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A basic PHP script to ensure certain processes stay alive.

The script is configured by a JSON file that supports templates and minimalistic syntax.


  1. Extract the files in a directory of choice
  2. Create localSettings.json in the same directory, following the example below.
  3. Run php stillalive.php at a regular interval (e.g. from crontab).

Command line options

Usage: php stillalive.php [options]

   --verbose   Output extra information
       --dry   Dry run (don't actually execute any tasks)
 --pool=<id>   Only run tasks in this pool



Using {curly braces} one can make placeholders that will be replaced with the values from properties in the parameters object.

Curly braces containing characters that don't refer to a known parameter are left untouched.

Whitespace around the identifier is optional and trimmed.


This is the default directory that scripts will be executed in. Can be overridden for individial tasks.


The Task represent a process that is or should be running.

All properties (except for cmd) are optional.


	"cmd": "node awesome-server.js --ratio 1.2",
	// Switch to this directory before executing the command
	// Default: settings.cwd
	"cwd": "/opt/awesome-server",

	// Used to identify the process in `ps aux`
	// Default: this.cmd
	// You can customise this in case the cmd spawns another
	// process, or in case you want to be able to change the
	// parameters while still identiying the old process.
	"match": "node awesome-server.js"

	// Temporarily ignore a task by disabling it.
	// In that case stillalive won't start it if it stops.
	// It will keep existing processes running, however.
	"disabled": false,

As shortcut, if a Task only has the cmd property, you may set the Task to be just a string and stillalive will automatically convert it to an object with a cmd property.


Each Template has an id. A template is a Task with additional placeholders that are not listed in parameters.

The following words must not be used as template parameters:

  • cmd
  • cwd
  • match
  • disabled
  • group (reserved for future use)


In the template-tasks we use Templates to generate extra Tasks. This list is keyed by template id and contains arrays with parameters for each template.

The example makes it easier to understand.


So, all in all, this is that it can look like:

	"parameters": {
		"alice": "/opt/alice",
		"alice-bin": "{ alice }/bin",
		"alice-log": "/var/log/alice",

		"bob": "/opt/bob",
		"bob-bin": "{ bob }/bin",
		"bob-log": "/var/log/bob"
	"cwd": "/home/stillalive",
	"tasks": [
		"{alice-bin}/init --filter foo > {alice-log}/foo.log",
		"{alice-bin}/init --filter bar > {alice-log}/bar.log",
		"{alice-bin}/init --filter baz > {alice-log}/baz.log",
			"cwd": "/tmp",
			"cmd": "{ alice-bin }/init --filter quux > { alice-bin }/quux.log",
			"disabled": true
	"templates": {
		"bob-init": {
			"cwd": "/tmp",
			"cmd": "{ bob-bin }/init --filter { filter } > { bob-log }/{ filter }.log"
	"template-tasks": {
		"bob-init": [
			{ "filter": "foo" },
			{ "filter": "bar" },
			{ "filter": "baz" },
			{ "filter": "quux", "disabled": true }


If you need to devide the tasks in groups (e.g. different servers, different intervals, different permissions, etc.) then you can use the pool property in a Task.

By default a task is in an unnamed pool. This way you don't "leak" tasks without a pool into all other pools.

Pool must should be of type string.

For example, given:

  • Task A, B and C.
  • Task A has no pool. Task B and C are in pool p1.
  • $ stillalive ensures task A
  • $ stillalive --pool=p1 ensures task B and C.


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