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KuStarter $KUST 🚀


A new and innovative launchpad for projects on the KuCoin Community Chain.


NodeJS & Yarn.

If you use nvm (which you should), first run nvm use, then npm install -g yarn.

Copy .env.example to .env and fill it as required.

Run Tests

yarn install
yarn run test

Deploy Contracts

yarn run deploy

Deployed Addresses

Contract Contract address
DAOFundTimelock 0xE7c23814688588f24fc6C2EfB3035ac3f063f428
StakingRewardsTimelock 0x1cEc6dF31A92518c9158cF34Ea3165bC833F9aef
LPMiningRewardsTimelock 0xe5E8a5b16995e863A388B85179a97aaB555eeEB8
Presale 0xaf38a208A4A69D01830f28e4D20cBfd4CB348874
KuStarterToken 0xfC56A7E70F6c970538020cc39939929b4d393F1F
SaleVesting 0x3284B8D9de9E086666E18774436563803A8eB092
MarketingVesting 0xA9Dd371e282BE572426bDca50F16854Fe41b2983
DevelopmentVesting1 0x6549B81Fd6ed83Bb12f072EC4ddBA1233f0d143b
DevelopmentVesting2 0x3285b13Da0FEf2Df24bB46c0Dc25Ce92e453e226

Important Transactions:

Directory Structure

├── .vscode                 # Project setup to work with VS Code nicely
├── contracts               # Contracts for KuStarter
│   └── test                # Contracts only used for tests, never deployed to production
├── scripts                 # Hardhat scripts (e.g. deployments)
├── test                    # Automated tests
├── utls                    # Miscellaneous utility files
├── .env.example            # env vars
├── .nvmrc                  # used by nvm to easily use required node version
├── hardhat.config.js       # Hardhat config with KCC networks setup
├── package.json            # The usual for Yarn

Koffeeswap Resources

utils/KoffeeSwapRouter.abi.json taken from as there is no NPM package