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Special thanks

This manual is for thanking those who with their time and support, in large or small measure, have helped that this framework is better every day. The community surrounding KumbiaPHP, with their questions, notifications of errors (Bug's), contributions, issues, etc., all them thanks!.

About the Manual

KumbiaPHP book tries to communicate everything that this framework can help in your daily work as a developer. It allows you to discover all aspects of KumbiaPHP and learn because KumbiaPHP can be the tool that was waiting to begin to develop your project. This book is in continuous development, graphic design, spelling and grammar review, content, etc. As is the case with the framework, by which it is advisable to always have the latest version.

This version of the manual has changed a lot from the previous. Thanks to the community, issues that were repeated in the group, in the forum and in the chat have been resolved. The misuse of the MVC was also detected, and the OOP facilities were not used. An attempt to improve those recurrent points of inquiry, as well as to improve the understanding of use, so that they believe best and more maintainable applications.

About KumbiaPHP

KumbiaPHP is a Latin product to the world. Program should be as good as dancing and KumbiaPHP is a dance, a dance for programming. KumbiaPHP is a framework of free use under license new BSD. Therefore, you can use KumbiaPHP for your projects if you have in mind the license. We recommend that you always use stable versions and the most recent possible, since corrections, new features and other interesting improvements are included.

About the community

KumbiaPHP is formed mostly by Hispanic/Latino people community, from which is born a framework fully in Spanish. And where lies your biggest difference from other frameworks that are natively, Anglo-Saxon. On the other hand has tried to, over time, provide new communication systems, so there is a mailing list, Forum, a WiKi and IRC channel. We hope that all this will make that community is an important and vital part to enrich and improve KumbiaPHP. You can find more information in the KumbiaPHP-official web site

Why use KumbiaPHP Framework?

Many people ask how is this framework?, another one?, will it be easy? What about powerful? etc. So here are some reasons to use KumbiaPHP:

  • It is very easy to use (Zero-Config). Getting started with KumbiaPHP is too easy, is just unzip and start working, this philosophy is also known as "Convention over configuration".
  • It speeds up the work, create a very functional application with KumbiaPHP is a matter of hours or minutes, so we can give pleasure to our customers without affecting our time. Thanks to the multiple tools that provides the framework to expedite the work we can do more in less time.
  • Separate the presentation logic, one of the best practices of Web-oriented development is to separate the logic of the data and the presentation, with KumbiaPHP is easy to apply the pattern MVC (model, view, controller) and make your applications easier to maintain and scale.
  • Reduction in the use of other languages, thanks to the Helpers and other patterns as ActiveRecord we avoid the use of HTML and SQL languages (in lower percentage). KumbiaPHP does this for us, manage code more clear, natural and with fewer errors.
  • Speak Spanish and English! Documentation, error messages, files settings, community, developers speak Spanish!, with this we have to understand, as with other frameworks that we stand cross hands because we can not ask for help.
  • KumbiaPHP learning curve is very short, and if to this we add experience in the management of object oriented programming, will be more rapid.
  • It looks like a game, without realizing we apply design patterns; design patterns are tools that facilitate the work doing abstraction, reducing code, or making it easier to understand the application. When you work with KumbiaPHP you apply many patterns and ultimately give account which were easier to use than you think.
  • Free software, you don't have to worry about licensing nothing, KumbiaPHP promotes learning communities, knowledge belongs to everyone and everyone knows how to use it better.
  • Robust applications, did not know that I had one?. Today's applications day require robust architectures. KumbiaPHP provides an architecture that is easy to learn and implement, without complicating us with concepts and without sacrificing quality.

What does KumbiaPHP?

KumbiaPHP is an effort to produce a framework that will help to reduce the development time of a web application without producing effects on developers, based on key principles, we always remember.

  • KISS "keep it simple, stupid" (Keep It Simple, Stupid).
  • DRY don't you repeat, English Don't Repeat Yourself, also known as once and only one.
  • Convention over configuration.
  • Velocity and performance.

Furthermore, KumbiaPHP is based on the following premises:

  • Easy to learn.
  • Easy to install and configure.
  • Multi-platform
  • Ready for commercial applications.
  • Simple for most projects but flexible for more complex cases.
  • Support current web applications.
  • Support the best practices and patterns of programming.
  • Program easy maintenance applications.
  • Open Source

The main thing is to produce applications that are practical for end users and not just for the programmer. The majority of work that removed the developer time should be automated by KumbiaPHP, so you can focus on the business of your application logic. We should not reinvent the wheel each time that a new software project front.

To meet these objectives KumbiaPHP is written in PHP5. It has also been tested in real-world applications that work in various areas with a variety of demand and functionality. It is compatible with the current available databases most used:

  • MySQL.
  • PostgreSQL.
  • Oracle.
  • SQLite.

KumbiaPHP object model is used in the following layers:

Common features of Web applications that are automated by KumbiaPHP:

  • Templates (TemplateView).
  • Validation and persistence of forms.
  • Cache Management.
  • Scaffolding.
  • Front Controller.
  • AJAX interaction
  • Generation of forms.
  • Security.