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chore(release): 1.0.0-next.1 [skip ci]
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## 1.0.0-next.1 (2023-06-10)


* fix pre-release version
* Migrating from dynamics to simulations as is the worldwide adopted term.

This should be the first pre-release of v2

### 📝 Documentation

* **client:** added storybook and Button stories ([787bfa3](787bfa3))

### 🧹 Chore

* add first post ([66f6ec8](66f6ec8))
* add institutions logo ([fc5bb32](fc5bb32))
* add logo for email ([dd0ee45](dd0ee45))
* **client:** add log to mailer ([16f2538](16f2538))
* **client:** restructure components ([323e6be](323e6be))
* deploy scheme ready ([e6a42cd](e6a42cd))
* fix pm2 ecosystem file ([d73014a](d73014a))
* fixes for production ([da24e51](da24e51))
* flower.service -> celery-flower.service, docs on setting up celery ([5eafc63](5eafc63))
* for tests ([2ea6a66](2ea6a66))
* moving deploy to docker ([4058b33](4058b33))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([bed728e](bed728e))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([b33ceb4](b33ceb4))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([0e6da7e](0e6da7e))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([0699e48](0699e48))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([7dfbac3](7dfbac3))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([00c0645](00c0645))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([a05ecb9](a05ecb9))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([66130bb](66130bb))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([e075dde](e075dde))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([e714ff9](e714ff9))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([f5aba4a](f5aba4a))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([a86f1a5](a86f1a5))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([aecca37](aecca37))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([e28b76e](e28b76e))
* pm2 ecosystem file ([976fd15](976fd15))
* remove unneeded console.log ([a9e3264](a9e3264))
* remove unneeded file ([f5ccd7d](f5ccd7d))
* rename acpype test pdb ([b26c593](b26c593))
* **repo:** move to yarn ([b5280e2](b5280e2))
* **repo:** update pnpm-lock ([db547f6](db547f6))
* reworking directories ([eb8066e](eb8066e))
* **tests:** add testfiles ([982e2d5](982e2d5))
* trigger deploy ([f749850](f749850))
* update ecosystem ([5311fda](5311fda))
* update prisma version ([f55bd9c](f55bd9c))
* update readme ([c7562cd](c7562cd))
* update translations ([f0d24e4](f0d24e4))
* **vscode:** always prefer non-relative imports ([7814ca4](7814ca4))

