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307 lines (225 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

307 lines (225 loc) · 11.1 KB


  • Fix long response time while querying monitor history
  • Fix right-click "Run as Administrator" in Windows


  • Fix CPU load not updating properly
  • Fix native build


  • Properly opt-in to OSHIs load average handling on Windows
  • More robust handling of data directory and fix error in JarLocation


  • Fixes for running on windows
  • Fixed issue with serialization when using docker-java client


  • Support webserver checks
    • Calls a webserver endpoint using GET and checks if response is 200 / OK
    • Calculates uptime based on non-200 responses
    • Added monitor type WEBSERVER_UP
    • API: Check out the WebserverCheck types in monitoring.graphqls


  • Migrated to spring framework instead of Dropwizard.
  • Graal Native Image Docker image option. Significant reduction in RAM usage.
  • Memory monitor now operates based on "used bytes goes above threshold" compared to the old "available bytes goes below threshold" as this is more intuitive.
  • Removed deprecated Disks (Drives still remain)
  • Fixed issue with container statistics history
  • Removed REST-API
  • This release require version 21 of Java


  • Introduces an additional config file:
    • Only required if you want to change ports. Sample config is available in /config in the repository.
  • The user configuration.yml from Dropwizard is still compatible. Look in /config for an up-to-date version.

Graal Native Image

  • RAM usage reduced to around 120-200 MB compared to 600-800 MB running the standard way
  • Native images are distributed under the krillsson/sys-api:native tag on Docker Hub
  • Consider this new variant experimental and sys-API may fail to start with obscure errors. If you encounter this, open an issue.
  • No Raspberry PI support: only builds for amd64 can be provided at this time, as GitHub does not support building for arm64 yet


  • added deletePastEventsForMonitor, closeOngoingEventForMonitor to the GraphQL-API
  • added Monitor.maxValue to the GraphQL-API. Useful when displaying monitored value in a graph.
  • added start value to past events
  • Container metrics support
    • metricsForContainer(id) for near realtime metrics
    • containerMetricsHistoryBetweenTimestamps(id, from, to) for history
    • added monitor types for container cpu load and container memory usage
  • Performance updates that should result in lower CPU usage
  • Tweaked JVM parameters for performance (update your docker-compose.yml)


  • fix NPE when querying ContainerNetworkSettings while using podman in rootless mode


  • Disabled admin interface in configuration.yml
  • Support specifying custom docker host (such as podman). See docker section in configuration.yml
  • Fixed: "System has not been booted with systemd as init system"...


  • Fixed: historyBetweenDates query throwing error
  • Fixed: db locking issue due to SQLite only allowing one simultaneous connection



  • List and manage system daemon services (start, stop, reload etc.)
    • From docker: requires new volume mounts. See docker-compose.yml
    • From docker: only works on host systems with systemd
  • Read system daemon journal logs
    • Same notices as above


  • List and manage services (start, stop, pause etc.)
    • Not supported from within Docker
  • Read event logs
    • Same notice as above
  • Updates to OpenHardwareMonitor integration to fix CPU metrics

Other features

  • Read log files from a directory (see sample in configuration.yml)
  • Add one, five and fifteen LoadAverages to GraphQL-API.
  • Add monitors for load averages
  • Add support for automatic port forwarding using UPnP-IGD.
  • Generic events concept
    • Update available on GitHub
    • Monitored item disappeared

Under the hood

  • Query networkInterface and fileSystem by ID
  • Query container, system daemon service and windows service by name
  • More fine-grained control over periodic tasks


  • Fixed: querying network interfaces on Windows takes too long
  • Fixed: Docker client timeout being unreasonably long (3m)


  • Fix id field being empty for some Filesystems
    • Stability and uniqueness cannot be guaranteed. Duplicates will be discarded.


  • Fixed: CPU load and CPU core load freezing after a while for real this time.
  • Resolved issue where periodic tasks stopped executing
  • Provide ID's for FileSystems
  • Fixed: monitored items that disappear causes requests to fail when querying their value


  • History is now stored in a SQLite file.
  • Enabling storage of significantly more history and circumventing storing it in memory
  • Docker image for arm64 architecture
  • Improved handling of build-date and version in the API
  • Add support for mDNS on local network. Making it easier for client discover the server.
  • Fixed: not all disks and filesystems show up. This deprecates Drives and introduces separate Disks and FileSystems.
    • Changes to sample docker-compose.yml on how to expose hdd's for monitoring
  • Fixed: CPU load and CPU core load freezing after a while


  • Fix issue with adding memory monitors
  • Fix issue with querying speed on NIC's
  • Made some improvements to docker-compose file
  • Latest OSHI dependency


  • Fix issue with adding numerical monitors
    • java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer incompatible with java.lang.Long at com.krillsson.sysapi.graphql.scalars.LongCoercing.serialize
  • Fix ongoing events not stopping properly


GraphQL API Breaking changes

The monitors API have been rebuilt for better type-safety.

