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Releases: Kreogist/Cuties

[Bloodstone] Kreogist Cuties Pre-alpha 1

04 Jan 05:10
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Happy new year!
After the first steady version release of Cuties, we're very happy to see that there're many people interested in Cuties, and they love Cuties. We learnt a lot from the first public Beta release. So today, we're very happy to announce the first pre-alpha version of official released Cuties. This is the first beta version of what the Cuties we thought it should be. It contains 44 new features with more than 50 enhanced. Here're some of them:

New Features

  1. Debug init support.
  2. Welcome screen.
  3. New Preference.
  4. File context auto remember module.
  5. Position remember module.
  6. Console parameters support.
  7. New Multi-language Selector.
  8. Bug Report send added.
  9. Feedback report send added.
  10. Full language support in Feedback and Bug report.
  11. Escape policy init support.
  12. Zoom in/Zoom out init support.
  13. Compile progress basic init.
  14. SAO Style Main Menu Animation.
  15. Full screen features for all platforms.
  16. Mail processing status widget added.
  17. New default code color style.
  18. Add compiler can't find hint.
  19. Partly support Windows GDB.
  20. Initial multi-thread GDB debugging support.
  21. Zoom In/Out support.
  22. Record dock visible status.
  23. Distinguish C and C++ files.
  24. Tab Menu initial support.
  25. SAO Style messagebox support.
  26. Document recorder now can remember scrollbar value.
  27. Messagebox now can support cancel and return value.
  28. Unibody smart panel initial support.
  29. Commpile error show in smart panel.
  30. Number highlight.
  31. Debug goto line function support.
  32. Debug breakpoint add function support.
  33. Debug images added.
  34. Multi-thread Debugging support.
  35. Use a steady cache to output GDB command output.
  36. Delay compile support.
  37. Add preproc data highlight for C/C++
  38. Delay compile enabled switch.
  39. Customize delay compile speed.
  40. Add watch dialog.
  41. Add modify/remove watch function.
  42. Message Box exit animation.
  43. Custom watch support.
  44. Show the last time debug state.


  1. String Analysis to high light source code.
  2. New algorithm to set goto spin box size.
  3. Change Dock font to code font.
  4. Press quotation key can add quotations if there's a selected text.
  5. New delete removeTab Function.
  6. Changed the backspace policy.
  7. Update {} autoIndent policy.
  8. Connect debug menu actions to control items.
  9. New search window show and hide policy.
  10. Update cursor get policy
  11. Update search process policy.
  12. Improve all Animation fluency.
  13. Changed file restore policy, now Cuties won't clear the cache until the next cache.
  14. Changed search cursor saved policy.
  15. Changed Quotation Highlighter policy.
  16. Clear some console includes.
  17. Connect language changed event to every widgets.
  18. Update escape key policy.
  19. New toolbar icons.
  20. Enabled font antialias for all platforms.
  21. Changed history upper bound to 1,000.
  22. Enhanced Document record policy.
  23. Update menu item shortcut.
  24. Clear some image.
  25. Add code level up&down counter.
  26. Update color configures
  27. Update skip comma policy to enhance the command output steady.
  28. Enhanced delay compile animation.
  29. Compile progress policy.
  30. Debug dock retranslate.
  31. Detect file compiled or not before debugging.
  32. Compile dock will appear when it need.
  33. Switch to the tab when Cuties exit the file is still debugging.
  34. Steady GDB Output.
  35. Debugger path relative path support.

Bug Fixed:

  1. Fixed goto spin box size bug.
  2. Fixed parentheses auto complete bug.
  3. Fixed close the new create file won't hint to save bug.
  4. Totally solved langauge crashed bugs.
  5. Fixed crashed bug caused by return null in function getServerName function.
  6. Fixed all the text will be the same line in bug report bug.
  7. Fixed replace function didn't work bug.
  8. Fixed save dialog won't popup bug when the new create file closed.
  9. Fixed the mail server connect timeout bug.
  10. Fixed full screen restore crashed bug in Windows.
  11. Fixed tab key bug.
  12. Fixed menu indicator position bug.
  13. Correct main menu item parent relationship.
  14. Mac OS X Menu bug.
  15. Fixed zoom in/out from 1 pixel size.
  16. Fixed #5 search function bug.
  17. Fixed #6 infinite replace bug.
  18. Fixed online search options cannot save bug.
  19. Fixed search bar and replace bar initial variable bug.
  20. Fixed Debug crashed bug.
  21. Fixed GDB cursor goto the previous line bug.
  22. Fixed Cuties exit when there's file still debugging bug.
  23. Fixed Multi-debugging crashed bug when user do multi-debugging and then cloase all the files and then open a new file.
  24. Fixed GDB infinity output bug.
  25. Fixed crashed bug when there's no GDBController.
  26. Fixed show local list debug crashed bug.
  27. Fixed open file crashed bug when there's not a exsist file in restore cache.
  28. Fixed the integer select list was lock at 99.

Enjoy Cuties with your coke!

Kreogist Dev Team
Jun 4th, 2014

[Birth] Kreogist Cuties Beta 2

12 Oct 12:08
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After the first beta release, we have learnt a lot from those beta and alpha version. Now we are shipping a brand new version of Cuties: Kreogist Cuties 0.1. This is the first stready version of Kreogist Cuties with serval updates. Here're some of them:

New Features:

  1. Support Multi-choices online search engine.
  2. Support auto selected to the default language suffix when opening and saving files.
  3. Support Multi-Tab option.
  4. Provide new Cuties Runner in Windows for waiting execution start.


  1. Support Hide line number panel.
  2. Independent History record as single database file.
  3. Now you can choose to use tab or use space instead of tab.
  4. Re-factor the save process.
  5. New search result colour.
  6. Enhance the search speed and user experience.
  7. Enhanced control center widgets.
  8. A more steady Compile Dock.
  9. Rewrite sidebar.

Bug Fixed:

  1. Fixed the compiler environment variables setting error when compile file.
  2. Fixed the executor launch bug on Windows OS.
  3. Fixed the backspace pressed but the selected text didn't clear bug.
  4. Fixed the search cursor jump bug.
  5. Fixed the file saved failed dialogue pop up bug when user cancel the save process.
  6. Fixed the backspace invalidated bug when user select a section.
  7. Reset the default pascal compiler path.
  8. Fixed the bug when compile a plain text file caused a crash.

Enjoy Cuties!

Kreogist Dev Team
Oct 10th, 2013

[Birth] Kreogist Cuties Alpha 4

21 Sep 01:10
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This is the first alpha release version attaching binaries.
A few bugs fixed and some features enhanced coming with this version.
Please enjoy Cuties!

[Birth] Kreogist Cuties Alpha 3

20 Sep 15:33
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This is the first alpha Release Candidate version of Kreogist Cuties. Enjoy Cuties!

[Birth] Kreogist Cuties Alpha 2

18 Sep 14:44
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The latest minor release of Kreogist Cuties for alpha test.
New Featues:

  1. Added Sidebar.
  2. Simple Help Assistant Documents.
  3. Add Help Assistant Documents.

Functions Improved:

  1. Clipboard history.
  2. Simplify Statusbar Position Display Widget.

[Birth] Kreogist Cuties Alpha 1

17 Sep 10:46
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The first alpha release version of Kreogist Cuties. Here is the summerize of our first release.

  1. Partly supprt SAO Cuties UI.
  2. Support Multi-Tabs Editors.
  3. Support Search.
  4. Support Compile.
  5. Support Auto-Adapt Syntax highlighter.
  6. Support Execute.