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Project Streetscapes


Jarno Voogd

Remco Kuckelkorn


Streetscapes is a project developed by Maarten Groen a HvA student. The goal of the project is to find similiar places all over the globe using AI. We were asked to further develop the application by using different sources of data that can be used to compare to other places, with a focus on Amsterdam, Netherlands. With this new data we had to make an application which is this project.


Our concept is focused on the different areas ("wijken" in dutch) and subareas ("buurten" in dutch) in Amsterdam. Combined with data about the housing situation of the people living in those areas. Data about the distrubition of the houses, how many are privately owned, owned by a rental corporation or privately owned but are being rented. Other data about how the density of residential housing is and how many households are living there. The concept is about showing that data and hopefully the project partner has some newfound data that can be used in his own application.

Tech stack


For this application the basis consist of just plain HTML and CSS with the use of vanilla javascript to fetch the data from an API. The API is provided by the municipality of Amsterdam. If for whatever reason they decide to remove the data we are using the application will probably break.

D3 Library

D3 is a javascript library that manipulates the DOM. It uses your data to for instance make awesome interactive data visualisations.

link to D3 library

Leaflet library and mapbox

Leaflet is a javascript library with the focus on creating maps and visualising data within them. It uses geoJSON to draw any shape, these shapes can be styled and manipulated in an infinite amount of ways.

link to Leaflet library

link to mapbox


This application requires no detailed installation guide. One can just simply clone this repository, setup your own liveserver and then start using the application.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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