### 🐛 Fixes

* abort task route, improvements on UI and more ([1165112](1165112))
* **acpype | prodrg:** usage of box_distance and ignore ([97cb69f](97cb69f))
* add _npt.gro to results download ([8be8f77](8be8f77))
* add SSL to server ([c5c098c](c5c098c))
* add title to work icon on maintainer card ([8fa963d](8fa963d))
* change redis default port ([1478e2c](1478e2c))
* changed generate routes, added update mdpr route ([4d7b180](4d7b180))
* **client:** 404 page title ([2dfe246](2dfe246))
* **client:** add info about signup ([588ad4f](588ad4f))
* **client:** add spacing in about sections ([7a97449](7a97449))
* **client:** admin cron job fix ([e876cf5](e876cf5))
* **client:** admin sign up request list item behaviour on small screens ([b46f09c](b46f09c))
* **client:** backend url from env ([a84a1e8](a84a1e8))
* **client:** behaviour and style merging ([9d8c732](9d8c732))
* **client:** behaviour on mobile and desktop ([9523855](9523855))
* **client:** blog page not rendering tab title ([395e3ad](395e3ad))
* **client:** cleanup on unused imports on admin approval/reject page ([62c9124](62c9124))
* **client:** color scheme persistence ([465ac29](465ac29))
* **client:** custom 404 page, prodrg force fields ([c7ed6b1](c7ed6b1))
* **client:** disable abort button when the request is running ([fb9271e](fb9271e))
* **client:** disable prisma log query ([1cfa7c5](1cfa7c5))
* **client:** don't use node as edge backend ([7bbb1a6](7bbb1a6))
* **client:** drop multi color theme in favor of light and dark theme ([f5bdc6a](f5bdc6a))
* **client:** duplicated header links ([2afffcb](2afffcb))
* **client:** dynamic card sṕinner color ([7091d5a](7091d5a))
* **client:** fix page viewport on mobile ([2788fbb](2788fbb))
* **client:** font family ([3912c6d](3912c6d))
* **client:** icon size on buttons ([c09080d](c09080d))
* **client:** improve blog managing ([10de12d](10de12d))
* **client:** improve colors ([d121046](d121046))
* **client:** improved select/input border color, fixed future form translation keys ([fee3c74](fee3c74))
* **client:** improvements to breadcrumb ([0fccc0a](0fccc0a))
* **client:** improvements to dynamic related pages ([1618f8f](1618f8f))
* **client:** improvements to layout ([fd4a9b9](fd4a9b9))
* **client:** improvements to mobile UI ([2d2b316](2d2b316))
* **client:** lazy load some default components ([4de545a](4de545a))
* **client:** min height on mobile, link to admin page ([78f63cf](78f63cf))
* **client:** mobile nav lock body scroll ([3b4ed6f](3b4ed6f))
* **client:** move some pages away from getServerSideProps ([9b03c48](9b03c48))
* **client:** reduced usage of useState in forms, built static blogs for all languages ([9470688](9470688))
* **client:** screen scroll, signin error messages ([fbe6b3f](fbe6b3f))
* **client:** search bar wrong color on dark mode ([5bfcca8](5bfcca8))
* **client:** send mail url ([e413957](e413957))
* **client:** sign in form loading state not showing up ([fd377ef](fd377ef))
* **client:** sign up form loading state not showing up ([f9b3e4b](f9b3e4b))
* **client:** smooth transition on dynamic form submit button ([4899a38](4899a38))
* **client:** tailwindcss auto classname sorter ([bdda700](bdda700))
* **client:** type errors and title positioning ([53c342f](53c342f))
* **client:** update main ([8f07e77](8f07e77))
* correct and re-enabled gray color ([ef07c5c](ef07c5c))
* **cron:** don't send email when no inactive users ([c0ca8b7](c0ca8b7))
* disable preload data on running page ([089f96b](089f96b))
* disable preload of my-dynamics ([575dd88](575dd88))
* dockerization almost done ([2a4c2ba](2a4c2ba))
* get initial theme synchronously ([0085537](0085537))
* i18n namespace loading on dynamic forms ([8933cc2](8933cc2))
* improved about page ([6fb771b](6fb771b))
* improvements ([f885bc4](f885bc4))
* instruct users to contact admin for old simulations ([b83f6ee](b83f6ee))
* lockfile, add .env.example ([4c9807d](4c9807d))
* migrate from nextjs-progressbar to next-progress ([62baae0](62baae0))
* minimum python version ([a3ae014](a3ae014))
* missing translations ([4b8e2b3](4b8e2b3))
* mobile navbar positioning, initial theme load ([e0daf89](e0daf89))
* moving thread number to config file ([5af7e96](5af7e96))
* navbar scroll, email sending ([b19a616](b19a616))
* remove unneeded component ([12398cc](12398cc))
* rename admin requests cron job ([7394fe9](7394fe9))
* revert tailwind dark mode enabler ([1561325](1561325))
* running dynamic page should now work ([21734ce](21734ce))
* send mail on dynamic status changed ([922b12a](922b12a))
* server start command ([ac38ebc](ac38ebc))
* **server:** command running pid saving on wrong place ([6e19b0a](6e19b0a))
* **server:** download command list for running and queued dynamics ([3a84a83](3a84a83))
* **server:** download logic ([95d02d0](95d02d0))
* **server:** fix nthreads to 10 ([dc4b249](dc4b249))
* **server:** fixes for admin page to view all running dynamics ([1f106a0](1f106a0))
* **server:** min python 3.9 ([fcf83f6](fcf83f6))
* **server:** not returning command list when requestes ([1c794a2](1c794a2))
* **server:** run server on networ IP ([bcbc78d](bcbc78d))
* **server:** send last log lines reversed ([1fb1965](1fb1965))
* **server:** update default celety services ([a9cda03](a9cda03))
* show loading state on route changing ([0f6631d](0f6631d))
* translations ([5021b51](5021b51))
* update db schema ([d2c21cc](d2c21cc))
* update translations and images ([22f02a1](22f02a1))
* use full baseurl if not development ([d5be1d6](d5be1d6))
* vercel build ([ea6112c](ea6112c))
* vercel build ([641e80b](641e80b))
* vercel build ([687af35](687af35))
* vercel build ([542e9c6](542e9c6))

