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Golang Client Library for Affiliate Integration


Instantiate the client as below, being URL the Kueski API hosting, and the API/secret keys the credentials provided for each service.

client := kueski.NewClient(url, apiKey, secretKey)

You should call client.Evaluate(curp, email, fullData), being curp and email a valid formatted string for each value, and fullData a struct containing any extra data about the lead that you may want to pass to Kueski. This data should be able to be marshaled to JSON, and in the future might help Kueski decide if they want the lead or not.

requestID, err := client.Evaluate(curp, email, fullData)

if (err != nil) {

doSomethingWithTheResponse(requestID, curp, email)

The Evaluate function will return the request ID (for tracking purposes) as string and an error code (if any). Error codes can be resolved to string invoking the String() function.

Below you can find the list of available error codes. Those marked with an * means that this case is handled successfully by the library.

ErrorCode ErrorNumber Description
InvalidCurp 1 CURP format is invalid
InvalidEmail 2 Email format is invalid
InvalidCurpAndEmail 3 Both CURP and email formats are invalid
InvalidFullDataFormat 4 Full data contains non JSON serializable data
InvalidRequestID 5 Request ID turned invalid *
InvalidFullDataAndRequestID 6 Both full data and request ID are invalid
RequestIDNotFound 7 Request ID is not found in Kueski database
MissingCurp 11 CURP is missing *
MissingEmail 12 Email is missing *
MissingCurpAndEmail 13 Both CURP and Email are missing *
MissingCurpInvalidEmail 14 CURP is missing and Email is invalid *
MissingEmailInvalidCurp 15 Email is missing and CURP is invalid *
MissingFullData 16 Full data is nil
MissingRequestID 17 Request ID is missing when validated *
MissingFullDataAndRequestID 18 Request ID and full data are missing *
MissingFullDataInvalidRequestID 19 Full data is nil and Request ID is invalid *
MissingRequestIDInvalidFullData 20 Request ID is missing and full data is non serializable *
UnableToMakeConnection 21 Kueski host is unreachable
LeadEvaluationMalformedRequest 22 Request for Lead Evaluation is malformed *
InvalidLeadEvaluationResponseFormat 23 Lead evaluation returned an error 500
LeadDataMalformedRequest 24 Request for Lead Data is malformed *
InvalidLeadDataResponseFormat 25 Lead Data returned an error 500
ErrorNotIdentifiedFromAPI 26 Kueski API returned a non recognized validation error
AccessDenied 31 Any of API/Secret key are disabled or invalid
InvalidJWTResponseFormat 32 Response from JWT request is malformed *
UnableToRefreshJWT 33 Kueski host is unreachable
InvalidSignatureFormat 34 Authentication signature is malformed *
ExpiredJWTToken 35 Token is expired and unable to renew, a retry is needed
ExistingLead 41 Evaluated lead exists in Kueski database
DuplicatedLead 42 An evaluation with any of the CURP or email has been performed before
GeneralError 99 Generic error, it indicates an error in the library


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Ernesto Espinosa - Developer - enchf
  • Karol Gutierrez - Developer - karol22

Special Thanks


Golang Client Library for Affiliate Integration







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