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Add circleci-analyze script (pytorch#485)
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malfet committed Aug 10, 2020
1 parent 361c0f5 commit d2e01f4
Showing 1 changed file with 266 additions and 0 deletions.
266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions analytics/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
from datetime import datetime, time
import json
import requests
import itertools
import sqlite3
import os
import sys
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Dict

def get_executor_price_rate(executor):
(etype, eclass) = executor['type'], executor['resource_class']
assert etype in ['machine', 'docker', 'macos', 'runner'], f'Unexpected type {etype}'
if etype == 'machine':
return {
'medium': 10,
'large': 20,
'xlarge': 100,
'2xlarge': 200,
'gpu.medium': 160,
'gpu.large': 320,
'gpu.small': 80,
'windows.medium': 40,
'windows.large': 120,
'windows.xlarge': 210,
'windows.2xlarge': 500,
'windows.gpu.nvidia.medium': 500,
'gpu.nvidia.small': 160,
'gpu.nvidia.medium': 240,
'gpu.nvidia.large': 1000,
if etype == 'macos':
return {
'medium': 50,
'large': 100,
if etype == 'docker':
return {
'small': 5,
'medium': 10,
'medium+': 15,
'large': 20,
'xlarge': 40,
'2xlarge': 80,
'2xlarge+': 100,
if etype == 'runner':
return {
'pytorch/amd-gpu': 0,
raise RuntimeError(f'Undefined executor {etype}:{eclass}')

price_per_credit = 6e-4

def get_circleci_token() -> str:
token_file_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.circleci_token')
token = os.getenv('CIRCLECI_TOKEN')
if token is not None: return token
if not os.path.exists(token_file_path):
raise RuntimeError('Can not get CirclCI token neither from CIRCLECI_TOKEN environment variable, nor via ~/.circleci_token file')
with open(token_file_path) as f:

class CircleCICache:
def __init__(self, token, db_name='circleci-cache.db'):
file_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
self.url_prefix = ''
self.session = requests.session()
self.headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Circle-Token': token,
self.db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_folder, db_name))
self.db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS jobs(slug TEXT NOT NULL, job_id INTENER NOT NULL, json TEXT NOT NULL);')
self.db.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS jobs_key on jobs(slug, job_id);')

def _get_paged_items_list(self, url: str, params = {}, item_count: Optional[int] =-1) -> List:
rc, token, run_once = [], None, False
def _should_quit():
nonlocal run_once, rc, token
if not run_once:
run_once = True
return False
if token is None: return True
if item_count is None: return True
return item_count >= 0 and len(rc) >= item_count

while not _should_quit():
if token is not None: params['page-token'] = token
r = self.session.get(url, params = params, headers = self.headers)
j = r.json()
if 'message' in j:
raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to get list from {url}: {j["message"]}')
token = j['next_page_token']
return rc

def get_pipelines(self, project='github/pytorch/pytorch',branch=None, item_count=None) -> List:
return self._get_paged_items_list( f'{self.url_prefix}/project/{project}/pipeline', {'branch': branch} if branch is not None else {}, item_count)

def get_pipeline_workflows(self, pipeline) -> List:
return self._get_paged_items_list(f'{self.url_prefix}/pipeline/{pipeline}/workflow')

def get_workflow_jobs(self, workflow, should_cache = True) -> List:
c = self.db.cursor()
c.execute("select json from workflows where id=?", (workflow,))
rc = c.fetchone()
if rc is not None:
return json.loads(rc[0])
rc = self._get_paged_items_list(f'{self.url_prefix}/workflow/{workflow}/job')
if should_cache:
self.db.execute("INSERT INTO workflows(id, json) VALUES (?, ?)", (workflow, json.dumps(rc)))
return rc

def get_job(self, project_slug, job_number) -> Dict:
c = self.db.cursor()
c.execute("select json from jobs where slug=? and job_id = ?", (project_slug, job_number))
rc = c.fetchone()
if rc is not None:
return json.loads(rc[0])
r = self.session.get(f'{self.url_prefix}/project/{project_slug}/job/{job_number}', headers = self.headers)
self.db.execute("INSERT INTO jobs(slug,job_id, json) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (project_slug, job_number, json.dumps(rc)))
return rc

def get_jobs_summary(self, slug='gh/pytorch/pytorch', workflow='build') -> Dict:
r = requests.get(f'{self.url_prefix}/insights/{slug}/workflows/{workflow}/jobs', headers = self.headers)
rc = dict()
for item in r.json()['items']:
rc[item['name']] = item
return rc

def get_jobs_summary(self, slug='gh/pytorch/pytorch', workflow='build') -> Dict:
r = requests.get(f'{self.url_prefix}/insights/{slug}/workflows/{workflow}/jobs', headers = self.headers)
rc = dict()
for item in r.json()['items']:
rc[item['name']] = item
return rc

def get_job_timeseries(self, job_name, slug='gh/pytorch/pytorch', workflow='build') -> List:
r = requests.get(f'{self.url_prefix}/insights/{slug}/workflows/build/jobs/{job_name}', headers = self.headers)
return [(datetime.fromisoformat(x['started_at'][:-1]), x['duration']) for x in r.json()['items'] if x['status'] == 'success']

