javascript (ie. google analytics)
Local Cookie These are cookies set by your own domain, either through the site request or javascript (ie. PHPSESSID)
Script-Tag These are javascript which are written as script tags within your site (ie. custom theme javascript files)

Note: The automatic blocking through any of these may not always work, as it greatly depends on the services or cookies and how these are set. Therefore below are several way to force block services and or cookies manually:

Blocking analytics

This is for Contao 4.9 and above. If you wish to block analytics and similar. Extend the template analytics_google.html5 and replace this line:

+ $ccChoices = json_decode(html_entity_decode(\Input::cookie('cconsent')));
+ $allowedAnalyticsCookies = $ccChoices !== null && is_object($ccChoices->categories) && is_object($ccChoices->categories->analytics) && $ccChoices->categories->analytics->wanted === true;
- if ($GoogleAnalyticsId != 'UA-XXXXX-X' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$this->hasAuthenticatedBackendUser()): ?>
+ if ($GoogleAnalyticsId != 'UA-XXXXX-X' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$this->hasAuthenticatedBackendUser() && $allowedAnalyticsCookies == true): ?>

This way the analytics and any other code there won't be rendered unless the analytics category was accepted by the user beforehand.

For Contao 4.4

Unfortunately Contao 4.4 has a different caching scheme in comparison to 4.9 and the above if-condition won't work in 4.4 (and perhaps any other versions below 4.9). Instead the condition has to be checked within the Javascript code, therefore the template analytics_google.html5 needs to look like:


 * To use this script, please fill in your Google Analytics ID below
$GoogleAnalyticsId = 'UA-XXXXX-X';

if ($GoogleAnalyticsId != 'UA-XXXXX-X' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$this->hasAuthenticatedBackendUser()): ?>

var ccChoices = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )cconsent=([^;]+)'));
if (ccChoices !== null) {
    try {
        ccChoices = JSON.parse(ccChoices[2]);
    } catch (e) {
        ccChoices = null;
if (ccChoices !== null && typeof ccChoices === 'object' && typeof === 'object' && === true) {

  (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','ga');
  ga('create', '<?= $GoogleAnalyticsId ?>', 'auto');
  <?php if (Config::get('privacyAnonymizeGA')): ?>
    ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);
  <?php endif; ?>
  ga('send', 'pageview');


<?php endif; ?>

Blocking Youtube & Vimeo

The content elements for Youtube and Vimeo will be blocked automatically if the user did not accept cookies for measurement usage. You can edit the block message through the template cookieconsent_blocknotice.html5 and its text through the TL_LANG variables.

Blocking anything else

If you require anything else to be blocked then these if-condition should help. In these examples we check if Analytics services/cookies were accepted by user:


$ccChoices = json_decode(html_entity_decode(\Input::cookie('cconsent')));
$allowedAnalyticsCookies = $ccChoices !== null && is_object($ccChoices->categories) && is_object($ccChoices->categories->analytics) &&
$ccChoices->categories->analytics->wanted === true;

if ($allowedAnalyticsCookies === true) {
    // User allowed cookies of category "analytics"
    // Your php code here

In templates (Note: This will only work in 4.9 and above):

$ccChoices = json_decode(html_entity_decode(\Input::cookie('cconsent')));
$allowedAnalyticsCookies = $ccChoices !== null && is_object($ccChoices->categories) && is_object($ccChoices->categories->analytics) &&
$ccChoices->categories->analytics->wanted === true;

<?php if ($allowedAnalyticsCookies === true): ?>
    // User allowed cookies of category "analytics"
    // Your template code here
<?php endif; ?>

In Javascript:

var ccChoices = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )cconsent=([^;]+)'));
if (ccChoices !== null) {
    try {
        ccChoices = JSON.parse(ccChoices[2]);
    } catch (e) {
        ccChoices = null;
if (ccChoices !== null && typeof ccChoices === 'object' && typeof === 'object' && === true) {
    // User allowed cookies of category "analytics"
    // Your js code here


Copyright 2021 Kreativ&Söhne GmbH (

See LICENSE for more information. See here for licensing information of brainsum/cookieconsent.


Cookieconsent bar with required optin







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