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MACAW (Molecular AutoenCoding Auto-Workaround) is a cheminformatic tool for Python that embeds molecules in a low-dimensional, continuous numerical space. It also enables the generation of new molecules on specification.

MACAW embeddings are molecular features that can be used as inputs in mathematical and machine-learning models. MACAW embeddings can be used as an alternative for conventional molecular descriptors. The embeddings are fast and easy to compute, variable selection is not needed, and they may enable more accuracte predictive models than conventional molecular descriptors.

MACAW also provides original algorithms to generate molecular libraries and to evolve molecules in silico that meet a desired specification (inverse molecular design). The design specification can be any property or combination of properties that can be predicted for the molecule, such as its octane number or its binding affinity to a protein.

Details about the different algorithms are explained in the MACAW publication.


MACAW requires rdkit 2020.09.4 or later to run, which can be installed using conda:

conda install -c conda-forge rdkit

Alternative methods to install rdkit are given here.

Then run the following command to install MACAW:

pip install macaw_py


Read the documentation on Read the Docs.


The following illustrates some of the main commands in MACAW. Detailed use examples with real datasets are available as Jupyter Notebooks in the MACAW repository.

Molecule embedding

MACAW embedder

Given a list of molecules represented as SMILES strings (smiles), their MACAW embeddings (X) can be obtained as follows:

from macaw import *

mcw = MACAW()
X = mcw.transform(smiles)

Any list of molecules in SMILES format (qsmiles) can be embedded using an existing MACAW object:

X_new = mcw.transform(qsmiles)

The embedder has a variety of parameters that can be tuned to improve results. These include the dimensionality of the embedding (n_components), the number of landmarks used (n_landmarks), the type of molecular fingeprint (type_fp), and the similarity metric (metric). Property values (y_values) can also be provided to the argument Y to improve landmark choice. Other arguments and options available are explained in the documentation.

mcw = MACAW(n_components=20, type_fp='rdk5', metric='Dice', n_landmarks=60)

mcw.fit_transform(smiles, Y=y_values)

The function MACAW_optimus automatically explores a variety of fingeprint type (type_fp) and similarity metric (metric) combinations and returns a recommended embedder ready for use:

mcw = MACAW_optimus(smiles, n_components=20, y=y_values, verbose=True)

Molecule generation

Given an input dataset of molecules in SELFIES format, MACAW's library_maker function will generate a library of molecules around it. The maximum number of molecules to generate is specified with the n_gen parameter, while the spread of the distribution can be controlled with the noise_factor argument. Additional parameters are explained in the function help.

smiles_lib = library_maker(smiles, n_gen=50000, noise_factor=0.3)

Molecule recommendation (inverse design)

MACAW evolver

Given a property of interest, a model f can be trained to predict the property values of different molecules. The model f takes as inputs the features generated by the embedder mcw.

Then, we can evolve and recommend molecules to satisfy a desired property specification value (spec) using the function library_evolver. It takes as input an initial set of molecules (smiles), the featurizer (mcw), the predictive model (f), the desired specification value (spec), the number of molecules ro recommend (n_hits), the number of evolution rounds (n_rounds). Other optional arguments described in the function help.

recommended_smiles = library_evolver(smiles, mcw, f, spec, n_hits=10, n_rounds=8)


MACAW code is distributed under the license specified in the Noncommercial_Academic_LA.pdf file. This license allows free non-commercial use for academic institutions. Modifications should be fed back to the original repository to benefit all users.

Separate evaluation and commercial use licenses are available for businesses. Business users, please contact LBNL Licensing.


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