def aggregate_by_day(series):
rc = {}
for (ts, val) in series:
date = datetime.combine(, time())
valcount = [val, 1.0]
if date not in rc:
rc[date] = valcount
rc[date] = [sum(x) for x in zip(rc[date], valcount)]
return [(x, rc[x][0] / rc[x][1]) for x in sorted(rc.keys())]

def plot_graph(name_filter=None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

ci_cache = CircleCICache(token=get_circleci_token())
summary = ci_cache.get_jobs_summary()
test_jobs = [ name for name in summary.keys() if name.startswith('pytorch') and 'test' in name]
series = []
labels = []
styles = [f'{color}{style}' for (style,color) in itertools.product(['-','--','-.',':'], ['b','g','r','c','m','y','k'])]
for name in test_jobs:
label=f"{name}(p95 = {int(summary[name]['metrics']['duration_metrics']['p95']/60)} min)"
if name_filter is not None and name_filter not in name:
ts = ci_cache.get_job_timeseries(name)
if len(ts) == 0:
plt.plot(x, y, styles[len(labels)%len(styles)])

def print_line(line: str, padding: Optional[int] =None, newline: bool =True) -> None:
if padding is not None and len(line) < padding:
line += ' '*(padding - len(line))
print(line, end = '\n' if newline else '\r', flush=True)

def fetch_status(branch=None, item_count=50):
isatty = sys.stdout.isatty()
padding = os.get_terminal_size().columns -1 if isatty else None
ci_cache = CircleCICache(token=get_circleci_token())
pipelines = ci_cache.get_pipelines(branch=branch, item_count=item_count)
total_price, total_master_price = 0, 0
for pipeline in pipelines:
revision = pipeline['vcs']['revision']
branch = pipeline['vcs']['branch']
workflows = ci_cache.get_pipeline_workflows(pipeline['id'])
known_job_ids = []
for workflow in workflows:
url = f'{workflow["pipeline_number"]}/workflows/{workflow["id"]}'
if workflow['status'] in ['running', 'not_run', 'failing', 'on_hold']:
print_line(f'Skipping {url} name:{workflow["name"]} status:{workflow["status"]}', newline=not sys.stdout.isatty())
total_credits, test_credits, gpu_credits, wincpu_credits, wingpu_credits = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
jobs = ci_cache.get_workflow_jobs(workflow['id'])
for job in jobs:
job_name, job_status, job_number = job['name'], job['status'], job.get('job_number', None)
if job_status in ['blocked', 'canceled', 'unauthorized', 'running', 'not_run', 'failing']: continue
if job_number is None:
if job_number in known_job_ids:
rerun = True
job_info = ci_cache.get_job(job['project_slug'], job_number)
job_executor = job_info['executor']
resource_class = job_executor['resource_class']
job_on_gpu = 'gpu' in resource_class
job_on_win = 'windows' in resource_class
duration = datetime.fromisoformat(job_info['stopped_at'][:-1]) - datetime.fromisoformat(job_info['started_at'][:-1])
job_credits = get_executor_price_rate(job_executor) * int(job_info['duration']) * 1e-3 / 60
job_cost = job_credits * price_per_credit
total_credits += job_credits
if 'test' in job_name or job_name.startswith('smoke_'):
test_credits += job_credits
elif job_on_gpu:
print(f'Running build job {job_name} on GPU!!!')
if job_on_gpu:
gpu_credits += job_credits
if job_on_win: wingpu_credits += job_credits
if job_on_win and not job_on_gpu:
wincpu_credits += job_credits
print_line(f' {job_name} {job_status} {duration} ${job_cost:.2f}', padding = padding, newline = not isatty)
# Increment totals
total_price += total_credits * price_per_credit
if branch in ['master', 'nightly', 'postnightly', 'release/1.6']:
total_master_price += total_credits * price_per_credit
# skip small jobs
if total_credits * price_per_credit < .1: continue
workflow_status = f'{url} {workflow["name"]} status:{workflow["status"]} price: ${total_credits * price_per_credit:.2f}'
workflow_status += ' (Rerun?)' if rerun else ''
workflow_status += f'\n\t\tdate: {workflow["created_at"]} branch:{branch} revision:{revision}'
workflow_status += f'\n\t\ttotal credits: {int(total_credits)}'
if test_credits != 0:
workflow_status += f' testing: {100 * test_credits / total_credits:.1f}%'
if gpu_credits != 0:
workflow_status += f' GPU testing: {100 * gpu_credits / total_credits:.1f}%'
if wingpu_credits != 0:
workflow_status += f' WINGPU/GPU: {100 * wingpu_credits / gpu_credits:.1f}%'

if wincpu_credits != 0:
workflow_status += f' Win CPU: {100 * wincpu_credits / total_credits:.1f}%'
workflow_status += f' Total: ${total_price:.2f} master fraction: {100 * total_master_price/ total_price:.1f}%'
print_line(workflow_status, padding = padding)

if __name__ == '__main__':
fetch_status(branch='master', item_count=100)
#fetch_status(None, 2000)

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