  • Adds connectivity check and external IP functionality
  • Several new monitors:
    • Connectivity (opt-out in configuration.yml)
    • Drive read/write rate
    • Network upload/download rate
    • External IP changed
    • Process CPU usage
    • Process memory usage
    • Process died (pid disappeared)
  • Monitors now have three subgroups
    • Numerical: positive integer values such as Bytes, Temperature, etc
    • Fractional: percentage values such as CPU utilization
    • Conditional: either or values such as network up/down or connected/disconnected
  • Monitors now have currentValue and history fields
  • Read logs from a container
  • To prepare for dockerization of sys-API:
    • configuration.yml now lives in config/ sub-directory
    • json database files as well as keystore files in data/ sub-directory

if you are migrating from v0.16.0 or earlier, simply move history.json, monitors.json, events.json and keystorewww.jks to data/ directory

it is recommended to re-apply your configuration changes anew in the new configuration.yml rather than re-using your old one


  • Support for generating self-signed certificate for increased privacy
    • Certificate names are pre-populated with external and internal IP's by default
    • See selfSignedCertificates in configuration.yml
    • Please note that this feature is not a substitution for properly signed certificates. It is only there to lower the barrier of entry to https.


  • Fix issues with docker-java


  • Reverts standalone image
  • Reverts to Java 8 for now

Sorry for the confusion


  • Requires java 11 jre
  • Docker support! Opt-in by enabling in configuration.yml
  • Persist history to save memory
  • History no longer include running processes (it was taking up too much space)
  • Added monitors for individual process memory and cpu loads
  • Now shipped as a standalone runtime (embedded jre)
  • Update OSHI dependency
  • Fixed a few serialization errors in GraphQL layer


REST API Breaking changes

  • Optimize GraphQL layer
  • Convert more classes to Kotlin
  • Fix paths for OHMJNIWrapper
  • More robust way of calculating processor utilization


REST API Breaking changes

  • Migrated project to Gradle
  • Add PhysicalMemory to MemoryInfo
  • Remove as much nullability from GraphQL schema as possible
  • Events persistence
  • Update dependencies


  • Migration to Kotlin
  • GraphQL support
  • Events persistence


  • Dates are now serialized as: 2019-02-04T22:08:42.048+01:00
  • Latest dropwizard
  • Added GET /monitors/{id}/events endpoint (get events for a monitor)


REST API Breaking changes

  • OSX: Fixes related to drives migrated to APFS
  • Network speed is now included in NetworkInterface object (/system/ & /nics/)
  • Drive object now has a sizeBytes property (/system/ & /drives/)
  • /system/load now includes top ten memory consuming processes by default. Configurable via query parameter.
  • Every /history/ endpoint now has optional query parameters to limit the output. E.g: v2/system/load/history?fromDate=2018-09-23T15:11:55.661&toDate=2018-09-23T15:21:25.659


Lot's of new features! And unfortunately an REST API breaking release.


  • Monitoring
  • Split static information from system load information
  • Load history
  • Caching of values so that each server call does not mean a system call
  • Latest dropwizard and OSHI
  • More flexible configuration of polling and caching

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • Network tx/rx and Disk r/w are now fetched from OpenHardwareMonitor on Windows
  • Add support for hot reloading SSL certs (i.e Let's Encrypt) Guide

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • New feature: GET /CPU/ now returns detailed load per core
  • The deliverable now includes a Postman collection that covers most of the functionality of the API
  • Fixes issue where APFS storage did not have a OSFileStore
  • Updated Dropwizard, OSHI and Jackson

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • Fix bug where osFileStore was sometimes missing from JSON payload
  • Updated Dropwizard and OSHI

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • Changed information source from Sigar to OSHI
  • Better calculation of speed (nic dl/upl, disk r/w)
  • GUI version is now included

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • Support for Raspberry Pi
  • Added id's to Filesystems

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • Added GET /meta/version and GET /meta/pid
  • GET /cpu/ now includes process statistics
  • Fixed nasty crash in Sigar
  • Fixed NullReferenceException in OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • Added OpenHardwareMonitor support on Windows
  • Added configuration option to forward HTTP requests to HTTPS

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change


  • This is the first release of System Api. Keep in mind that this is a very early version.

Please keep in mind that the API is still in it's early stages and is subject to change