### ✨ Features

* ability to start APO dynamic ([ba2a914](ba2a914))
* add download archive button ([6603ed7](6603ed7))
* added acpype dynamic, dynamic cancellation ([6cb44ac](6cb44ac))
* added acpype dynamic, improved visuals ([56152f2](56152f2))
* added celery to run dynamics ([2695f41](2695f41))
* added file downloads for dynamics ran on server ([40668fa](40668fa))
* **apps:** added base code for client and server ([c79c56f](c79c56f))
* **client:** a bunch more things ([d9c4efc](d9c4efc))
* **client:** add progressbar on top, and fix loading state on page transition ([55b77d3](55b77d3))
* **client:** added ability to reset password ([c780d68](c780d68))
* **client:** added dynamic breadcrumb, finished running page, started translations ([6528324](6528324))
* **client:** added prodrg page, some fixes to failing api calls ([5246a43](5246a43))
* **client:** admin page to view all running dynamics ([eeddab9](eeddab9))
* **client:** admin request approval/reject page ([8db28aa](8db28aa))
* **client:** authentication done ([d3a9d1b](d3a9d1b))
* **client:** fixes and about page with some initial content ([aa4f646](aa4f646))
* **client:** improved page transitions, translations and components ([cf91a86](cf91a86))
* **client:** improvements to sidebar, animations and loading states ([ef01b75](ef01b75))
* **client:** loading state on auth form, added some content to home page ([f2a7122](f2a7122))
* **client:** re-enabled PRODRG dynamic execution ([add8e05](add8e05))
* **client:** redone layout ([4f55ca7](4f55ca7))
* **client:** signup page ([5e0fe33](5e0fe33))
* **client:** started redoing layout ([c96855a](c96855a))
* **client:** use framer-motion for animations ([60657be](60657be))
* **client:** you can now generate and start a APO dynamic ([be9cb52](be9cb52))
* containerization in progress ([cb720da](cb720da))
* dynamics -> simulations ([#13](#13)) ([a74996e](a74996e))
* mailer ([accd472](accd472))
* **mail:** send mail on admin approval/rejection ([539b81e](539b81e))
* md_pr update ([02afc10](02afc10))
* migrate PRODRG to linux commands ([0fb1f45](0fb1f45))
* move to next-translate instead of next-i18next ([e1dcbf3](e1dcbf3))
* only process molecules with 5000 or less atoms ([234e596](234e596))
* redirect user from vd1 to reset password screen on first login ([4e3d463](4e3d463))
* **server:** added route to get user dynamic run status ([ee3bbac](ee3bbac))
* **server:** big changes on APO dynamic generation and dynamic execution ([6e4f8f9](6e4f8f9))
* **server:** improved the way running data is returne ([15b5307](15b5307))
* **server:** run route now just calls celery process ([2306af0](2306af0))
* updated posts view ([73c3033](73c3033))

### 🔁 CI

* add missing deps ([2b3287f](2b3287f))
* add missing dev dependency ([19745b0](19745b0))
* downgrade semantic-release ([1c089fc](1c089fc))
* fix package manager ([234a8cc](234a8cc))
* fix pre-release version ([4bf8e85](4bf8e85))
* go back to pat ([5f3f97f](5f3f97f))
* i'm losing my mind on this one ([3fa448e](3fa448e))
* trigger release ([0b3c5c0](0b3c5c0))
* trigger release ([72f37d6](72f37d6))
* trigger release ([1ffc1da](1ffc1da))
* trigger release ([6c1e61b](6c1e61b))
* trying again ([d5d41bd](d5d41bd))
* trying again ([7772c26](7772c26))
* trying to fix pnpm ([7bcbd68](7bcbd68))
* trying with PAT ([f1dc773](f1dc773))
* use github token from actions ([f591094](f591094))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Jun 10, 2023
1 parent 1c089fc commit 37a4092
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/client/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "client",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "1.0.0-next.1",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"build": "next build",
Expand Down

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