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Template repository showing how to be a good Java Spring Boot citizen in a k8s cluster.

A good citizen

Below is a set of recommendations for being a good service. The recommendations are not tied to a specific language or framework.

  1. Configuration through environment variables.
  2. Expose readiness endpoint
  3. Expose endpoint that Prometheus can scrape
  4. Be stateless
  5. Support multiple instances
  6. Always be in a releasable state
  7. Automate build and deployment.

Some of above recommendations are heavily inspired by It is recommended read for more inspiration and further details. Some points go further than just being a good service and also touches areas like operations.

Getting started


Above does a search/replace in relevant files.



The service is listening for connections on port 8080.

Spring boot actuator is listening for connections on port 8081. This is used as prometheus scrape endpoint and health monitoring.

Prometheus scrape endpoint: http://localhost:8081/actuator/prometheus
Health URL that can be used for readiness probe: http://localhost:8081/actuator/health


Documentation of the API is build as a separate Docker image. Documentation is build using Swagger. The documentation image is post-fixed with -documentation. The file documentation/docker/compose/docker-compose.yml contains a setup that starts both the service and documentation image. The documentation can be accessed at http://localhost/test and the service can be called through the Swagger UI.

In the docker-compose setup is also an example on how to set custom endpoints for the Swagger documentation service.


Environment variable Description Required
JDBC_URL JDBC connection URL Yes
JDBC_PASS JDBC password Yes
LOG_LEVEL Log Level for applikation log. Defaults to INFO. No
LOG_LEVEL_FRAMEWORK Log level for framework. Defaults to INFO. No
CORRELATION_ID HTTP header to take correlation id from. Used to correlate log messages. Defaults to "x-request-id". No
MAIL_HOST SMTP Relay host Yes
MAIL_PORT SMTP Relay port. Defaults to port 587 No
MAIL_USER SMTP Relay username Yes
MAIL_PASSWORD SMTP Relay password Yes
MAIL_FROM From address when sending mails. Yes
STATUS_UPDATE_BODY_TEMPLATE Template to use for body in status update mails. Yes
STATUS_UPDATE_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE Template to use for subject in status update mails. Yes
ADAPTER_API_KEY API Key to use in adapter API. Yes
JWT_SIGNING_KEY Path to public key in PEM format that was used to sign JWT tokens. Yes
ALLOWED_ORIGINS Allowed origins. Normally set to frontend endpoint. Yes
BASE_URL Base URL for frontend application. Yes
CHECK_MESSAGES_FREQUENCY Frequency for how often it is checked if there are messages to send out. E.g. PT5S = every 5 seconds. Yes