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Releases: Kurinku-Studios/FNF-Forward-Launcher

1.2 Alpha Release

14 Jul 16:26
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Bug Fixes:

Issue #27

Some mods like Ruria would crash after launching from FLauncher. This has been fixed by carrying the mod onto a new thread.

New Features:

Feature #34

You can now search for mods.


This is a pre-release, and not all features planned for 1.2 is in this version.


  • If you are updating a version that already exists on your computer, please use the application manager to remove the old version first, as the installer will not work otherwise.

  • On Windows systems, you may find that it gets detected as a virus. To install anyway click "More info" and then "Install anyway". Windows detects it as a virus as the installer has no "publisher", this has been fixed in the next update

Additional Bug Fix Patch

12 Jul 19:25
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Get the newest version from here

Bug Fixes:

Issue #17

Fixed Multiple downloads cause the second mod's download indicator (percentage and progress bar) to break. (Thanks to @mosemister)


If you are updating a version that already exists on your computer, please use the application manager to remove the old version first, as the installer will not work otherwise.

Bug Fix Patch

12 Jul 13:59
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Bug Fixes:

Issue #15

Fixed the issue where some mods (Bob, FPS Plus) would crash due to Value Errors.
This was caused by these mods having their assets and executables in a subfolder (inside of the zip), causing the working directory to be wrong.

Issue #16

Fixed the issue where if any mod was downloading, the detailed view screen for a mod (The one with fancy background) would not let you launch or download any mod.
This was caused by a poorly written check for if a mod was currently downloading or not.

Still Known Bugs

Issue #17

Multiple downloads cause the second mod's download indicator (percentage and progress bar) to break. This issue still persists due to reasons we don't know and is planned to be fixed in 1.2. This does not impair the download, so simply just wait.


If you are updating a version that already exists on your computer, please use the application manager to remove the old version first, as the installer will not work otherwise.


09 Jul 19:58
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